I don't have an opinion one way or the other regarding artwork made during wartime.
You can have all the political viewpoints you want but it’s IMPOSSIBLE to change culture. All the anger thrown around in the thread thus far is actually all cultural and has zero to do with politics. I wish people would realize this is our current culture and you can’t change it. Woke and cancel culture. Even has the WORD culture right in the phrase! I don't like it either but please realize it's far from political. For the most part, young Americans do not care about politics, only culture.
I only made an initial comment because sometimes I am embarrassed to be a part of this community. No country (or state!) is perfect but I would never call my county a shit show if I intended to stay in it, I would just look elsewhere to live. But to each his own!
If you are all begging for a comment that IS political... Why don't we have an age restriction of 70 y.o. on US politicians? A CBS poll last year revealed the majority of Americans believe that "70" is the age most mentioned when asked what age is "too old" to lead? I agree with this and I will never understand why our political system refuses to make bipartisan improvements like this. Don't they care about us? Don't even get me started on the Presidential Electoral College. Used since 1787, it must be the best way because just look at how great everything in our government is running now?
Political parties only exist to divide people! Now THAT'S how you BURN down a thread.