(Topic ID: 321444)

If you could ask Stern one question?

By TroyS

2 years ago

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    There are 92 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 2.
    #1 2 years ago

    If you could ask Stern one question that they would have to answer what would it be?

    #2 2 years ago

    What is the average air speed velocity of a laden swallow?

    #3 2 years ago

    For me it would be in Insider are you going to release Leaderboards for home users and when? Follow-up if not can you made it a paid option function?

    #4 2 years ago

    why is the sky blue ?

    #5 2 years ago

    #6 2 years ago
    Quoted from Coindork:

    What is the average air speed velocity of a laden swallow?

    Depending on the designer or coder you might get a different answer lol

    #7 2 years ago

    What does the pin release roadmap look like for the next five years? They must have a plan of some sort or have ideas in play in regards to certain licenses.

    #8 2 years ago

    Will Keith Elwin ever do a Jaws pin ?

    LTG : )

    #9 2 years ago

    Why can't toppers be sold when the pinballs are sold not 3 years later ?

    PinballPalace_SpaceArcade_PNG_2000x2000 (resized).pngPinballPalace_SpaceArcade_PNG_2000x2000 (resized).png
    #10 2 years ago

    What is your favorite color

    #11 2 years ago
    Quoted from Coindork:

    What is the average air speed velocity of a laden swallow?

    What do you mean? An African swallow or a European one?

    #12 2 years ago

    Why do men have nipples?

    #13 2 years ago

    Why do you park in a driveway and drive on a parkway?

    #14 2 years ago
    Quoted from Coindork:

    What is the average air speed velocity of a laden swallow?

    Depends on what it's it ladened with...

    #15 2 years ago

    Why did Gary Stern allow his ex-wife to retain part ownership of the intellectual property rights to classic Stern?

    #16 2 years ago

    Does using frequent death saves void the warranty?

    #17 2 years ago

    Can I see the production numbers?

    #18 2 years ago

    What licenses have you had rights to in the past that were passed on? How many amps are on the breaker in the microwave room? What innovations are being kept from us due to patent issues?

    #19 2 years ago

    Do playfields even exist outside of our minds?

    #20 2 years ago

    Why are you the only pinball manufacturer that doesn't offer any model with a knocker - the most glorious sound in pinball?

    #21 2 years ago

    Why did you put a node board so close to flippers?

    #22 2 years ago
    Quoted from TroyS:

    For me it would be in Insider are you going to release Leaderboards for home users and when? Follow-up if not can you made it a paid option function?

    They said this is coming in our initial stern army meetings about it. When it happens? No idea.

    #23 2 years ago
    6rsh41 (resized).jpg6rsh41 (resized).jpg
    #24 2 years ago

    When do we se a Judas Priest pin?

    #25 2 years ago

    Not to be morbid, but what is your succession plan?

    #26 2 years ago

    Can you PLEASE put the power switch back where it belongs?

    #27 2 years ago
    #28 2 years ago

    Why can't I wear white after Labor Day? It's coming up so a quick answer on this issue would be appreciated!

    #29 2 years ago

    How many Os are in the word "lose"?

    #30 2 years ago

    What is the point of insider if my score always sucks so I'm never on the leaderboard?
    And why when I'm playing any game and I look up at a leaderboard that game is never on the board
    (I mean.... I'm not daft, it's a "leader" board. But I want to see more and I want to see it at home or insider has no purpose for me)

    I just want to see something other than a list of who is killing it at the top 4 games. I don't care about them, but I do care about where my scores sit in general with other players.

    #31 2 years ago
    Quoted from homebrood:

    Why can't I wear white after Labor Day? It's coming up so a quick answer on this issue would be appreciated!

    White clothing was a sign of affluence. For people of means leaving the city for vacations. Their trips and vacations typically lasted more than a week or two. Often for the whole summer. Which they typically didn't do after Labor Day.

    Not to mention you could be getting the wrath of Amy Vanderbilt for such a faus pax.

    LTG : )

    #32 2 years ago

    Do I have something in my teeth?

    #33 2 years ago

    Where the F is the Mando topper?

    #34 2 years ago

    You smell something?

    #35 2 years ago

    The power switch was a great question.

    #36 2 years ago

    Where is the scratch and dent section?

    #37 2 years ago

    Can your power supply actually be used as a hairdryer, or does it only sound like one?

    #38 2 years ago
    Quoted from LTG:

    Will Keith Elwin ever do a Jaws pin ?
    LTG : )

    Quoted from Psw757:

    Where the F is the Mando topper?

    I have the same question, been waiting for this one.

    #39 2 years ago
    Quoted from Bmanpin:

    What does the pin release roadmap look like for the next five years? They must have a plan of some sort or have ideas in play in regards to certain licenses.

    I like this one a lot. I have a lot of pro Nikon gear and this year they put out a roadmap of lenses. This has built trust and also let users plan upgrades\purchases for the up coming years. For Stern this would generate a ton of excitement.

    #41 2 years ago

    Why don’t you release the toppers at the same time the game is released?

    #42 2 years ago
    Quoted from Pinplayer1967:

    Why don’t you release the toppers at the same time the game is released?

    Could not agree more. I know for me when I have a new pin I am out to do mods and buy a topper in the first 30 days. After that I start to think clearer and start designing my own. I just did a quick cost analysis and if they would hire a topper team it would be a new profit center for them. Working with the designer it would also release at the same time. Sure they could use some high energy talent (me <---). Let's Go

    #43 2 years ago

    Baby don’t hurt me

    Quoted from CrazyLevi:

    What is...love?

    #44 2 years ago

    why won't you answer when i try to call you about my extended warranty?

    #45 2 years ago

    "Could I please have a free pinball machine every new release and I'll turn the previous one back in to you?"

    Like Phil Collins once said, "No reply at all."

    #46 2 years ago

    " why doesn't gart het a haircut?"

    #47 2 years ago
    Quoted from zaki:

    " why doesn't gart het a haircut?"

    Opps. Why doesn't Gary stern get a haircut?

    #48 2 years ago
    Quoted from jkashani:

    Baby don’t hurt me

    no more...

    #50 2 years ago
    image (resized).jpgimage (resized).jpg
    There are 92 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 2.


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