I have no idea what all the fuss is over this. People want to do it. The exchange of information is not illegal. Stern no longer sells new lord of the ring in any editions so there's not even any possible loss of money for them by this information getting out. The fact that this information is hard to find is silly and annoying. In any event, here is a full tutorial on how to get this done. No "cough cough" bs or any beating around the bush. Here we go:
To install a shaker motor in your lord of the rings standard edition, you need to be running the special edition of lord of the rings software on your regular machine. However, the special edition of the machine has been updated to the SAM chipset while the original machine ran the whitestar chipset. The shaker motor code will only run if it detects the SAM chipset. Therefore, you will need some items for this:
1) Stern shaker motor kit. Rev B works. Get from standard suppliers like marco, cointaker, etc.
2) Lord of the rings special PAL chip. Get from pinbits.
3) Lord of the rings 10.02 ROM. I'm not sure where to get this. I programmed my own. Googling for chip sellers may work, search RGP etc. Stern allows downloads of the software from their website, but I do not see 10.02 there. IPDB seems to have it in the pinmame rom set. However, once "the cat is out of the bag" (software released on internet) you cannot put it back. It's around. Also, if you order a chip, you need the 10.0 display rom to go with it. So get both.
Once you have these things, it's time to install:
1) Install the new PAL chip in your machine. It replaces the chip in the CPU board directly to the left of your game ROM.
2) Install your new 10.02 game rom into your machine.
3) Install display ROM 10.0 into your DMD controller board on the back side of the DMD. You must run the 10.0 display ROM along with the 10.0 or 10.02 code.
4) Fire up your machine. If it doesn't boot up, turn it off, remove your batteries, wait 30 secs, and try again. Or reseat your CPU ROM.
5) Once the game boots up and you're satisfied that 10.02 is working fine, it's time to install the shaker motor. Follow the standard instructions to mount the shaker into the game.
6) To wire the shaker, you will need to connect the red/white wire to the red/white wire at the top prong of the coin door switch.
7) To wire to the trigger you need to connect the brown/white wire in the head of the cabinet into the bottom of the CPU board. I find the solenoid connector that has two orange wires on the left and the rest are blue wires. Pin 5 of this connector is empty. Attach the brown/white wire there.
8 ) There is no software to configure. Turn on your game and play. Shaker runs when ballrog roars or when you hit most shots in modes or jackpots.
9) Stern released a service bulletin about upgrading sound software on the whitestar platforms. If you get random call outs during attract mode, you need a sound update. The rom can be downloaded from their site. Here is the service bulletin instructions:
EDIT: added #9 for OP.
Post edited by absocountry2 : Made changes for OP, added #9