Hi all, you may already be familiar with Linolium on Pinside. He has created many custom pins including his Frozen themed pin and his amazing pinball 2000 design, "Haunted Cruise." I've actually been able to play both of those tables and boy do I have to say, they play fantastic. Anyway, Linolium and I have been working on a table of our own (off and on for the past few months). This thread will be dedicated to the production of said table (King of the Arcade).
Yesterday we were able to give the table power for the first time. Here is the video:
*3 flippers
*1 diverter
*1 Saucer
*4 Drop targets (Not yet installed)
*1 Scoop
*Spinner (Not yet installed)
*1 Ramp
*4 rollover targets (Not yet installed)
*3 Pop Bumpers
*1 Newton ball
*Ticket roll toy
*Centaur style ball save gate under right flipper.
*6 Stand up targets
*1 Center post
More Pics to come!