(Topic ID: 209520)

GOTG Sound Replacement Mod

By cleland

6 years ago

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Post #1 How to step Posted by cleland (6 years ago)

Post #99 Song list Posted by deeplennon1 (6 years ago)

Post #102 V2 for 0.87 Posted by cleland (6 years ago)

Post #216 0.95 links Posted by cleland (6 years ago)

Post #258 V1.01 Pro Link Posted by cleland (6 years ago)

Post #387 Summary of all the steps in one handy post. Posted by midhandicapper (6 years ago)

Post #506 Version 1.06 Posted by cleland (5 years ago)

Post #772 Version 1.06 update Posted by cleland (4 years ago)

Post #785 SD Card instructions Posted by imagamejunky (4 years ago)

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#1 6 years ago

Hey fellow Pinsiders.

I'm getting close to releasing my GOTG sound replacement package for all to enjoy.
Things are going to be a little different this time and I'm going to be asking for some opinions and a couple of beta testers.

First off, instead of upgrading via a USB stick, I'm going to be offering a direct .IMG file that needs to be flashed to a new SD card.
This is better in many ways, as you can pull your original SD card and keep it safe and apply Stern updates to that card to keep it stock code.

All you will need is another SD card and download my .IMG file and "Restore" it to your alternate SD card and plug into your game.
I am Mac based and use a simple free program called "dd utility".
I'm sure there are many options out there for both Mac and Windows. Essentially, all you are doing is writing the .IMG file to the SD card and then swapping it out in your game. That way, you don't have to wait for updating via USB and the game boots up and is ready to go with whatever SD card you have in (stock or sound mod).

I'm currently looking for two beta testers (Pro Versions for now) that are tech savvy enough to know how to copy an .IMG file to an SD and test in their game and give me some feedback. Please send me a PM and I'll send you a link this weekend. Keep in mind this is a huge file at about 8 gigs, so it will take some time for me to upload and you to download. Also, when I share this for all I'll need some help in hosting....but that will be a few weeks off.

Finally, I open up the discussion for opinions on the replacements. I will take all into account but not necessarily implement them.

The game is based off the first movie, so I am mainly matching the sound alikes with the real movie quotes. There are variants in the code which helps with the redundancy of hearing only the same call outs, so I have mixed and matched to create variety, but they obviously sound different and I will be adjusting the volume, balance, and reverb as I finesse things.
I am not opposed to adding lines in from the second movie that might fit and be funny in certain scenes...We'll see as the code matures.

A couple of things I changed music wise is:

"ELO Mr Blue Sky" for the mode selection
"Hooked on a Feeling" (Minus Uga Chaka) for Kyln mode (as that was in the movie)
Replaced "Hooked on a Feeling" from the shooting for mode standby to "Brandy"

Thanks all, looking forward to polishing up this game and eager for another Stern update!

GOTO POST #258 for 1.01 UPDATES

#2 6 years ago

im excited to see/hear progress! good luck!

#3 6 years ago

Love to check it out.

#4 6 years ago

I’m a it admin and a Mac user have a premium that just got delivered I’m willing to test.

#5 6 years ago

Keep me in mind when you want to test an LE version of the code, I have no problem putting IMG files on SD cards.

#6 6 years ago

I really need a stock .IMG file of the LE/Prem Code if someone is willing to post it for me and send a link. Then, I can run my macro on the LE/Premium .IMG.
If one of you guys can "Backup" your original LE code and post a link for me I can do it. Keep in mind you'll need about 8 gigs to host the file.

I can't just download from Sterns website because those updates are only changes to code, I need the full stock image.

#7 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

I really need a stock .IMG file of the LE/Prem Code if someone is willing to post it for me and send a link. Then, I can run my macro on the LE/Premium .IMG.
If one of you guys can "Backup" your original LE code and post a link for me I can do it. Keep in mind you'll need about 8 gigs to host the file.
I can't just download from Sterns website because those updates are only changes to code, I need the full stock image.

Sent message

#8 6 years ago

Interested in seeing how this turns out.

#9 6 years ago

If I might suggest, leaving the version of hooked on a feeling with “Ugachacka” because it is specific to the movie. It kinda makes it unique. Also, how will you handle the background music & sounds during game play? Will those be the same or different. Not talking about the songs, but more of the musical score.

#10 6 years ago

sounds interesting what are the other additions you are making?

#11 6 years ago

Super cool.

#12 6 years ago

As someone who has already been fucking with the code I'd be happy to test this out.

#13 6 years ago

Thanks to themacguru for providing the stock LE .img file. I have sent my modified version (Pro and LE) out to a few Pinsiders to evaluate.
If you want to give it a shot, just shoot me a PM and I'll send you the link. You should be comfortable restoring the .img file to an SD card. It's pretty basic and that way you can pop your original one back in if you don't like the changes I've made.

As of now I have replaced most sound alike call outs with the actual lines from the movie. (Still have some more Drax to do)

Escape Kyln music is a custom mix of Hooked on a Feeling for 45 seconds or so and then turns into The Pina Colada song, since these were both played in that scene.

Mode selection music is ELO's Mr. Blue Sky

Replaced Cherry Bomb music to Brandy

Edited Hooked on a Feeling (Cut out Oooga Chaka, I know it was in the movie but it drives me nuts).

Rockets game specific callouts remain "Skill Shot" etc..... I have a feeling there will be more instruction call outs in the next Stern update.

#14 6 years ago

Just throwing this out there.... once you get this all wrapped up and complete, would you ever consider doing a custom file for someone for a fee ? It might be nifty to have the basic set up you finalize but maybe have different songs or something like that.

#15 6 years ago
Quoted from Apollon:

Just throwing this out there.... once you get this all wrapped up and complete, would you ever consider doing a custom file for someone for a fee ? It might be nifty to have the basic set up you finalize but maybe have different songs or something like that.

Sure, I've done quite a few custom codes for some other Pinsiders games. Just saw new GOTG .87 code was released so I am going to download that now and update it to my original SD card, then modify that new .IMG with my sound macro and see how it goes. Looks like a lot of great updates!

#16 6 years ago

Good on ya Cleland!

#17 6 years ago

Hi Cleland,
I loaded your .85 GOTG sound into my LE machine loving it so far, I set for -25 sounds a little lower than original. are you going to make a .87?
I can't wait!
Thank you

#18 6 years ago
Quoted from rapidraw:

Hi Cleland,
I loaded your .85 GOTG sound into my LE machine loving it so far, I set for -25 sounds a little lower than original. are you going to make a .87?
I can't wait!
Thank you

Oh yeah, I’m hard at work with updates and improvements.... it might be a week or two though but rest assured I’m dedicated to it. I love my Pro and GOTG is my favorite of all the Marvel universe.

#19 6 years ago

Might I suggest the Redbone song in their somewhere? Love this song in this movie and this pin really needs it in my opinion.
Would also be nice to hear perhaps the chorus of these songs once in a while instead of starting from the beginning every time. Can't ever really get to the good parts of the song when it restarts each time. Just a thought.

#20 6 years ago
Quoted from Latinfantom:

Might I suggest the Redbone song in their somewhere? Love this song in this movie and this pin really needs it in my opinion.
Would also be nice to hear perhaps the chorus of these songs once in a while instead of starting from the beginning every time. Can't ever really get to the good parts of the song when it restarts each time. Just a thought.

I did use that song as the Quills Quest song replacement.

#21 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

I did use that song as the Quills Quest song replacement.

Great work and I am still side by side with you testing and once your .87 LE code is ready also. I am sure it will be excellent too! Let me know when that is done as I know its a lot of work moving everything due to the "shift" we discussed.

Pin Stadium

#22 6 years ago
Quoted from pinstadium:

Great work and I am still side by side with you testing and once your .87 LE code is ready also. I am sure it will be excellent too! Let me know when that is done as I know its a lot of work moving everything due to the "shift" we discussed.
Pin Stadium

Did the shift effect only call-outs? I have a bunch of macros for song replacements.. everything seems to have shown up in the right place but.

#23 6 years ago
Quoted from deeplennon1:

Did the shift effect only call-outs? I have a bunch of macros for song replacements.. everything seems to have shown up in the right place but.

I think cleland can better answer that as he just made me aware of this is what is going on behind the scenes with the new code. I understand what he is saying as I work with Pinball Browser but not sure what he is seeing exactly if it is just callouts or music and effects too.

#24 6 years ago

I had a very helpful pinsider from France try and help me shift the sounds around a couple of times and things didn't work out.
I am going back line by line now and re-doing over 400 call outs. Painstaking, but I am also making some improvements along the way.
Gonna be a couple of days for me to complete this.

#25 6 years ago

By the time your done new code may be out.

#26 6 years ago
Quoted from bent98:

By the time your done new code may be out.

That may be true, but I don't think the sound call outs will change from here on out and I can just re-run the macro.

This happened in The Walking Dead towards the end and made it easy. Anyway, back to work on this of the the next 6 hours for my Sunday.

#27 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

That may be true, but I don't think the sound call outs will change from here on out and I can just re-run the macro.
This happened in The Walking Dead towards the end and made it easy. Anyway, back to work on this of the the next 6 hours for my Sunday.

I’m not a GOTG owner, but I understand the work, time and frustration it takes to replace callouts and music. Your efforts will make lots of owners very happy.

Kudos to you for keeping the hobby positive and fun!

#28 6 years ago

Just traded my TWD Pro for GOTG Pro - had your Rated R mix on it Cleland. Would love to test out the new GOTG code you're working on!

#29 6 years ago

I'm getting a little creative now and trying to incorporate some more of the great songs from both movies. Just played around with using Cat Steven's Father and Son for when you are in standby to select the Yaka Arroq mission. That was the song they played when they launched Yondu into space right? Anyway, been at it for about six hours today and will probably dedicate another 4 hours...or until my IPA selection runs out tonight
Good things are in store for this game though!

#30 6 years ago

I’m excitedly following.

#31 6 years ago

New GOTG Premium owner here anxiously following this post.
I really appreciate all the hard work you're putting into this.

#32 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

I'm getting a little creative now and trying to incorporate some more of the great songs from both movies. Just played around with using Cat Steven's Father and Son for when you are in standby to select the Yaka Arroq mission. That was the song they played when they launched Yondu into space right? Anyway, been at it for about six hours today and will probably dedicate another 4 hours...or until my IPA selection runs out tonight
Good things are in store for this game though!

Wow keep up the good and “hard” work too. You are dedicated on this one too! Exciting stuff.

#33 6 years ago

This is the best thing to happen to GOTG..... well since GOTG.
Can’t wait to try it. Amazing work cleland

#34 6 years ago

Just a little update that things are progressing well and I have been doing some play testing. I have about another 150 lines to address and I am sprinkling in some quotes from the Vol2 movie that fit in well, even though I know the game is based on Vol1. It adds a little variety though while keeping the theme modes specific. Whew, this has been a ton of work but I feel this game will really be improved.

#35 6 years ago

Cleland thanks so much. All of us gotg owners are VERY thankful for your dedication and talent on this.

#36 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

Just a little update that things are progressing well and I have been doing some play testing. I have about another 150 lines to address and I am sprinkling in some quotes from the Vol2 movie that fit in well, even though I know the game is based on Vol1. It adds a little variety though while keeping the theme modes specific. Whew, this has been a ton of work but I feel this game will really be improved.

That’s a ton of work and I have seen the file on this for Pinball Browser. This big import I hope will be the last major shift. I’m ready and loaded for the testing on the LE when it’s ready. Sounds like you are adding more than what we could even ask for. Very cool!!

#37 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

Just a little update that things are progressing well and I have been doing some play testing. I have about another 150 lines to address and I am sprinkling in some quotes from the Vol2 movie that fit in well, even though I know the game is based on Vol1. It adds a little variety though while keeping the theme modes specific. Whew, this has been a ton of work but I feel this game will really be improved.

Thanks for your work can't wait to see/hear it.

#38 6 years ago

Thanks cleland for all your hard work!!!

#39 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

Just a little update that things are progressing well and I have been doing some play testing. I have about another 150 lines to address and I am sprinkling in some quotes from the Vol2 movie that fit in well, even though I know the game is based on Vol1. It adds a little variety though while keeping the theme modes specific. Whew, this has been a ton of work but I feel this game will really be improved.

Sounds amazing!!!

#40 6 years ago

Is there any chance you could have a first pass ready by Wednesday or early Thursday?
I'm taking my Premium to the Louisville Arcade Expo (LAX) next week and would really like to show off your work.

No problem if you can't.

#41 6 years ago

I am just about ready to post my first version for all to play tomorrow (Sunday Feb 25th). I've had about 10 games tonight and I am stoked with the results, but I'm also tired as hell (and had way too many IPA's) to fully play through all the modes. But, man am I excited how it's coming out, I hope you all will be too.
Be ready to have a 16 Gig SD card handy and be able to restore the .IMG file I post to a new card. Keep your stock one safe for regular Stern USB updates.

#42 6 years ago

Hells Yes!!!

#43 6 years ago
Quoted from cleland:

I am just about ready to post my first version for all to play tomorrow (Sunday Feb 25th). I've had about 10 games tonight and I am stoked with the results, but I'm also tired as hell (and had way too many IPA's) to fully play through all the modes. But, man am I excited how it's coming out, I hope you all will be too.
Be ready to have a 16 Gig SD card handy and be able to restore the .IMG file I post to a new card. Keep your stock one safe for regular Stern USB updates.

Great news!!

#44 6 years ago

A GOTG premium is on my list of maybes. The big draw back I see to the machine is the fake “soundalike” callouts are really bad.

Hope someone posts a video of a premium running this code!!!

Thanks Cleland!

#45 6 years ago

Have a few 64gb as cards can i use one of those.

#46 6 years ago

My guess etcher or win32diskimager would write the image and make the 64gb sdcard a 16gb card and it should work, but why not get the right card for 10 bucks? I'd use a Sandisk ultra 16gb sdcard they are 10 bucks at bestbuy. We are very fortunate to have cleland put so much time into making the sound replacement. Cheers cleland!

Quoted from themacguru:

Have a few 64gb as cards can i use one of those.

#47 6 years ago
Quoted from themacguru:

Have a few 64gb as cards can i use one of those.


#48 6 years ago
Quoted from luvthatapex2:

My guess etcher or win32diskimager would write the image and make the 64gb sdcard a 16gb card and it should work, but why not get the right card for 10 bucks? I'd use a Sandisk ultra 16gb sdcard they are 10 bucks at bestbuy. We are very fortunate to have cleland put so much time into making the sound replacement. Cheers cleland!

64 gb is the smallest i own i use then for lots of things. I get High read write speed ones always. I probably have about 50 here at house from 64gb - 512g.
Did know if the stern code wanted a certain size max.

#49 6 years ago
Quoted from themacguru:

Did know if the stern code wanted a certain size max.

You’re good. The card the game comes with is actually only 8gb, but I know from experience that for whatever reason even the smallest edit on gotg makes the image file ever so slightly larger than would fit on an 8gb card, hence cleland saying you need a 16.

I’ve used a 64 before with no issues.

#50 6 years ago

I think any SD card will work but I'm using a Sandisk 16 gig and it works fine. I'm about to PM a few of you guys with my latest .IMG file to restore to your SD card. Feel free to PM me if you want to "Beta Test" too. I still have a lot of things to implement but I'd say about 80% of the call outs are there with the current .87 code. I need some time to play and evaluate and invite you to also! Feedback is welcomed...as long as it's friendly

Added over 4 years ago:

This post was supposed to be in my Stranger Things thread. I get a little overwhelmed at times

Added over 4 years ago:

I think any SD card will work but I'm using a Sandisk 16 gig and it works fine. I'm about to PM a few of you guys with my latest .IMG file to restore to your SD card. Feel free to PM me if you want to "Beta Test" too. I still have a lot of things to implement but I'd say about 80% of the call outs are there with the current .87 code. I need some time to play and evaluate and invite you to also! Feedback is welcomed...as long as it's friendly

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