Well I replaced Q22 (by accident) and Q25 and Q23 and NO MORE BLOWING F7!!! I still don't have all my flashers but many of them came back! THANK YOU phishrace for the help!
I'm feeling more confident in repairing the boards now.
Still some q's - I replaced Q23 which was brain bug and those flashers still don't work - need to verify working bulbs in those - also need to find out what the hell stepper motors 1-4 do - i only see one motor for the warrior bug - maybe those are like WB sequences or something? Anyway WB moves around during gameplay now and one of its flashers is working too, but I can't run any of the stepper motors from the test menu.
Last but not least I accidentally lifted a pad on the board with my desolder gun on one of my first tries - the leg of the transistor doesn't go anywhere though at least from what i can tell - I tried to make a new one out of copper tape and it seems to be working/holding but Should I be soldering a trace to ground for something like that?