Personally, I go for mode completion and wizard mode, rather than points. It can be challenging and different for each game.
Recently, I started focusing on pinbot and trying to complete the planets, get to the sun, and hit the special.
It took several attempts over a few weeks to develop a strategy--learn which shots would help, which shots to avoid, when to nudge, etc. Eventually as I got more familiar with the game, I completed the mode not just once, but several times. Next, I might try to complete the planets/sun/special twice in one game...but for now, once a game was enough.
So...if you feel you are stuck and not progressing, look at the tournament notes and suggestions for that game. They tend to offer a lot of good ideas for gameplay strategy. Or, look at what flipper skill you may need to introduce or develop. Or, instructional videos on the game you're trying to get better at.
There's a lot of resources available that can help advance your strategy and abilities.
Or, simply post a thread on the forums asking for advice on how to get better at a specific games. Sometimes folks can offer interesting strategy suggestions, or possibly point out a problem with your game that might be hindering your progress.