(Topic ID: 135599)

Indiana Jones (Stern) Software Rewrite & Port over - The Journey

By applejuice

9 years ago

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#201 7 years ago
Quoted from klinde1:

Indy was at the Ohio show this weekend and received pretty much constant play for the three days it was at the show. We had a lot of surprised players when they realized that there was something different about this Stern Indy . We received much positive feedback and many looking forward to it's next appearance at a show as they are excited to see and play the rewrite software as it evolves over time. We had more than a couple of people say that Indy made the show for them and it was their favorite game.

Great to hear

#202 7 years ago

Applejuice, I played your code on the IJ4 at The Ohio Show and I am amazed at what you have done. Keep up the great work because you are turning a dud into a machine worth having in the line-up!

#203 7 years ago

applejuice This was my favorite pinball to play at the Ohio Show and was by far the biggest surprise, as I did a double take as I walked by what I had once thought was just a standard Stern IJ.

I'm pretty sure I used a bunch of jackpot multipliers to achieve the GC score as well as many captive ball multiballs.

Thanks again for all your work...once this code/kit is complete and if it's going to be available, I don't know how I won't be in the market for a Stern IJ to convert...

20170401_162816 (resized).jpg20170401_162816 (resized).jpg

#204 7 years ago
Quoted from Spiritof76Ten:

applejuice This was my favorite pinball to play at the Ohio Show and was by far the biggest surprise, as I did a double take as I walked by what I had once thought was just a standard Stern IJ.
I'm pretty sure I used a bunch of jackpot multipliers to achieve the GC score as well as many captive ball multiballs.
Thanks again for all your work...once this code/kit is complete and if it's going to be available, I don't know how I won't be in the market for a Stern IJ to convert...

Thanks for the comment. Hearing things like this does make all the effort worthwhile

#205 7 years ago
Quoted from applejuice:

Thanks for the comment. Hearing things like this does make all the effort worthwhile

Having just joined the IJ4 club, I am super excited about this. I am a huge Indy fan and love the theme. I was always concerned about code complaints and it still lingers in my head of how awesome this could be. And now, you are making it so.

I don't know if there is a "list" yet, but if there is, please put me on it for the "full kit" I am ready to be an early adopter

#206 7 years ago

Sorry, I double posted - can be deleted if a mod happens by

3 weeks later
#207 7 years ago

So i'm working on adding the ark control in to the main multiball now. I've also been working on making the game a 5 ball game as standard aswell so that it gives more flexibility with modes and stacking the multi balls together etc. Seems a shame that 1 trough switch was assigned just for signifying an ark reload. Also it means that the trough has to be full before the ark can be reloaded. So this would mean the ark wouldn't be reloaded until the player was down to 3 balls. My code will reload the emptied ark as soon as mulitball ball save ends and a ball enters the trough.

Screen shot of some note for the code handling the logic. Things get complex real quick.

Screen Shot 2017-05-05 at 18.46.35 (resized).pngScreen Shot 2017-05-05 at 18.46.35 (resized).png

I think we could actually make it a 9 ball game in total. I have also added a game setting to set the max ark balls so you can choose how many it will dump out into multiball once the 'extras' are qualified. A lower number will speed up reload even more and also change the game dynamic. Nice to make it user changeable.

#208 7 years ago

Finally got my IJ back....Love the My Pinball set up....Just spent some time attacking the Mars saucer...Feel like I have both Indy' pins now.

IMG_6626 (resized).JPGIMG_6626 (resized).JPG

#209 7 years ago

video of the new ark test mode in the service mode - https://www.instagram.com/p/BTzZCqzlu2S/

I'm wondering if we might actually be able to store 6 balls in the ark to

1 week later
#210 7 years ago

wanted to bump this thread. Love playing this game...So many cool things added. Its like having both IJ at same time Great tech support too! When you consider how much pins are going for I think its still a bargain to add this comp upgrade.

4 weeks later
#211 7 years ago

Yes, you can store 6! for a total ball count of 11!

IMG_8948 (resized).JPGIMG_8948 (resized).JPG

Video here of the test mode set to store 6


#212 7 years ago

6 in ark, 5 in trough? 11 balls are able to be out at once then? This is getting good!

#213 7 years ago
Quoted from volkdrive:

6 in ark, 5 in trough? 11 balls are able to be out at once then? This is getting good!

Yes, in the ark release mode of multiball you'll get whatever the ark is set to store, plus the 5 balls in the trough for some major carnage! (max 11 in total) Best order some more balls!!

I have an 'Ark Balls' setting that can be set from 2 to 6 so you can choose the carnage level for this mode.

To qualify the ark release you need to complete the JONES target set 3 times. At the next multiball start you'll get the full amount instead of the regular 3. A speech callout of 'you want to see it open aswell as i' will alert you to the qualification, along with some flasher and lamp effects at the ark.

#214 7 years ago

First in game video of the ark control working :)Full 11 play play !!!!!!! Notice how the balls are reloaded seamlessly in the background as the multiball continues, negating any game play delay or 'pausing' requirements whilst the ark is reloaded. This has not been easy to achieve but I think we are there now!

Audio is little off in the video so please ignore that. I am still adjusting my stream settings etc. Aiming to get some live streaming of the latest updates going this weekend all being well, so look out for them on twitch (twitch.tv/mypinballs) Love to see you subscribe

1 week later
#215 7 years ago

Update v0.6.0 is here

- Changed game to store 5 balls in trough : Games must hold 5 balls in trough from now on
- Added Ark Test to service mode
- Added Ark integration to multiball mode - Yay!
- Added Ark Balls Store setting to Service mode: adjustable from 2-6
- Added Ark management to game
- Added Skillshot Mode
- Added service mode settings and test numbering
- Added an option to reset/clear all service mode audits
- Improved Ball Search
- Improved service mode settings adjustment ordering
- Improved 8ball lamp handling in Jones mode
- Improved super jackpot handling in multiball. Super Jackpot is now only available during the active multiball it was qualified in
- Improved system handling of corrupted game and setting data files. Files are now deleted and recreated from template automatically
- Improved super jackpot handling in multiball. Super Jackpot must now be achieved within the multiball mode it was qualified in
- Fixed a bug in Ringmaster where the main mode music would not start
- Fixed a bug where the jackpot speech call awards would not be called for >3X multiplier
- Fixed a crash bug in multiball where the regular jackpot was trying to be lit beyond the 4th on sucessive starts and not starting super jackpot

#216 7 years ago

Very cool, that gameplayvideo! Really impressive what you've done so far.

#217 7 years ago

Attempting to write v1.0 of the full game rule sheet, whilst watching the gp today.

#218 7 years ago

cool following!

1 week later
#219 7 years ago

First version (v1.01) of the full rulesheet is done.

You can download it here is you want to read it -> http://mypinballs.com/files/indyrules101.pdf

1 month later
#220 7 years ago

New Update

- Fixed a crash bug with trough eject bounce back where the new skillshot mode would try to be added twice
- Improved the Ball Search mode to handle more bounce back scnearios - Though games should really be properly restored and stern's upgrade kit part no 520-5078-A4 fitted
- Improved ball search operation after game play ends

I would like to make a point again about stern's own service kit part number 502-5078-A4 . I have talked about this before, but this kit is essential for trouble free trough and ball launch operation. All the code in the world cannot solve basic stern design issues and faults. Also worn mechanisms or old tired games will not operate correctly and need to be 'shopped' or rebuilt accordingly

2 months later
#221 6 years ago

Check me out playing the hell out of my Stern Indiana Jones pinball rewrite (v0.6.2). Playing it for a good hour and half to find bugs and also trying to break it. No crashes. A few minor things found to tweak Some good games played and some not! My playing skills were tested!


#222 6 years ago

Amazing job Jim, Your game is already fantastic and you keep refining it making it better and better. Looking forward to playing Ver. 6.2

#223 6 years ago

v0.6.2 will be coming in a few days. Adding a few more tweaks to it. The CV homage mode will be moved to be a secret alternative to Jones vs Aliens to, as there's 2 slots left in the 4th film section that need to be worked on.

v0.7.0 will be next and i'm aiming to get this out before christmas for everyone It will add the path of Adventure mode. I've been working out the rules for this for awhile now in terms of the best way to implement it. Some of the earlier ideas went in to the steal the stones and 3 challenges modes, so i've got something cool nailed down now.

Re: any bugs, if you spot anything where you know what you hit to cause it or the series of shots then let me know. Also it is best to include a 'log download' from the service utilities menu with the report straight after it happens etc. As you can see from the streamed video though, I can't find anything crashy wise!

#224 6 years ago

I've said it before, and I still think so: it's a great project!

#225 6 years ago

Play tested the latest update last night

The changes for v0.6.2 are looking like this, may add a few more things in first, or do another incremental update before v0.7.0:

- Fixed an issue where the playfield lamps would not update properly after a successful skill shot
- Fixed an Issue with the start & tournament button being flashed within attract lamp show patterns
- Improved the flashing of the start button to signify game ready for free play and also coins
- Fixed an issue where the attract lamp shows would not restart after exiting the service mode
- Fixed an issue where the ADVENTURE lamps would still override active ark modes running resulting in missed graphics
- Improved the eject speed form the grail scoop whilst dog fight is running
- Improved flipper rules for better deactivation during video modes if flipper is held up at start

#226 6 years ago

Also, working on some new t-shirts to promote this rewrite and my company in general. I'd like to know who would buy one. Christmas gift? This range is going to be fully vectorised dot matrix graphics. I may do others if there is interest.

The first on one in the works is the replay graphic Will be printed on a green t-shirt (and possibly other colours)

Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 12.05.35 (resized).pngScreen Shot 2017-11-09 at 12.05.35 (resized).png

Screen Shot 2017-11-09 at 12.05.18 (resized).pngScreen Shot 2017-11-09 at 12.05.18 (resized).png

1 week later
#227 6 years ago

v0.6.2 Update is now available for download

Update notes are finalised as:

v0.6.2 Update
- Fixed an issue where the playfield lamps would not update properly after a successful skill shot
- Fixed an issue with the start & tournament button being flashed within attract lamp show patterns
- Improved the flashing of the start button to signify game ready for free play and also coins
- Fixed an issue where the attract lamp shows would not restart after exiting the service mode
- Fixed an issue where the ADVENTURE lamps would still override active ark modes running resulting in missed graphics
- Improved the eject speed from the grail scoop whilst dog fight is running
- Improved flipper rules for better deactivation during video modes if flipper is held up at start
- Improved the display setting defaults for a better starting alignemnt position

Now onto v0.7.0 and the POA addition

#228 6 years ago
Quoted from applejuice:

The first on one in the works is the replay graphic

Thats awsome!
Black t shirt i hope?

#229 6 years ago
Quoted from Axl:

Thats awsome!
Black t shirt i hope?

Have it laid out on a green shirt to match the original bgnd, though can do black as well

#230 6 years ago

Update on the code front. The v0.6.2 update is now live and makes a nice update for everyone over the holiday weekend

There will be one more update before christmas that i have planned and that will be labelled as v0.7.0. It will be including an updated and improved POA mode. The premise of this is that you complete ADVENTURE from the green stand ups and start by shooting the right ramp. The ball is held on the ramp momentarily and then released as you are presented with 6 lit arrows to shoot within a preset time. Completing all 6 shots lights the ramp again to progress up a level. JONES targets are strobing. Hitting the lit JONES target will complete the level you are on instantly. There will also (maybe not straight away) be a way to earn smart bombs for use in this mode from other places in the game to. Smart bombs are used via the tournament button as per the Jones vs aliens mode.

A sneak peak of the code dev

Screen Shot 2017-11-24 at 14.50.43 (resized).pngScreen Shot 2017-11-24 at 14.50.43 (resized).png

#231 6 years ago

Great work Jim! Nice to see an update to the POA rules and the smart bombs sound fun! Any plans to flesh out the 4th movie (crystal skull) rules? This was my biggest gripe with the Stern game. So much missed opportunity from the 4th helping.

#232 6 years ago
Quoted from luvthatapex2:

Great work Jim! Nice to see an update to the POA rules and the smart bombs sound fun! Any plans to flesh out the 4th movie (crystal skull) rules? This was my biggest gripe with the Stern game. So much missed opportunity from the 4th helping.

I am adding in 4th film stuff. Currently there are 4 jackpots in multiball before the super jackpot (1 for each film) The 4th film icon is represented by an alien head. There are also 2 of the 4 film modes written for the fourth film. These are Warehouse Raid and Jones vs Aliens. I am in 2 minds about adding 2 more modes from the fourth film in, or using these 2 slots for modes from the 5th film that is in the works! Once the 5th film is out, then i'll probably also update the multiball to have 5 jackpots before the super!

2 months later
#233 6 years ago

Nearly finished the first pass at adding in a new POA mode for v0.7.0. The before christmas release was too optimistic but aiming for Feb now. Its coded but i'm not 100% with it yet, needs a few more tweaks!

Also whilst i've been testing, i've found a few more little bugs including another one that could cause a mode to end as soon as its started! Worked a little to on the choose wisely mode to improve the randomness and sequencing of the grail cup order. Makes it a little better now each time. Also synced the 'chosen poorly' speech a little bit better with the video

Screen Shot 2018-02-05 at 17.59.56 (resized).pngScreen Shot 2018-02-05 at 17.59.56 (resized).png

#234 6 years ago

bump for great code update and endless work....Ive had my IJ4 with this code the longest.

3 weeks later
#235 6 years ago

Update from me.

Been testing the upcoming 0.7.0 update out along with working on a few new hardware items.

Found a few bugs in other modes that i've been ironing out

The new POA mode is now working pretty well and interacting with the other game features nicely. Things get complex pretty quick with stacked modes and what happens when other modes start or are lit. Of course you could just make things mutually exclusive but that not how i've created this or how i wan thte game to be. I much prefer features to be queued or paused when not able to be stacked so you don't lose things you've qualified etc.

Current update list for v0.7.0 is

v0.7.0 Update

- Added Path Of Adventure Mode. Shot Right Ramp to Start when ADVENTURE letters are completed
- Improved randomness of Choose Wisely sequencing
- Improved Speech sync in Choose Wisely for 'Chosen Poorly'
- Fix a bug that could cause a mode to end as soon as started (Another one!)
- Improved the timing for ball eject when Get the idol is completed
- Improved the Flasher use for POA ready and Adventure Continue
- Fixed an issue with Warehouse Raid where the multiball ball save wasnt working for the 1st ball drained
- Improved interaction with starting a mode and adventures that are continuing

If everything checks out over the next few days (this weekend) then i'll be launching the update at the end of the weekend.

Screen Shot 2018-03-01 at 11.19.08 (resized).pngScreen Shot 2018-03-01 at 11.19.08 (resized).png

1 week later
#236 6 years ago

Update v0.7.0 is now out and available for download from the shared area

Update notes:

v0.7.0 Update

- Added Path Of Adventure Mode. Shot Right Ramp to Start when ADVENTURE letters are completed
- Improved randomness of Choose Wisely sequencing
- Improved Speech sync in Choose Wisely for 'Chosen Poorly'
- Fix a bug that could cause a mode to end as soon as started (Another one!)
- Improved the timing for ball eject when Get the idol is completed
- Improved the Flasher use for POA ready and Adventure Continue
- Fixed an issue with Warehouse Raid where the multiball ball save wasnt working for the 1st ball drained
- Improved interaction with starting a mode and adventures that are continuing
- Improved the eject from the grail scoop after video modes are finished. Eject now runs same as other ejects and with the proper delay.
- Added some extra clearing of tracking flags for multiball end where the players ball ends before multiball has a chance to be properly started. This could have caused extra balls to be served and autolaunched to the next player on a multiplayer game. Rare event but still possible!
- Fixed a bug with some music scene restarts where the wrong music was being restarted

#237 6 years ago

I have also update the rule sheet document to include the new Path of Adventure mode.

See here for an excerpt

Path of Adventure!
Complete green A-D-V-E-N-T-U-R-E Targets to lite path (Right Ramp). Make Right Ramp to start. The ball is held on the ramp momentarily and then released as you are presented with 6 lit arrows to shoot within a preset time. Completing all 6 shots lights the ramp again to progress up a level. JONES targets are strobing. Hitting the lit JONES target will complete the next available arrow shot for you instantly (from left to right). There is also a way to earn smart bombs for use in this mode from other places in the game. Keep an eye out!. Smart bombs are used via the tournament button as per the Jones vs Aliens mode. A Smart bomb will instantly complete the level you are on and lite the ramp for progression to the next.

#238 6 years ago
Quoted from applejuice:

Path of Adventure!

Wow! cool mode integration!

1 week later
#239 6 years ago

Indy will be at the Ohio Show this Thursday,Friday and Saturday running Jim's latest software 7.0. This game keeps getting better and better, make sure to check it out if you are at the show.

#240 6 years ago
Quoted from klinde1:

Indy will be at the Ohio Show this Thursday,Friday and Saturday running Jim's latest software 7.0. This game keeps getting better and better, make sure to check it out if you are at the show.

If you go to this show, play the game !!!

then post your thoughts on my work. A labour of love for the last 7 years!!

#241 6 years ago

Some good progress on the rPi build today. Been testing this idea out for the last 3 or so years every time a new machine is released.

see here on my instagram account


Still trying to optimise and drag every last bit of horsepower out of this little thing. If it works out then this could seriously reduce the cost of kits

1 week later
#242 6 years ago

Video of Indy running from a new raspberry pi. Got it running pretty nicely now with a lot of recoding of the display engine. (Sound quality on video isn't the best but thats my lack of twitch stream skills!)


2 weeks later
#243 6 years ago

Nice to see it running on rPi!!
How is it connected to it? Only the input part. GPIO? What's all required to run a custom rom like this?

1 month later
#244 6 years ago

Do you have a video of the game playing the latest software?

#245 6 years ago
Quoted from DK:

Do you have a video of the game playing the latest software?

The latest videos are on my twitch channel.


There are also load of videos on my youtube channel from various points in the development


#246 6 years ago

Full rulesheet in PDF format is also now available from my website homepage or here directly - https://www.mypinballs.com/files/indy-rules_v102.pdf

1 week later
#247 6 years ago

Working on some new things for indy.

First up is some good old house keeping. Adding another test to the test modes. This time, trough test. You can test everything via the other std switch and coil tests, but this is nicer and is useful for helping solve niggly trough problems. As games get older this is more useful to.

Some screenshots of the dmd screens i created today.

Screenshot 2018-06-15 14.44.46 (resized).pngScreenshot 2018-06-15 14.44.46 (resized).png

#248 6 years ago

That IJs through opto board with resistors on it is a mess. It would be nice to see this test in a video if you have it.

#249 6 years ago

Some screenshots of the test working on my dev laptop

Screenshot 2018-06-22 16.33.46 (resized).pngScreenshot 2018-06-22 16.33.46 (resized).pngScreenshot 2018-06-22 16.32.33 (resized).pngScreenshot 2018-06-22 16.32.33 (resized).png

2 weeks later
#250 6 years ago

v0.7.1 now out to testers. Some niggly bugs squashed in this update If all good from feedback then i'll roll it out to everyone else

Update notes as follows:

v0.7.1 Update

- Fixed a bug that could cause Choose Wisely to end immediately (when started immediately after a non timed mode)
- Fixed a bug that could cause random completion of unplayed modes after choose wisely ended immediately
- Added trough test
- Fixed a possible crash bug with Castle Brunwald where the mode count flag was not resetting properly after a game
- Added support for raspberry pi computer hardware (model 3b+ only)
- Added new desktop support for raspberry pi computers (model 3b+ only)
- Fixed a bug that caused the score on warehouse raid to add 1 point extra than it should, making the general score and match display look odd
- Fixed a typo with Ringmaster mode startup help text

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