I think I am in for the WW CE #12.....But I don't know for sure...
I think they are doing a Willy Wonka -- But I don't know for sure...
I think they might do a powder coated door this time.....But I don't know for sure...
I hope they make the announcement soon .....But I don't know for sure....
I hope some day Pat and Jack will do my Richie Wrench Pinball .....But I don't know for sure....
I hope JJP will give us a better shooter assembly on the CE Editions....But I don't know for sure...
I hope JJP fools us all an comes out with something that NO ONE SAW COMING .....But I don't know for sure...
I hope Joe see this message but If not -- I AM TEXTING HIM AT 3 AM TONIGHT.... But I don't know for sure....
I hope that TOY STORY CE is next since the movie is almost here....Make sense....But I don't know for sure....
I hope that Willy Wonka make a BIG SPLASH and the GAME CAN AND COULD BE GREAT ...But I don't know for sure....
I Hope JJP will offer a breakfast meeting and give buttons for the all the CE OWNERS for all future CE Games ....But I don't know for sure....