(Topic ID: 264537)

Heist revealed by Multimorphic

By ThisNotes4U

4 years ago

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  • Heist Multimorphic, 2020

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8 key posts have been marked in this topic

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Post #71 Gerry's first comments Posted by gstellenberg (4 years ago)

Post #92 Lost of pictures and one video Posted by solarvalue (4 years ago)

Post #143 News about current production Posted by gstellenberg (4 years ago)

Post #236 Stream announcement Posted by gstellenberg (4 years ago)

Post #247 Podcast on game. Posted by bingopodcast (4 years ago)

Post #263 Twitch link Posted by frolic (4 years ago)

Post #374 Software update Posted by gstellenberg (4 years ago)

Post #733 Adjusting difficulty Posted by gstellenberg (3 years ago)

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#1 4 years ago

Multimorphic’s new Heist pinball game lets you help take back Ocean City, where your crew is set out to defeat Mr. Big, the evil overlord who has everything under his corrupt control. The Heist crew knows a good mark when they see one! Meet Maggie Machado – Mastermind, Franklin Cooper – Safecracker, Liz Sterling – Hacker, Leo Myshkin – Demolition, Willie Burnett – Driver, and Kat Burgess – Cat Burglar.

Heist delivers the most immersive experience ever developed for the P3, with a story, artwork, videos, and playfield features that bring you right into Ocean City. Use the new upper flipper to shoot skillfully across town and then battle Mr. Big’s crane in various ways all over the playfield. Other interactive features include a bashable jail cell, diverters on every ramp and loop, and even a high wire act to get you stealthy access into Mr. Big’s secret lab. Recruit your crew, run various jobs, avoid the cops, and teach Mr. Big a long overdue lesson!

Heist is the 3rd pinball game for the P3 platform that showcases what the P3 brings to the pinball collector, after Lexy Lightspeed – Escape From Earth and Cosmic Cart Racing 2.0, and adds to an already substantial library of games. New customers can purchase a P3 with any or all of the existing games, and existing customers can purchase Heist for a fraction of the price of single-themed machines. Heist retails for $2500, plus another $250 for the upper flipper assembly. After installing the backwards-compatible upper flipper assembly, game swaps take under 2 minutes and require no tools. Also every new Heist P3 configuration will include our LCD backbox to further enhance the Heist experience.

#2 4 years ago

So far looks absolutely incredible in almost every regard!

"Almost" meaning the Face of the center girl on der Cab sides look a bit different to the rest and I'd put more details in the old Guys face on the Backglass, to make him look more sinister... but that's really very, very minor (and personal tase) things.

Playfield itelf looks interesting and packed, the art is fine and I love the integration of the playfield display of what I see.

This is only first impression but I kinda wan't this!

#3 4 years ago

That really looks very interesting !

#4 4 years ago

This is the first P3 release to really grab my interest at the initial reveal. The upper playfield module looks pretty great and has some real texture to it. Upper flipper and the crane toy also look great. Look forward to seeing more of this one.

#5 4 years ago

Looks awesome!

#7 4 years ago

*** WOW ***

That looks amazing.

Well done!

And the video was great. The game looks great. It has that instant appeal. This would have been an incredible TPF reveal, it would have stolen the show, but I think even with the loss of that debut if the game proves fun then this is one of the titles P3 needed to break through.

Congrats to all involved.

#8 4 years ago

Really neat looking playfield. Almost reminds me of my Micro Machines playsets I had as a kid.

#9 4 years ago

Definitely a step in the right direction.

Looks great!

Can’t wait to see more gameplay on this!

#10 4 years ago

From the article:

'Heist is in production now and machines are ready to ship. Note: P3s will ship in the order they’re purchased.'


#11 4 years ago

This looks so cool. I would really like to get a used p3 if one pops up in my area. Very clever design on this and if rules live up to the potential, I'm sold (not $10k sold though...)

#13 4 years ago

Definitely a home run. Looks like it's really leveraging the scoops too. And third flipper!

#14 4 years ago

Wow this is really cool! Great animation, cool crane, artwork for the ramps and cabinet to match, interesting storyline. Love it! Well done guys! what a surprise reveal! Awesome!

#15 4 years ago

HEIST Deep Dive! Check it out!!!: In Depth Overview of the Machine, Features, Rules, and More!


#16 4 years ago

Best one yet...Im actually pumped to try this!

#17 4 years ago

Damn you Gerry! This may be the release that pushes me over the edge. I enjoy Lexi and now this... If I could find a used P3 locally it would be really tempting for sure.

#18 4 years ago

I wish we had a P3 on location here in southern New England. Or better yet - I wish I could afford one!

#19 4 years ago

Wow, this appears to really make all the other P3 games look really basic. Can't wait to try it out!

#20 4 years ago

I’ve been on the search for a Lexi locally to play and possibly buy so seeing this makes me more tempted!

#21 4 years ago

OK, I'll be the first to say it, "You son of a bitch! I'm in!"

#22 4 years ago

really cool! a testament to Gerry and his team for sticking with it!

#23 4 years ago

Very cool and a definite improvement as an overall package. The use of nice 2D art in a motion comic style is so much more appealing and timeless than polygons. If I had to give constructive criticism, the animation is too even/floaty/Flash/tweened ...would love it if it got dialed in with some true animation timing principles...but still, this a true aesthetic jump forward for P3.

#24 4 years ago

Looks great...definitely interested in this and will be following. I was pleasantly surprised when I first played Lexy a couple years ago at Grand Ole Gameroom Expo in Nashville and was impressed enough that I considered purchasing a P3 system. The addition of the 3rd flipper accessory, really opens up the possibilities.

#25 4 years ago

Looks cool!
I hope to get to play it soon

#26 4 years ago

Home Run!

#27 4 years ago

Not to shift the conversation from Heist!, which looks awesome, but to anyone who was turned off by the shallow nature of P3's CCR, they released a new 2.0 software/rules update to that this week as well, which makes it a completely different game. I got CCR a year ago and played it for about a week. It's been collecting dust since then. The new rules package makes it a full-featured game, and I'm really enjoying the flow and the new rules.

So...effectively 2 new P3 games were released this week, and they are both available for immediate delivery. Super Cool!

Now's a perfect time for someone who's been on the fence to jump into the P3, maybe with one of their Heist! release multi-game package deals.

#28 4 years ago

Agree with others. Will this be the machine that makes me pull the trigger ? It looks awesome! Great story. But don’t buy used. We need to buy directly from P3 to support the efforts of this small business

#29 4 years ago

Reminds me of the Dialed In launch.

#30 4 years ago

First time I'm actually interested in P3. Great first impression. Will def look into this more

Art looks great

#31 4 years ago
Quoted from yancy:

Reminds me of the Dialed In launch.

But no ringtones and no selfies.

#32 4 years ago
Quoted from yancy:

Reminds me of the Dialed In launch.

Announced during a global pandemic?

#33 4 years ago
Quoted from delt31:

First time I'm actually interested in P3. Great first impression. Will def look into this more
Art looks great

I agree. This definitely has me interested. Looks great Gerry!

#34 4 years ago

Looks fun!

#35 4 years ago
Quoted from Cheeks:

Not to shift the conversation from Heist!, which looks awesome, but to anyone who was turned off by the shallow nature of P3's CCR, they released a new 2.0 software/rules update to that this week as well, which makes it a completely different game. I got CCR a year ago and played it for about a week. It's been collecting dust since then. The new rules package makes it a full-featured game, and I'm really enjoying the flow and the new rules.
So...effectively 2 new P3 games were released this week, and they are both available for immediate delivery. Super Cool!
Now's a perfect time for someone who's been on the fence to jump into the P3, maybe with one of their Heist! release multi-game package deals.

I sold mine not too long after ccr launched and now am wishing I still had it ! Would love to try new ccr rules, and definitely put some time on heist! Very cool!!!

#36 4 years ago

looks great with some cool and clever mechs, well done Gerry and team

#37 4 years ago

Wow. Didn't really think they'd be able to get stuff like that crane on an upper playfield module, and packing in a third flipper? Damn, guys. Rocked it!

#38 4 years ago

Looks cool!

#39 4 years ago

Brilliant, but I have a question... how the heck does the playfield Screen survive a metal bearing? Wow!

#40 4 years ago

From my understanding, there is a clear plastic screen that slides above the LCD screen.

#41 4 years ago

Yes, there's a sheet of lexan above the screen. It can take a beating

Congrats Multimorphic team! Heist looks outstanding.

#42 4 years ago

The game looks great, I have been watching multimorphic for a while and have played a few games at tpf. Will definitely be doing a little more research now

#43 4 years ago

Seems about as feature-filled as you can make one of these things, but it just doesn't look like pinball to me. I'll play one at a show like I always do with P3, but can't imagine ever owning one.

#44 4 years ago

Thankyou Multimorphic for going ahead with the reveal. This place really needed the extra excitement. Game looks awesome, seems to have a lot of personality.
Holy Grail = Medieval Madness
Ocean's 11 = Heist

#45 4 years ago

It really looks like the age of maturity for P3, great job guys !

#46 4 years ago
Quoted from yancy:

Seems about as feature-filled as you can make one of these things, but it just doesn't look like pinball to me. I'll play one at a show like I always do with P3, but can't imagine ever owning one.

I literally don't understand this statement/mentality. Do you mean the back is too dense to visually resemble pinball machines you're used to? Or that the play (not that there's really any gameplay video) doesn't equate to what you consider pinball?

As much as I hate the term "world under glass," has there ever been a game that executed this more literally? I know there are lots of other games that technically have more stuff in them, given they use the entire playfield. And some games have more "toys" in them, but in most cases they end up being an amalgam of disparate things. Even loaded games like WOZ have a house on one side, a proportionally huge witch in the middle, a crystal ball, etc. Not saying that is better or worse, but Multimorphic has created a literal 3D cityscape, where the ball paths are the side streets. It really looks remarkable.

So in that sense, it doesn't look like any other pinball, but I'd argue that's a good thing. Whether the game is fun, that remains to be seen.

If it's the old P3 doesn't represent "real" pinball gameplay argument, I would have hoped we were way past that misnomer at this point.

To each their own, and no game will resonate with everyone. To me, this looks like it could be pretty freakin awesome. I'd need to see some videos / play it myself before I was able to assess it on that level.

#47 4 years ago

Congrats to the Multimorphic team... looks very nicely done. Some very slick 3-D molds. Looking forward to a world where there are shows again to be able to try it out.

#48 4 years ago

Looks pretty good. Worth flipping it on location.

#49 4 years ago

been a fan of your game concept for a long while but this game and story and features looks very cool, now just need to wait for the dollar to improve... go away coronavirus

screen-capture-7 (resized).pngscreen-capture-7 (resized).png
#50 4 years ago
Quoted from Cheeks:

Do you mean the back is too dense to visually resemble pinball machines you're used to?

Nah, the back looks pretty cool.

Quoted from Cheeks:

Or that the play (not that there's really any gameplay video) doesn't equate to what you consider pinball?

Bingo. I've played the bottom 2/3rd of this machine, they just don't do anything for me. I know on paper the idea is brilliant and all, but you don't play the game on paper.

Quoted from Cheeks:

As much as I hate the term "world under glass," has there ever been a game that executed this more literally?

Uh yeah, like any game that has stuff on more than a third of the playfield.

Quoted from Cheeks:

I know there are lots of other games that technically have more stuff in them, given they use the entire playfield.

It's not about "total stuff," but yeah, I like stuff... all around the playfield? And regular art, no giant screen in my face, the feel of traditional flippers, slings, etc.

This looks cool for what it is and has probably maxed out the platform, but yeah, not for me. People that enjoy this sort of thing will really enjoy this.

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