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CODE UPDATE: Bug just streamed the new Halloween code on Twitch. Now you can play it for yourself. Download 1.13 code now and help "Drive the Evil Back".
Change Notes:
* New mini-mode “Drive The Evil Back”. Bringing some more action when you’re not in other modes. Hitting the right scoop now has a big chance of lighting a new Blood target (blood can do more now – see below) OR a small chance revealing a Michael from behind a hedge – it depends on how much blood you are holding. You don’t have long to Drive Michael Back – if you can’t, he will steal some of your collected blood and next time he’ll be closer and more dangerous!
* Collected blood now gives an extra scoring boost. You’ll see your active multiplier below the blood drop icon on the right of the screen
* The “dirty pool” shot up through the middle of the drop bank can now be looped and repeated for extra-extra score multiplying!
* The right scoop now flashes when it is lit to be hit, not after it’s hit. It can also flash multiple colors now if ready for mode select/blood store/pumpkin MB/extra ball etc.
* Shop items have been tweaked slightly, not too much. Some things have more time and you’ll find extra balls costs more after the first one.
* 6 blood will only appear if you successfully complete a mode. Including Stalker now too.
* You can short plunge and skillshot is still valid.
* Once you’ve collected at least one Super Jackpot in Hedge MB and it’s no longer available, the hedge scoops won’t be lit green.
* Audio adjustments are now increments of 1% instead of 5% to allow finer tuning.
* Several other small lights tweaks, like Judith Tombstone lights being more immediate on a lock, upper drop lit for the crossover during Bob, etc.
* Attract mode – there’s an extra surprise that appears if you leave the machine idle, controllable by the menu setting FEATURE > ATTRACT MODE FREQ (OFF or 1,5,10 etc minutes)