In the beginning before Haggis had distributers the Fathom’s were supposedly built and held in storage awaiting a fully loaded shipping container’s.(Paid in full)
Some of the buyers before distribution did not want to pay for the $1700-$2000 charge to have it air shipped.
I believe one container may have shipped by sea. But this was always an option for pre-distro buyers to wait for the free shipping. (Obviously, a bad choice looking back)
Distribution started and some games started showing up at distro’s before the shipping creates ever made it out and before other’s in line received there games. (By air or sea)
The games in the storage? Well I believe we know what happened to them.
Easy to change the game numbers and born on dates and send them.
I do NOT blame distributors. But there is a lot of back story to this whole shit show!
Haggis’s emails are loaded with falsehoods, lies, and deception.
And a bunch of other industry manipulation’s .