I am considering them and was wondering if anyone had installed them on .....any pin and was it worth the cost....Also if you installed them yourself......how long did it take?
I am considering them and was wondering if anyone had installed them on .....any pin and was it worth the cost....Also if you installed them yourself......how long did it take?
Ive got a whole lot coming from Pinball Life now for my TZ & SM. Already put the green goblin & venom kit it looks awesome so now want to do more & thought I might as well get some for my TZ as well. Should look sweeeet.
I put my current ones in SM myself, it didnt take me long & I'm new to all this but its all good fun, although I did manage to drop the playing field off 1 of the guide bits (amateur) wont be doing that again but there was a fair bit of cussing going on at the time
Will do Ice not sure how long they will take to get here as Im down in New Zealand, but will get some pics up for sure when done
I put LEDs in my TZ. It looks good, but isn't as noticeable as some other machines. Be sure to color-match the yellow inserts, b/c the yellow Loop and Greed inserts are blinding if you put white LEDs in them.
It doesn't take long at all for the inserts, but the G.I. can be time consuming. I threw some blues in the back G.I. and really like it. I think that the LEDs make a far bigger difference on G.I. for a TZ then the inserts. I also did the back box in LEDs - be sure to put concave or frosted lens LEDs in the area behind Rod Serling (door illumination behind him) b/c otherwise you can see the bulbs. I put blue concave lens LEDs behing the "Twilight Zone" title on the translite, which is a cool effect.
The 3-light white Ablaze LEDs from Pinball Life is what I use for 90% of my swaps, but I like the look of really bright inserts with white backlight (accept for yellows and blues - color match those).
I think I'm gonna install LED's on the hyperball I picked up yesterday. Cuz man do all those lights get hot! Anyone seen A HB with LED's?
Quoted from gweempose:My TZ has LEDs under the playfield and for the GI. I think it looks awesome.
I'm looking at led's for the TZ. Which way do I go? Cointaker kit? or just some here and there,which type? I like the look of the blue behind the TZ title,would match the clock housing nicely i think.
I have dabbled in led's a bit,but very much a student.Any help would be appreciated.
Cointaker sets are nice, but I like to pick out the individual colors myself. As Gambit mentioned, using the "obvious" colors in certain spots can be blinding. As for pictures, I have a nice example of my sister's TZ with LED's I'll drop here.
EDIT: For playfield inserts, especially on a game that has big ones like TZ, I recommend the wide-angle super-brights. For GI by flippers and return lanes I like the flexi-head supers. Other than that, it's all experimentation and personal taste. Just go for it, DON'T go cheap, and have fun
Quoted from ButtonMash:no, no one has ever thought to LED such a rare an unpopular game as TZ. You are definitely the first to attempt such a feat.
Thanks for your ideas and contribution on which way to go about doing it.
Quoted from davewtf:I don't like LED in TZ. It loses it's "old timey" charm IMHO.
I was in the same boat until I put fellow Pinsider Herg's LED OCD controller in, along with some cointaker retros. It really looks fairly "old timey", enough for me anyway.
LED judgement needs to be an "in person" thing. Hate to say it because it's so hard to find one to see, but it's true. Pictures and videos have SO many ways to fail in conveying what these things actually look like, it's not funny. What looks great in person may look like a 70's disco club to someone else because of the lighting(or lack there of) and poor exposure times, f-stop adjustments, or just a bad camera to begin with. I'm not saying anyone in particular has bad photography skills(hell, I don't even know what the "f" in f-stop means!), I just don't think it's fair to the LED's. It doesn't give them a fair fight.
I saw three TZ's in person at PAGG this last year and only one had the LED's done to it and my verdict was that while the owner chose the right colors and intensities to closely match what was original and it looked good, the strobing effect in the main door on the playfield was a bit much for me. I could see doing LED's in my TZ, but I'm VERY picky and I know it'd take a lot of homework to get the right shades of whatever colors I'd choose, and without a doubt, I'd have to get the LED OCD from Herg.
But, all that time and money to do what? Replicate what it came with from the factory when all it really needed was a good cleaning and fresh bulbs? I've done that already and it looks great and is pretty stinkin' bright(especially after cleaning the underside of the inserts). LED's are only a long-term/down the road project for me. Don't get wrong, I DO want the long life and reduced heat and power consumption of LED's, but I don't think it's a real priority yet. Besides, the longer I wait, the better LED technology gets. Have you seen the LED's Ingo uses on his new TZ clock boards? The wide angle Superfluxx's? Those things look fantastic. Wait until those things get adapted to the other fitting types used in a pin, then I might be down to drop a few bucks. Even then, I'd have to see them in person.
Quoted from Miguel351:LED judgement needs to be an "in person" thing.
...the strobing effect in the main door on the playfield was a bit much for me.
Totally agree with you. In fact, most people should look at them to see if they can notice the strobing effect at all.
Quoted from TheLaw:In fact, most people should look at them to see if they can notice the strobing effect at all.
I've seen some that strobe so bad it'll make your brain hurt. Others I've seen that don't strobe, look weak-colored. I've seen some that are so bright you have to squint if you're not in a very well lit room to offset their brightness. They're all over the map. Finding the right ones takes time and visual inspection.
I'll be spending a lot more time at PAGG this year looking and talking to owners(fellow owners this time!) than last year.
I've only seen 1 game that was too bright it was hard for me to deal with, and I am not affected by strobing at all, luckily. But sure with all the different kinds of bulbs these days whom the heck knows...plus makers seem to delight in just cranking up the brightness as far as they can go.
I use LEDs in limited applications, and I usually do not try to color highlight. I think it's cool when people do it, but I don't think it's for me for every day.
I did the warm white LED pinbit kit for the clock ($6). It's awesome and very much retains the original look and feel IMHO.
I also did warm white flex's (from cointaker) on the inner door panel inserts that have one off-center bulb to light them.
Now to find some 545 LEDs for when those go in the backbox... anyone? anyone?
Quoted from pinbob:Now to find some 545 LEDs for when those go in the backbox... anyone? anyone?
Cointaker hides them in the "misc. LED" section
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