(Topic ID: 225528)

HEP This Week

By High_End_Pins

6 years ago

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#15251 52 days ago

Wow Chris, I step away from Pinside for about a week and come back to pages of posts on the HEP thread. Sorry, I’m late to chime in, but I sincerely hope everything is well. It sounds like most of the drama has passed and things are on a uptick. I hope they find exactly what happened with your wife and find some way to prevent a reoccurrence.

#15252 52 days ago
Quoted from Tophervette:

Chris - My son is not a Diabetic (yet) and is also severely Autistic on the low end of the spectrum. He mainly communicates about food. Especially before mealtimes and as he goes to bed. We are fortunate that he likes vegetables and fruits (his mother's influence). Ask him what he wants for a meal and his first choice will be (STEAK medium well). He can say that very well. Ask him what he did today, and he will repeat a phrase they drummed into him at the Kenedy Krieger School in Baltimore "Base Learning". If we are at the local pool swimming, I have to continually tell him to "keep swimming, just keep swimming" from Finding Nemo movie. Also "kick your legs like Captain Hook, cause maybe a Crocodile will bite your toes." His response always is "Hot dogs, Cheeseburgers". Because I bribe him with those things to keep him active in the pool. Then I use the grill next to the snack bar to make them for him. He will hurry up and gobble all the food off his plate and then try to take food off our plates. We have to strongly tell him NO. At home he makes his bed, empties dishwasher, sets the table, makes his lunch for the next day.
When he was around 19, the ARC tried to get him employed in the food industry. An aid took him to the University of Maryland cafeteria/food court, to get him to bus tables and wipe the tables clean. He did not last 2 days. He would eat food left on the tables by college students, rather than throw it away and clean up. They also tried to get him to stuff envelopes with mailers (that junk mail stuff we throw away daily). That only lasted a day, because without someone standing over him and telling him constantly to do the work, he would just sit and watch the other 30 higher functioning autistics working.
He is never without his ball. It is his security blanket. He even swims one handed carrying the ball. He rolls the ball down the 2 story blue tube and then follows it down into the 12 end of the pool. Then grabs it (usually under the diving board) and swims to the ladder. [quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

He looks like he is enjoying himself.
You are doing a great job .
There is a stress about it but there is also an upside to having a child for life. The things we are doing daily are things that normal children outgrow quickly it as if they have discovered the fountain of youth in a way and it helps keep us young at heart as well.

#15253 52 days ago
Quoted from ralphwiggum:

You may never hear it from them, but you should hear it from someone….
Your sons are very fortunate to have you in their lives.
Keep up the hard work.

That’s very kind. It’s nice to read. Truth be told there is sometimes a bit of guilt you wonder if there is anything within you,you did or overlooked that caused it. It’s such a complexity.
We will never really know but I am just grateful that I have the opportunity and ability to take care of him.

#15254 52 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

That’s very kind. It’s nice to read. Truth be told there is sometimes a bit of guilt you wonder if there is anything within you,you did or overlooked that caused it. It’s such a complexity.
We will never really know but I am just grateful that I have the opportunity and ability to take care of him.

The guilt is real. Did one of us have something genetic wrong. Was there something in the Baby Formula that wasn't right. Was it the mercury in the Baby Shots. Was it because of all the atomic bomb testing in the atmosphere. Was it the tuna fish sandwiches my wife craved during pregnancy. Was it because I worked under a radar for years working on boats. The guilt goes on. And what happens when we pass away.

#15255 52 days ago
Quoted from Tophervette:

The guilt is real. Did one of us have something genetic wrong. Was there something in the Baby Formula that wasn't right. Was it the mercury in the Baby Shots. Was it because of all the atomic bomb testing in the atmosphere. Was it the tuna fish sandwiches my wife craved during pregnancy. Was it because I worked under a radar for years working on boats. The guilt goes on. And what happens when we pass away.

It’s on both sides. I feel like an absolute asshole every time I feel a slight sense of relief when I see an older adult taking care of their adult child. I struggle to see the joy that the parent feels, simply because my mind goes right to the work involved in raising a person with special needs (of any type).

I take the health of my own children for granted on a daily basis, and that too brings guilt from time to time.

I think the only thing we can do is find the joy in life and always know that someone out there has things tougher than we do, and we should appreciate anything we can.

#15256 51 days ago

I raised my normal daughter as a single parent and found that extremely difficult and challenging. Those with special needs children have been called to perform at a much higher level and I have the greatest respect for them. As much as I have achevied in my life, it is nothing compared to your everyday chalenges. Peace be with you. You and your childred are so special.

#15257 51 days ago

you should have 81 mg chewable baby asprin on hand at all times now for your wife

#15258 51 days ago
Quoted from snowy926123:

you should have 81 mg chewable baby asprin on hand at all times now for your wife

Yes she is on a daily chewable aspirin regiment now along with a couple other things.

#15259 51 days ago

Tore this down cleaned it.
Stained the wood cleared that along with the final clear on the cabinet.
Started the apron process also.

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#15260 51 days ago

Let there be no doubt.

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#15261 51 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

Let there be no doubt.
[quoted image][quoted image]

Beer time for sure and u need one or two

#15262 50 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

Let there be no doubt.
[quoted image][quoted image]

With the week you had, might be time for that Black Tuesday Chris!

Quoted from High_End_Pins:

Tore this down cleaned it.

What was your method for cleaning that Chris?

#15263 49 days ago

Rebuilt the motor board.
I made new labels where I could.
Added a grounded cord and another ground so I can ground metal parts during the cabinet build.
Also eliminated the bare jumpers between the relay coils in favor or insulated wire loops.

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#15264 49 days ago
Quoted from meSz:

With the week you had, might be time for that Black Tuesday Chris!

What was your method for cleaning that Chris?

I washed it after removing the transformer and a couple other precautions. Well documented here.
Bally Captain Fantastic Pinball Machine 6

#15265 48 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

I washed it after removing the transformer and a couple other precautions. Well documented here.
Bally Captain Fantastic Pinball Machine 6

I unfortunately cleaned my barn find CF wiring and mechs by using a rag and "wipe, wipe, wipe". You are definitely correct. It didn't get very clean. I didn't think it would be safe to clean like that. Considering mine was covered in rat excrement, I'm going to unmount it and clean it like you did. That will make me feel better about handling the wiring and in the overall restoration itself. I never cease to learn something from your restorations.

#15266 48 days ago
Quoted from jazc4:

I unfortunately cleaned my barn find CF wiring and mechs by using a rag and "wipe, wipe, wipe". You are definitely correct. It didn't get very clean. I didn't think it would be safe to clean like that. Considering mine was covered in rat excrement, I'm going to unmount it and clean it like you did. That will make me feel better about handling the wiring and in the overall restoration itself. I never cease to learn something from your restorations.

Yeah it’s like if you shit yourself are you taking a towel bath or a shower?

#15267 48 days ago

Made some labels.
Painted a new set of legs silver same as the lettering and got the motor board in place.

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#15268 48 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

Yeah it’s like if you shit yourself are you taking a towel bath or a shower?

Point well made

#15269 48 days ago

That is some row of coils and leaf switches. Don't know that I would tackle one of those, but I am glad someone knows what they are doing. It is so pretty and organized.

#15270 48 days ago
Quoted from Tophervette:

That is some row of coils and leaf switches. Don't know that I would tackle one of those, but I am glad someone knows what they are doing. It is so pretty and organized.

That's a pretty normal Bally bottom board. They load up the relays on there. Even in earlier games. This is my 1967 Bally Surfers bottom board. I went like Chris here, except mine is painted and I did not wash it due to the cloth insulation.

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#15271 48 days ago

Did the tilt panel then the chimes.

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#15272 47 days ago

Makes me happy just to know it exists still after giving 80k games of joy and frustration to so may people..

#15273 47 days ago

Today I asked myself could Marco Specialties be any more clueless?!?
What is the of point of buying a new coin door frame from these fucks!!!

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#15274 47 days ago

They clearly don't give a rats arse if they are sending that to you in particular. There should be a note on your account to avoid this public flogging.

#15275 47 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

Today I asked myself could Marco Specialties be any more clueless?!?
What is the of point of buying a new coin door frame from these fucks!!!
[quoted image][quoted image]

Oh my. That's embarrassing.

#15277 47 days ago

I got sent a pair of black plastic PF Side rail plastic glass channel that I ordered. https://www.marcospecialties.com/pinball-parts/545-5017-00. Being that it is 42 inches long it came in 6" diameter cardboard tube stuffed with bubble wrap. This would have been fine if the tube had not been two tubes taped together. The mail of course bent the tube in transit and the channels were permanently bent upon arrival. Fortunately, they sent me another set in a better tube.

#15278 47 days ago

It made it to the rant reel.
Terrible parts

#15279 47 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

Today I asked myself could Marco Specialties be any more clueless?!?
What is the of point of buying a new coin door frame from these fucks!!!
[quoted image][quoted image]

I had the same issue. Really disappointing, I just sent them back. I think Mantis makes them as well and I assume if so they should be much better than the Marco version. It took me 4 coin door skins from Marco until I finally got a good one. That was only because a nice employee hand picked it and brought it to Texas Pinball Festival for me.

#15280 47 days ago
Quoted from bflagg:

I had the same issue. Really disappointing, I just sent them back. I think Mantis makes them as well and I assume if so they should be much better than the Marco version. It took me 4 coin door skins from Marco until I finally got a good one. That was only because a nice employee hand picked it and brought it to Texas Pinball Festival for me.

That’s my real frustration I have been over this with them so many times over the last three or four years specifically.
You would think they would figure it out.
Took some work but I got it straight

More work than an old one.

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#15281 47 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

That’s my real frustration I have been over this with them so many times over the last three or four years specifically.
You would think they would figure it out.
Took some work but I got it straight
More work than an old one. [quoted image]

Lol, wow.

The world has just gone to total shit since 2020. People don't want to work, they take no pride in their work, and when shit goes south you get "covid errrr supply chains errrr Ukraine errrr inflation errrr."

If they worked as hard doing things right as they do dreaming up bullshit excuses the problems would be a lot less.

#15282 47 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

It made it to the rant reel.
Terrible parts

That was epic. The cussing was superb but the disdainful throwing of the shitty part was even better.

#15283 47 days ago
Quoted from EMsInKC:

That was epic. The cussing was superb but the disdainful throwing of the shitty part was even better.

Thanks. It comes naturally.

#15284 47 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

Thanks. It comes naturally.

Unfortunately for me too. Usually working on something and it's not going right. Cussing first, tools thrown second.

#15285 46 days ago

Yeah i notice now they are making parts from preplated material so they don't need to post plate them - so now you get raw edges on brackets.


#15286 46 days ago
Quoted from BobLangelius:

Yeah i notice now they are making parts from preplated material so they don't need to post plate them - so now you get raw edges on brackets.

Price goes up, quality goes down. The world we live in today.

#15287 45 days ago

Got the head on the CF. Door built and placed.
Tore down and cleaned every single score reel. That was an exercise in patience.

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#15288 45 days ago

I have to try those clear bulbs. I know you’ve mentioned them a few times.

#15289 45 days ago
Quoted from phillyfan64:

I have to try those clear bulbs. I know you’ve mentioned them a few times.

I think Mitch Gagnon MG7322 is quietly making some of the best lighting modifications to pinball. I promised him a review, and I'm sadly behind due to life, but I tell everyone how much I love them.

Colored condoms were the only option back in the day for indicator lights. Going to LEDs, with condoms does not look very good. Anyone with a Lawlor pin (all littered with indicator lamps) should grab some of the vapor metallic bulbs. Beyond static Lawlor indicators, you can get colored glass indicator LEDs as well. I love these in CFTBL, MB or the FH mirror for example. They are warm and a ton more organic than straight up LEDs with a condom. Just my 2 cents/opinon. As High_End_Pins is showcasing here another usage of a clear with warm white variant. I wasn't aware these were availble til now, but it shows that Mitch's idea is gaining traction and he can now expand into other offerings in the same bulb concept.

These are vastly different in appearance than any other bulb on the market.

#15290 45 days ago
Quoted from sfspanky:

I think Mitch Gagnon MG7322 is quietly making some of the best lighting modifications to pinball. I promised him a review, and I'm sadly behind due to life, but I tell everyone how much I love them.
Colored condoms were the only option back in the day for indicator lights. Going to LEDs, with condoms does not look very good. Anyone with a Lawlor pin (all littered with indicator lamps) should grab some of the vapor metallic bulbs. Beyond static Lawlor indicators, you can get colored glass indicator LEDs as well. I love these in CFTBL, MB or the FH mirror for example. They are warm and a ton more organic than straight up LEDs with a condom. Just my 2 cents/opinon. As High_End_Pins is showcasing here another usage of a clear with warm white variant. I wasn't aware these were availble til now, but it shows that Mitch's idea is gaining traction and he can now expand into other offerings in the same bulb concept.
These are vastly different in appearance than any other bulb on the market.

I just ordered some warm white clear ones. I’m trying to find that incandescent GI look.

#15291 45 days ago
Quoted from phillyfan64:

I just ordered some warm white clear ones. I’m trying to find that incandescent GI look.

Probably the closest in organic throw. Love the tonality and warmth.

#15292 45 days ago
Quoted from sfspanky:

Probably the closest in organic throw. Love the tonality and warmth.

Point me to the thread please? I want to led Grand Lizard to stop the hum, but don't want the led look.....

#15293 45 days ago
Quoted from punkin:

Point me to the thread please? I want to led Grand Lizard to stop the hum, but don't want the led look.....

DM MG7322 for information


#15294 45 days ago

Thank you Sir.

#15295 44 days ago

Thanks guys!

Automotive lighting engineer by trade, started this quest with the classic 194 Automotive bulb for an automotive customer project then said “why not make some 6v pinball lamps the same way”, classic glass 194 (or 555) shape with correct glass press and dual wire loops for correct electrical contact. I have photometric equipment so I started with the 555 and 44 lamps as controls to measure the color and light output. Then I sourced many and I mean many LED chips to find the closest match, not only by eye but using my equipment to validate.

The 44 ba9s Bayonet are the direct result and are directional in nature as the original filament design, so on older EM and classics the light goes into the playfield as intended and not up into the plastics.

The vapor metallic are not for every theme pinball but work great in a lot of them. Also made some colored glass and clear. I build up some kits that are machine based but I don’t have access to all of em so if you guys have ideas let me know and I can help. I have a store on Pinside


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#15296 43 days ago

Glad to see Brian and Mitch post all the info I could not answer. I am a consumer only in this regard.
As one.
I really like these bulbs for several applications. I think they are exactly what we have been asking for for years now. An LED that looks and performs like a traditional incandescent bulb. The ability to direct the light is great.

I did manage to buff a couple playfields yesterday.

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#15297 43 days ago

You guys are going to miss out !

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#15298 43 days ago

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#15299 43 days ago
Quoted from High_End_Pins:

[quoted image]
[quoted image]

Sounds a lot like the Monday Night Rehabilitation from Idiocracy.

Those slap fighting videos you linked a while back were very entertaining, too.

#15300 43 days ago

Any Saturday you guys wanna come check it out you can see this live and unedited at no less than 3 semi local bars here, just complete trailer trash redneck throwdown, complete with neck tattoos, tramp stamps, MAGA and just good old fashioned whores.

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