(Topic ID: 292168)

Haggis Pinball - 2nd game = Fathom (officially defunct 7/2024)

By FalconPunch

3 years ago

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#9951 46 days ago

In the beginning before Haggis had distributers the Fathom’s were supposedly built and held in storage awaiting a fully loaded shipping container’s.(Paid in full)

Some of the buyers before distribution did not want to pay for the $1700-$2000 charge to have it air shipped.

I believe one container may have shipped by sea. But this was always an option for pre-distro buyers to wait for the free shipping. (Obviously, a bad choice looking back)

Distribution started and some games started showing up at distro’s before the shipping creates ever made it out and before other’s in line received there games. (By air or sea)

The games in the storage? Well I believe we know what happened to them.

Easy to change the game numbers and born on dates and send them.

I do NOT blame distributors. But there is a lot of back story to this whole shit show!

Haggis’s emails are loaded with falsehoods, lies, and deception.
And a bunch of other industry manipulation’s .

#9952 46 days ago
Quoted from mbwalker:

Since the artwork is printed on the plastic, I would think the artwork will eventually let loose. If it's due to a different thermal expansion coefficient of the wood vs. plastic - something has to give.

All of this ‘innovation’ strikes a huge chord with what happened with Ocean Gate. In fact that story, in itself, is relative to Haggis albeit lives being lost. Cocky and self-righteousness doesn’t make any situation better.

#9953 46 days ago
Quoted from bigehrl:

That guy William he interviews is such a mensch. He refused the deposit refund on Centaur from FnO because he felt he made an informed decision, knowing the risks involved. I think that shows a level of integrity and self-awareness that I have an incredible amount of respect for. I recognize that decision isn't for everyone. But I tip my hat.

Owning ones bad decisions has become almost passe hasn't it ? I liked how he said (paraphrasing) "since I own my own business, I'm not going to stick it to another business for my informed risky decisions". I understand its not for everyone, and depending on ones finances could put a major crimp in the bank account not allowing to fall on ones sword. But yeah, he gets it. I respect that.

One takeaway from this fiasco, I am going to ZMeny for all our future pinball purchases. The guy has pretty much done the right thing and stood by his customers, and he gets my dollars and support going forward for that.

#9954 45 days ago

If the claims are accurate about Damian promising pinball machines to employees (and not providing) and underpaid, or non-paid staff, then the way that he has filled out the Report on Company Activities and Property is pretty disappointing

Screenshot_20240805_185621_Adobe Acrobat (resized).jpgScreenshot_20240805_185621_Adobe Acrobat (resized).jpg
#9955 45 days ago

The self-declared assets of Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd, from the date of liquidator appointment, as contained in the "Report on Company Activities and Property" (ROCAP) uploadedon ASIC.... notice that there is no escrow or trust account listed.

The address for the location of all these items is listed as the factory, but the date that the ROCAP is signed by Damian is 22 July 2024 and the factory was emptied of these assets listed by that date. Hopefully this is an administrative error and there is an address that these items are located in.

I hope that the change of value from $114,000 for stock and inventory to $15,000 isn't due to Damian paying $15,000 to liquidators fees and then taking the stock.

..... if any Australian customers were asked by Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd or Damian to transfer money to a BSB and Account different to details listed here, then I would report it to the liquidators, as it wasn't a Haggis pinball bank account. I hope that this didn't happen.

Screenshot_20240805_191538_Adobe Acrobat (resized).jpgScreenshot_20240805_191538_Adobe Acrobat (resized).jpg

#9956 45 days ago


#9957 45 days ago
Quoted from truemagoo102:

I agree with your points here but why do people keep equating Deeproot with Haggis? One was a investment ponzi scheme with a pinball company attached to it. It never produced a product besides one prototype that didnt work. It was a complete pipe dream with nothing to show for it. The other was a company that did actually ship games, took deposits and then committed fraud by lying to people saying "their game was on the line" and never delivering while also creating a third product just to take even more money in to fraud people.
I guess to me Deeproot was more obvious a scam, Haggis was much more sinister about it. Not to mention it having way more cheerleaders on the sideline.

Who were the big cheerleaders?

#9958 45 days ago
Quoted from Stuieb84:

The self-declared assets of Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd, from the date of liquidator appointment, as contained in the "Report on Company Activities and Property" (ROCAP) uploadedon ASIC.... notice that there is no escrow or trust account listed.
The address for the location of all these items is listed as the factory, but the date that the ROCAP is signed by Damian is 22 July 2024 and the factory was emptied of these assets listed by that date. Hopefully this is an administrative error and there is an address that these items are located in.
I hope that the change of value from $114,000 for stock and inventory to $15,000 isn't due to Damian paying $15,000 to liquidators fees and then taking the stock.
..... if any Australian customers were asked by Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd or Damian to transfer money to a BSB and Account different to details listed here, then I would report it to the liquidators, as it wasn't a Haggis pinball bank account. I hope that this didn't happen.
[quoted image]

That’s a very important detail to share! Very smart

Haggis AccountHaggis Account

#9959 45 days ago

The real-estate agent just updated the listing today as now being leased to a new tenant.

Hag1 (resized).jpgHag1 (resized).jpg

In the listing they had these photo's, not sure if all these items were left behind for the new tenant, or were before Haggis moved in

Hag3 (resized).jpgHag3 (resized).jpg

Hag4 (resized).jpgHag4 (resized).jpg

Hag5 (resized).jpgHag5 (resized).jpg

Hag6 (resized).jpgHag6 (resized).jpg

Hag7 (resized).jpgHag7 (resized).jpg

Hag8 (resized).jpgHag8 (resized).jpg

Hag9 (resized).jpgHag9 (resized).jpg

#9960 45 days ago
Quoted from Tommy-dog:

The playfields are repairable. I glue injection one a few months ago for someone.

Tommy-dog I personally do not believe this is a viable long term solution to the issue, but I would urge you to please post any of your information in the thread that directly addresses the playfield issues and possible repairs


#9961 45 days ago
Quoted from OzPaul:The real-estate agent just updated the listing today as now being leased to a new tenant.
[quoted image]
In the listing they had these photo's, not sure if all these items were left behind for the new tenant, or were before Haggis moved in
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]

Pre-Haggis, the factory on the outside (at least) definitely does not look like this right now.
Saw it today

#9962 45 days ago
Quoted from pookycade:

Owning ones bad decisions has become almost passe hasn't it ? I liked how he said (paraphrasing) "since I own my own business, I'm not going to stick it to another business for my informed risky decisions". I understand its not for everyone, and depending on ones finances could put a major crimp in the bank account not allowing to fall on ones sword. But yeah, he gets it. I respect that.
One takeaway from this fiasco, I am going to ZMeny for all our future pinball purchases. The guy has pretty much done the right thing and stood by his customers, and he gets my dollars and support going forward for that.

Another way for people to support ZMeny for being a good pinball guy would be to subscribe to his Paterion for the pinball show.

#9963 45 days ago
Quoted from OzPaul:

The real-estate agent just updated the listing today as now being leased to a new tenant.
[quoted image]
In the listing they had these photo's, not sure if all these items were left behind for the new tenant, or were before Haggis moved in
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]
[quoted image]

Someone sure had fun with someone else's money.

#9965 45 days ago
Quoted from yancy:Deleted post

my meme got more accurate lol

IMG_4849 (resized).jpegIMG_4849 (resized).jpeg

#9966 45 days ago
Quoted from yancy:Deleted post

What in the actual fuck?


#9967 45 days ago

wait...is this saying Damien is in charge of his own liquidation?

#9968 45 days ago

This is getting crazier and crazier. Nice detective work yancy ! ... Edit: Nevermind, you bastard

#9969 45 days ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

wait...is this saying Damien is in charge of his own liquidation?

No, it's a different firm, but if he's a liquidator, it means he knows all the tricks of the trade, so to speak.

#9970 45 days ago
Quoted from yancy:Deleted post

Let's just all settle down for a moment. Check the spelling of "Damian" vs. "Damien". Not the same person

Also it's a doctored photo. Yancy is trying to be funny

Screenshot_20240806_025110_Excel (resized).jpgScreenshot_20240806_025110_Excel (resized).jpg

#9972 45 days ago
Quoted from John1210:

Btw how is it down there in 5th place on the medal ladder?

What a difference a couple of days make.

#9975 45 days ago
Quoted from Stuieb84:

Also it's a doctored photo

Clearly a coverup; Damian had it removed just like his LinkedIn page. Also nice try misspelling his own name to foil searches.

#9976 45 days ago
Quoted from yancy:Deleted post

So what you’re implying is Damie(a)n sets up bogus companies in obscure industries such as pinball for the sole purpose of then running them into the ground and thus providing guaranteed work for his liquidation company?

Man is a genius.

#9977 45 days ago

OK I'm picking up sarcasm now, but I think its important that we clearly confirm or squash this Damien/Hartsco liquidators thing. So it is fake, right? Like theres no way this is real. Some quick google searches turn up pretty much nothing for me.

#9978 45 days ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

OK I'm picking up sarcasm now, but I think its important that we clearly confirm or squash this Damien/Hartsco liquidators thing. So it is fake, right? Like theres no way this is real. Some quick google searches turn up pretty much nothing for me.

Fake. Yancy was trying to be funny I guess?

#9979 45 days ago
Quoted from ForceFlow:

Fake. Yancy was trying to be funny I guess?

Yancy was mocking everyone here and continues to blame the victims for the fraud that was committed.

#9980 45 days ago
Quoted from ForceFlow:

Fake. Yancy was trying to be funny I guess?

I thought is was funny and creative

#9981 45 days ago

Can we refer to Damian as “Shit Stain” it is so much easier on the eyes..

#9982 45 days ago

Is Gillian’s head in the sand?

#9983 45 days ago

Not so warm and snuggly anymore like the Aussie members here wanted us to think...

Screenshot 2024-03-03 at 6.43.33?PM (resized).pngScreenshot 2024-03-03 at 6.43.33?PM (resized).png
#9984 45 days ago
Quoted from jkashani:

Is Gillian’s head in the sand?

No, he's enjoying his machines so he's good with the situation. "GO HAGGIS!"

#9985 45 days ago
Quoted from Cobray:

Not so warm and snuggly anymore like the Aussie members here wanted us to think...[quoted image]

Damian is a dropbear?? Yea, that explains a lot.

#9986 45 days ago

It is Mr. Shit Stain to you. Thank you very much.

#9987 45 days ago

That Koala pic is throwing off some serious Basement Jaxx "Where's Your Head At" vibes.

#9988 45 days ago
Quoted from Amused_to_Death:

What a difference a couple of days make.

Yeah, that didn't age well at all. As if we would win more gold than the US - even I spat my coffee out at the original comment.

#9989 45 days ago

So it would appear that by "recapitalize" what Damian really meant was "find some sucker ... I mean financially savvy individual ... to give me $3.5M to refinance $2.5M of debt with $1M for additional operating costs and paying loan interest to hopefully stay afloat. $1M of that will of course go directly into my pocket to pay me and my subsidiaries back for all our superb uncompensated effort on behalf of Haggis". He'd probably even be willing to guarantee that all that recapitalization money would be safely secured in an escrow account of course if any part of the process went awry. And lets not forget the IP he'd be handing over to secure the debt allowing the owner to keep making playfields that will require all customers to replace in a few years after they separate.

Gee, wonder why that didn't work, its seems on the surface like such an amazing limited time offer he had available there.

#9990 45 days ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

my meme got more accurate lol
[quoted image]

One correction to the meme, we do not have LLC companies in Australia, we have Proprietary Limited Companies (Pty Ltd).

#9991 45 days ago

looking at that factory all i see is a death spiral of too much overhead.

Same as Deeproot

#9992 45 days ago
Quoted from iceman44:

looking at that factory all i see is a death spiral of too much overhead.
Same as Deeproot

Hey now… at least Robert stole from people less likely to realize they were being scammed.

Haggis, through the power of good intentions, actually delivered some games.

Every collapse of a pinball company is a testament to how lucky we should be for pinball to exist. It’s a ridiculous industry, full of hard work for not that much money, fraught with peril

#9993 45 days ago
Quoted from Mrsiyufy:

Another way for people to support ZMeny for being a good pinball guy would be to subscribe to his Paterion for the pinball show.

Don’t need to support a podcast, just hopes he learns from this fiasco like everyone else involved. I’d consider him as a distributor at some point.

#9994 45 days ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

Hey now… at least Robert stole from people less likely to realize they were being scammed.
Haggis, through the power of good intentions, actually delivered some games.
Every collapse of a pinball company is a testament to how lucky we should be for pinball to exist. It’s a ridiculous industry, full of hard work for not that much money, fraught with peril

Investment advisors gave Robert their clients money they were entrusted with as a Reg D “accredited” investment.

Essentially acknowledging that you have the wherewithal to accept the risk and are of a certain level as an investor.

They didn’t know they were investing in pinball. The promised returns were supported by “insurance and other business”

But hey, who cares about all that now.

Zach guaranteed against bankruptcy right? And he paid the price for that mistake?

It’s really too bad.

#9995 45 days ago

Sadly, we can all now see the *1* reason above all others that killed Haggis - the playfield. If he had of just used a traditional wood playfield, he wouldn't have spent so much time and money re-designing mechs for the different playfield (and God only knows how many playfields that got damaged during assembly or shipping that had to be replaced).

I bought the game IN SPITE OF the playfield - not because of it. It would have been more appealing to me to have a traditional playfield. He would have simply needed to re-design the original Fathom playfield for a modern trough and then the original Fathom mechs could have been used.

I don't credit Jersey Jack very often as he does some stupid things - but at least he was able to reverse and re-do the Hobbit art, reverse and re-do the PotC spinner, etc. ie assess what works and what doesn't and what doesn't justify the expense compared to the benefits. Unfortunately Damien never did that with the playfield between Celts and Fathom.

#9996 45 days ago
Quoted from jkashani:

Is Gillian’s head in the sand?

Don't know about Gillian? I presume you were implying moi? Gilligan

#9997 45 days ago

Wondering what the recapitalization email was all about. He knew with 100% certainty, that know body with a 10' pole would touch this company once they saw the numbers. What did he get out of it? Was he buying for a bit more time to unload the factory....just wondering because he did it for a reason. It's not like he was buying any good will.

#9998 45 days ago
Quoted from Yesh23:

Wondering what the recapitalization email was all about. He knew with 100% certainty, that know body with a 10' pole would touch this company once they saw the numbers. What did he get out of it? Was he buying for a bit more time to unload the factory....just wondering because he did it for a reason. It's not like he was buying any good will.

In failed pinball startups that are gonna lose a bunch of people money, there’s ALWAYS a “this was harder than expected and We are regrouping and won’t rest till all your games are made!” email a few months before the final collapse. This is a tradition going back to the first try of Magic Girl.

The “recapitalization” email was simply a clear signpost and admission that it was over, delivered softly enough to buy a little time. But I think most of us realized it was over for sure when that came out.

#9999 45 days ago
Quoted from Yesh23:

Wondering what the recapitalization email was all about. He knew with 100% certainty, that know body with a 10' pole would touch this company once they saw the numbers. What did he get out of it? Was he buying for a bit more time to unload the factory....just wondering because he did it for a reason. It's not like he was buying any good will.

Just speculation, but could be that he was in deep denial of his circumstances he was in, and his own responsibility for it. I've dealt with people in this situation before and some of them sincerely believe that they can trade out of the peril that they are in. They don't want to let go of the company (along with the status) because of how much they tie in their own identity, and sense of self-worth to it.

#10000 45 days ago
Quoted from frankmac:

It is Mr. Shit Stain to you. Thank you very much.

I just can’t believe that Mr SHIT STAIN frankmac can just move on, run his other businesses like nothing has happened. I think it’s criminal that the law allows a CEO or what ever you call him to knowingly ask for money on games he knew wouldn’t be built. Then just move on, how does he sleep at night. I’m so glad I opted out after he first went silent and refused to answer calls and emails. Funny how they were available all hours when he wanted my deposit.

I think if I lived in Melbourne I’d have an old car painted up with “Damien is a liar and a cheat” parked in front of his business for all to see. I wonder how many people would trust him seeing that at the front door. As long as the car was registered it’s not illegal!

Mr SHIT STAIN is right…….SCUMBAG to his friends.

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