(Topic ID: 292168)

Haggis Pinball - 2nd game = Fathom (officially defunct 7/2024)

By FalconPunch

3 years ago

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#9801 44 days ago
Quoted from Boof-Ed:

Were 250 actually produced? Will make that amount per game higher if 150 were made.

There are 83 individuals and 3 distros affected. How many Centaurs do we think they “sold”?

I’m thinking some between 150 and 200 Fathoms were made.

#9802 44 days ago
Quoted from Boof-Ed:

Were 250 actually produced? Will make that amount per game higher if 150 were made.

I'm dubious that many were produced, the FAST guys would have a better idea based on how many boardsets were shipped.

#9803 44 days ago
Quoted from fastpinball:

FAST didn't make the list because I hadn't invoiced Haggis for the 3 Centaur boardsets I had sent them...
FAST Pinball

So for the guys tracking games, at best 3 Centaur prototypes were made. At best.

I suspect only one or two made it out, and one was for the "unboxing" video promotion to spin up public interest.

#9804 44 days ago
Quoted from cooked71:

There are 83 individuals and 3 distros affected. How many Centaurs do we think they “sold”?
I’m thinking some between 150 and 200 Fathoms were made.

I just did a quick look through the list of creditors, some of my maths may be wrong so happy if someone wants to waste their time to correct me, but this is a rough guide.
Some creditors are counted in multiple categories (eg series ticket + centaur paid in full).
There were a few totals that I couldn't figure out what was purchased to get to that total amount owed.
There would also be some creditors still not on the list yet who may not watch Facebook or Pinside to know what has been going on with Haggis.

Centaur Deposit - 13
Centaur Orblivion Deposit - 10
Centaur paid in full - 2
Centaur Orblivion paid in full - 6
Series Ticket (who didn't pay full amount for Centaur when asked in January) - 31
Fathom deposit - 3
Fathom paid in full - 33
Unknown figures - 17

#9805 44 days ago
Quoted from FalconPunch:

Reading the list of names and businesses makes me feel sick.
Hopefully it's ok to post this. I have removed all addresses + distributor/personal names and bunched the totals together.
For those that are curious, so the file with everyone's details doesn't get passed around too much
The middle column is what I am guessing the creditor amount is for. Quite a big one being Business fuel - which looks to be a company that provide loans.
[quoted image]

How does Haggis owe DAMIEN almost as much money as all of the paid customers? And when you factor in Hartsco, MORE money than all of the paid customers?

#9806 44 days ago
Quoted from truemagoo102:

How does Haggis owe DAMIEN almost as much money as all of the paid customers? And when you factor in Hartsco, MORE money than all of the paid customers?

One theory about the Hartsco Pty Ltd debt is that there was a loan/hire agreement between Hartsco Pty Ltd and Haggis Pinball pty ltd for use of industrial machinery assets each day. If that's the case, debt would accrue if unpaid by haggis pinball pty ltd.

The basis of this theory is because the Personal properties security register search for hartsco pty ltd shows industrial machinery in the entity.

If this is the case then money would be regularly moving out of Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd into Hartsco Pty Ltd (whether the loan terms where at inflated rates or not).

Please note that this is just a theory. I can verify parts of it, but I could turn out to be wrong at the end of the day

[Edit: updated with coin's correction]

#9807 44 days ago
Quoted from truemagoo102:

How does Haggis owe DAMIEN almost as much money as all of the paid customers? And when you factor in Hartsco, MORE money than all of the paid customers?

...... in terms of the debt to Damian, it's just speculation but he could be claiming his own capital that he invested into Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd as a Director loan to the company (as they are separate legal identities).

Again, this is just an educated guess and I could be wrong at the end of the day

#9808 44 days ago
Quoted from Good-Times:

I genuinely think he went in with good intentions but had zero idea of how to cost such an undertaking, and then unfortunately rolled the dice trying to sell his way out of trouble rather than waiving the white flag early.

Good intentions are always genuine!

#9809 44 days ago
Quoted from CrazyLevi:

Good intentions are always genuine!

The way things were structured I'm rather dubious.

#9810 44 days ago

[Deleted comment]

#9811 44 days ago

Isn’t this Fraud? I would guess in the states this Damien would have felony fraud charges against him?

#9812 44 days ago
Quoted from FalconPunch:

Reading the list of names and businesses makes me feel sick.
Hopefully it's ok to post this. I have removed all addresses + distributor/personal names and bunched the totals together.
For those that are curious, so the file with everyone's details doesn't get passed around too much
The middle column is what I am guessing the creditor amount is for. Quite a big one being Business fuel - which looks to be a company that provide loans.
[quoted image]

I'm kind of amazed that 86 people sent them money for machines they had no idea if they'd ever get. Why is everyone in this hobby in such a rush to be the first? Would it have been that hard to wait and see them get stuff off the line in quantity before putting your money up?

And I'm by no means blaming them as they are the victims, I just don't get the rush to jump into something that is so inherently risky.

#9813 44 days ago
Quoted from Anony:

I'm kind of amazed that 86 people sent them money for machines they had no idea if they'd ever get. Why is everyone in this hobby in such a rush to be the first? Would it have been that hard to wait and see them get stuff off the line before putting your money up?

The customers were told that their games were on the line being made RIGHT NOW so their payments were due. This was obviously not true in most cases. Hence the claims of fraud.

#9814 44 days ago
Quoted from Stuieb84:

One theory about the Hartsco Pty Ltd debt is that there was a loan/hire agreement between Hartsco Pty Ltd and Haggis Pinball pty ltd for use of (some or all) industrial machinery assets and digital assets each day. If that's the case, debt would accrue if unpaid by haggis pinball pty ltd.
The basis of this theory is because the website domains was/is registered under Hartsco pty ltd and the Personal properties security register search for hartsco pty ltd shows industrial machinery in the entity.
If this is the case then money would be regularly moving out of Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd into Hartsco Pty Ltd (whether the loan terms where at inflated rates or not).
Please note that this is just a theory. I can verify parts of it, but I could turn out to be wrong at the end of the day

One small note - haggispinball.com is registered to Damian personally, not Hartsco (edit: though I guess it is listed as the org, but I wouldn't read too much into that). His residential address is in those public records which is why I'm not sharing a screenshot here (side note - always opt for privacy protection when registering your domains!)

#9815 44 days ago
Quoted from calsheimer:

One small note - haggispinball.com is registered to Damian personally, not Hartsco. His residential address is in those public records which is why I'm not sharing a screenshot here (side note - always opt for privacy protection when registering your domains!)

Can’t wait for pinsiders to visit Damion and take photos of his back.

#9816 44 days ago


#9817 44 days ago
Quoted from Anony:

I'm kind of amazed that 86 people sent them money for machines they had no idea if they'd ever get. Why is everyone in this hobby in such a rush to be the first? Would it have been that hard to wait and see them get stuff off the line in quantity before putting your money up?
And I'm by no means blaming them as they are the victims, I just don't get the rush to jump into something that is so inherently risky.

Since ive been in the hobby about 10 years, there have been like 5 or 6 of these "good intentions, turn to fraud" pinball startups, yet people still fall for the scam, sometimes the same people multiple times. These people need to look in the mirror unfortunately. I mean, its not hard to not send someone $$$ for a product that doesnt exist.

#9818 44 days ago

Those figures are shocking... potential Netflix documentary here.

#9819 44 days ago
Quoted from John1210:

MARTY wasn't 3 floors away from Damien working in some multi tiered corporation. They were holding each others hand the whole way. He knew exactly what was going down.... for a while too. Yet still banged away on his podcast that everything was roses.
Sorry no reservation of judgement here. Based on common sense, facts, and logic.

Knowing things weren't good and knowing the actual numbers situation are two different things. I worked for a very small software company (4 employees) but the owner never gave us the numbers, if he did I would have ran. As I said before, Damian could have been telling Marty that new investors were coming in also. You can have that opinion but it's not based on fact. We just don't know.

Quoted from Boof-Ed:

Were 250 actually produced? Will make that amount per game higher if 150 were made.

Numbers can't be that high, 250 sounds like a lot.

Quoted from Anony:

I'm kind of amazed that 86 people sent them money for machines they had no idea if they'd ever get.

It is shocking I agree. Good marketing I guess. Centaur was a beautiful game.

#9820 44 days ago
Quoted from Roostking:

Since ive been in the hobby about 10 years, there have been like 5 or 6 of these "good intentions, turn to fraud" pinball startups, yet people still fall for the scam, sometimes the same people multiple times. These people need to look in the mirror unfortunately. I mean, its not hard to not send someone $$$ for a product that doesnt exist.

Having a license from PPS and running known titles lent it an air of legitimacy would be my guess.

Those whom have run a business and know a bit about pinball history would have known that there were very long odds of Haggis succeeding.

The burn rate on frivolous stuff was a red flag.

#9821 44 days ago
Quoted from calsheimer:

I really hope they don't take anything that far.


#9822 44 days ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

The burn rate on frivolous stuff was a red flag.

IMG_0429 (resized).jpegIMG_0429 (resized).jpeg
#9824 44 days ago
Quoted from calsheimer:

No need to go show up at the dude's house to dispense pinside justice, whatever that is.

Just take him out for a beer.

#9825 44 days ago

Gotta build confidence. If they can deliver small trinkets then surely they can produce a complex widget with thousands of discreet pieces requiring a laborious assembly process.

#9826 44 days ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

Just take him out for a beer.

"With good intentions"!!

#9827 44 days ago
Quoted from Shapeshifter:

Those figures are shocking... potential Netflix documentary here.

Not that shocking tbh. If they didn't make netflix documentaries about the other similar pinball startup meltdowns then this small fry situation ain't getting one either. We've seen this story play out multiple times by now.

#9828 44 days ago
Quoted from calsheimer:

No need to go show up at the dude's house to dispense pinside justice, whatever that is.

The taking a picture of somebodies back thing is just a long running pinside bit. Back when the Predator fiasco went down there were lots of tough guys saying all the things they'd like to do to Kevin. At one point he was spotted at an arcade auction and instead of doing anything, the person who spotted him simply took a picture of Kevin walking from behind. Many laughs were had at this silly scenario and the "taking a picture of his back" pinside meme was born.

#9829 44 days ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

The taking a picture of somebodies back thing is just a long running pinside bit. Back when the Predator fiasco went down there were lots of tough guys saying all the things they'd like to do to Kevin. At one point he was spotted at an arcade auction and instead of doing anything, the person who spotted him simply took a picture of Kevin walking from behind. Many laughs were had at this silly scenario and the "taking a picture of his back" pinside meme was born.

Same with Mirco.

#9832 44 days ago
Quoted from Stuieb84:

One theory about the Hartsco Pty Ltd debt is that there was a loan/hire agreement between Hartsco Pty Ltd and Haggis Pinball pty ltd for use of industrial machinery assets each day. If that's the case, debt would accrue if unpaid by haggis pinball pty ltd.
The basis of this theory is because the Personal properties security register search for hartsco pty ltd shows industrial machinery in the entity.
If this is the case then money would be regularly moving out of Haggis Pinball Pty Ltd into Hartsco Pty Ltd (whether the loan terms where at inflated rates or not).
Please note that this is just a theory. I can verify parts of it, but I could turn out to be wrong at the end of the day
[Edit: updated with coin's correction]

I wonder if the million dollars he owes himself will make the trading while insolvent look worse, that stuff will land you in a nice jail if it's serious enough

#9833 44 days ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

Same with Mirco.

Did somebody actually take a picture of Mirco's back? I thought a lot of people were just cracking that joke because so many tough guys thought they were going to confront him at a show. Its funny either way. I do agree though, its never a good idea to threaten people or "visit" them and I don't condone such actions.

#9834 44 days ago
Quoted from Brk_oth: Centaur Orblivion paid in full - 6

That motorcycle jacket was quite a lure.

#9835 44 days ago
Quoted from sretooh:

Someone named Punkin’s Brew lost 14,500 AUD to Haggis, so there’s that….

Remember those Aussies blowing smoke up everyone's asses and trying to convince them they were crazy for being concerned, to the point of almost attacking people's character for feeling that way? YEP. Saw it too.

Screenshot 2024-08-02 at 1.05.36?PM (resized).pngScreenshot 2024-08-02 at 1.05.36?PM (resized).png
#9836 44 days ago
Quoted from haveaniceswim:

That motorcycle jacket was quite a lure.

I don't see an Etsy leathermaker on the secured debtors list, so there's still a chance those were bought and paid for...right?!?! It definitely exists and has been designed...maybe

#9837 44 days ago
Quoted from FalconPunch:

Reading the list of names and businesses makes me feel sick.
Hopefully it's ok to post this. I have removed all addresses + distributor/personal names and bunched the totals together.
For those that are curious, so the file with everyone's details doesn't get passed around too much
The middle column is what I am guessing the creditor amount is for. Quite a big one being Business fuel - which looks to be a company that provide loans.
[quoted image]

Wow, more than double my swag on individuals left hanging... I was thinking there was maybe 1-2 dozen full paid fathoms outstanding. To think there were over 30, plus distributor obligations makes last summer's comments about 'end of year' completely unforgivable. There seems to be nothing in the pipeline that we are aware of that could substantiate the validity of any of the centaur project claims as being viable. Unless there was some secret life insurance policy scam they were waiting on landing

#9838 44 days ago

See Damian must have thought when he was licensing from PPS that it stood for Pinball Ponzi Scheme.

If there is clear documentation that the paid in full were told shipping in a few weeks while the books clearly said otherwise then there could be some serious legal trouble here.

Sucks to be on the bottom of the pyramid, never knowing that unless another 100 paid in full orders could be found they were never getting their machines.

#9839 44 days ago
Quoted from flynnibus:

Wow, more than double my swag on individuals left hanging... I was thinking there was maybe 1-2 dozen full paid fathoms outstanding. To think there were over 30, plus distributor obligations makes last summer's comments about 'end of year' completely unforgivable. There seems to be nothing in the pipeline that we are aware of that could substantiate the validity of any of the centaur project claims as being viable. Unless there was some secret life insurance policy scam they were waiting on landing

Essentially a lot of what Damian said in the Cary Hardy interview was a lie to secure cashflow for rent and payroll.

....to make matters worse, he starts issuing cease and desist letters over the past week, threatening people

#9840 44 days ago
Quoted from pookycade:

See Damian must have thought when he was licensing from PPS that it stood for Pinball Ponzi Scheme.
If there is clear documentation that the paid in full were told shipping in a few weeks while the books clearly said otherwise then there could be some serious legal trouble here.
Sucks to be on the bottom of the pyramid, never knowing that unless another 100 paid in full orders could be found they were never getting their machines.

Wasn’t it that people were getting cold calls and not emails, or anything in writing, asking for payment in full?

#9841 44 days ago
Quoted from TreyBo69:

Gotta build confidence. If they can deliver small trinkets then surely they can produce a complex widget with thousands of discreet pieces requiring a laborious assembly process.

....it's an opinion, but building multiple houses at once is, dare I say, more complicated than building pinball machines...... yet the other company that he runs EME Property Developments Pty Ltd continues to trade ....

Edit: I guess what I'm trying to say is that Damian has demonstrated that he isn't trustworthy to manage a company that takes other people's money in exchange for goods and services

#9842 44 days ago
Quoted from calsheimer:

No need to go show up at the dude's house to dispense pinside justice, whatever that is.

Did you have any cash on the line? Or are you voicing opinion from a no skin in the game safe zone?

#9843 44 days ago
Quoted from MiniPinHead:

Wasn’t it that people were getting cold calls and not emails, or anything in writing, asking for payment in full?


Quoted from kool1:

Knowing things weren't good and knowing the actual numbers situation are two different things. As I said before, Damian could have been telling Marty that new investors were coming in also. You can have that opinion but it's not based on fact. We just don't know.

Why did he stay to the end then? Out of the entire original crew, wasn't he the only man left standing? No one could be that oblivious to the fact that the company was a sinking ship, right?

I guess that is the biggest question mark to me. Why did they try to finish those last couple fathoms? They were dead in the water, what did those last few mean to anyone? It was a huge time waster for everyone, who were those games going to that was so important that they brought everyone back, including Marty, just to attempt to get them finished?

It's like the more we learn, the more questions we have.

#9844 44 days ago
Quoted from Stuieb84:

....it's an opinion, but building multiple houses at once is, dare I say, more complicated than building pinball machines...... yet the other company that he runs EME Property Developments Pty Ltd continues to trade ....

I'm a civil engineer and know the sorta people capable of a subdivision of a dozen houses...

Anyways. There are lots of places to get material, workers, designs, capital, etc for building houses. Pinball is hard

#9845 44 days ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

… I do agree though, it’s never a good idea to threaten people or "visit" them and I don't condone such actions.

It’s also not a good idea to be a thief and think there’s no repercussions. Some people lost a little money, some people lost a lot more. Money can be made again, it’s not the end of anyone. But nobody likes a thief, that goes way back, carved in stone for a reason.

#9846 44 days ago
Quoted from flynnibus:

Wow, more than double my swag on individuals left hanging... I was thinking there was maybe 1-2 dozen full paid fathoms outstanding. To think there were over 30, plus distributor obligations makes last summer's comments about 'end of year' completely unforgivable. There seems to be nothing in the pipeline that we are aware of that could substantiate the validity of any of the centaur project claims as being viable. Unless there was some secret life insurance policy scam they were waiting on landing

Don't forget the cheerleader who kept saying there was only like 11 fathoms left to build. Can't remember if that was gilligan or foolsgold

#9847 44 days ago
Quoted from frankmac:

Did you have any cash on the line? Or are you voicing opinion from a no skin in the game safe zone?

Alright this one I’m picking up on lol

#9848 44 days ago
Quoted from Haymaker:

Did somebody actually take a picture of Mirco's back? .

Yes after he was pelted with complaints at a show if I remember correct.

#9849 44 days ago

Re-reading the thread trying to find the posts where some cheerleaders were saying it was only a handful of fathoms that were left to be built. Found so many mind blowing examples of crazy talk, but I thought these were particularly funny in hindsight.

Quoted from oldskool1969:

Alot of speculation and disinformation in some posters posts.
think before you type please.
your flippancy may be the detriment of others.
Go Haggis

Quoted from oldskool1969:

Wow, what a piece of work you are! Karmas gonna be a real bitch I hope

#9850 44 days ago
Quoted from gdonovan:

Yes after he was pelted with complaints at a show if I remember correct.

every single one of which he deflected or plead the 5th on, like John Gotti. So that was productive.

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