Here's a few things I'd still like to see fixed and/or added in a future code update.
The text display in the attract mode for the extra balls award is too large, and the "E" is cropped off a bit. This needs to be slightly re-sized.
Sometimes, the Extra Ball animation with Star Lord has no background music.
Sometimes, the Ball Saved animation with Gamora has no background music.
The mode can end and you can put the ball in the scoop immediately, and the game doesn't realize the mode is over and simply spits it back out. It's like the game needs a couple seconds to realize the mode is over. The timer on this needs to be adjusted.
I almost always use the button to launch a ball. If you hit the button to fast after the ball enters the trough, the mode will start, but the ball doesn't launch and you have to hit it again. Not sure if this is a GOTG problem, or a SPIKE 2 problem. My Star Trek never did this.
Plunging a ball into a mode with 2 seconds left is pointless. If you lose a ball with let's say under 5 seconds left, the mode should be timed out automatically, and you go back to the selection screen for the new ball.
If you qualify a mode, and then lose a ball, I'd like to see you be able to get out of that mode and start a different one with the new ball. I know when I play the 4 modes on the other side of Cherry Bomb, I'm just trying to get to Immolation Initiative. If I qualify and drain, I want to be able to move on if I choose.
The scoop ejects needs the option of offering a short ball consolation. I miss this from Ghostbusters, which had an equally erratic right scoop.