Will you be able to make a black & white version of this by chance? For the new Premium model.
Quoted from PopieJopie:Hi @jazzbouche, could you please give another update?
Hi - yes sorry for the lack of updates. I'll hold my hands up and admit that the Atomic Godzilla 2: King of the Topper has delayed me a little more than I thought. I thought I'd be able to keep the two streams separate, but a new release has a habit of throwing up some surprises and hogging time. Here are some pictures for those that haven't seen it...
AGZ2_03 (resized).pngAGZ2_02 (resized).png
So that bad boy is the cause of the delay - my apologies. I'm maybe 2-3 weeks behind where I would've liked to be. But I have all the parts, and they are in the process of painting and assembly. Everything is here - I just need to put it together and contact you all for shipping...so fear not, it will happen. And of course I completely understand if you choose to opt out when the time comes. I will post some updates when I get the figures painted up - I always like a group shot of each batch!
For those that are interested the AGZ2: Topper King thread is here: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/atomic-godzilla-2-king-of-the-topper/page/2#post-8255481
Quoted from MFrenchie5:Will you be able to make a black & white version of this by chance? For the new Premium model.
Hi - I've had a few messages about this, and honestly I'm not sure yet. In theory it's a simple task (albeit requires test painting), but it creates a bit of process complexity and messes with my batch production (which is already behind schedule as outlined above). So whilst I'm not ruling it out, I'm also not planning it in at the moment. The best I can say is to get on the list and ask when we get to you. You can always opt out at that point. Hope that helps - sorry it's not more definitive yet. (If anything changes I'll post on here)
Quoted from Jazzbouche:Hi - yes sorry for the lack of updates. I'll hold my hands up and admit that the Atomic Godzilla 2: King of the Topper has delayed me a little more than I thought. I thought I'd be able to keep the two streams separate, but a new release has a habit of throwing up some surprises and hogging time. Here are some pictures for those that haven't seen it...
[quoted image][quoted image]
So that bad boy is the cause of the delay - my apologies. I'm maybe 2-3 weeks behind where I would've liked to be. But I have all the parts, and they are in the process of painting and assembly. Everything is here - I just need to put it together and contact you all for shipping...so fear not, it will happen. And of course I completely understand if you choose to opt out when the time comes. I will post some updates when I get the figures painted up - I always like a group shot of each batch!
For those that are interested the AGZ2: Topper King thread is here: https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/atomic-godzilla-2-king-of-the-topper/page/2#post-8255481
Thanks for the update. Naturally things get slowed with new projects. The King of the Topper is super impressive and I bet it's getting lots of interest.
Killler Mod, will look amazing on my LE. Please put me down for one please! Also anyone who may have an extra one for sale for a profit, and immediate let me know.
Can I please get on the extended list for the premium. I have been looking for this mod. It is awesome.
Hi! Can I be added to the list for your Atomic Godzilla mod for my Le? That would be great! Thanks brother!
Added 46 days ago:+ The extended for me as well please!
@jazzbouche, is there room for one more on the Atomic Godzilla list? If so, would you please add me as well?
Can you please add me to the Atomic Godzilla for Color Premium version? Thanks.
Edit: I believe it looks like people are saying for use with the Tokyo Neon sign I would need the extended.
Is there any chance for a similarly styled Mecha Godzilla figure to be created, specifically for the Pro model? Jazzbouche
Doesn’t even need to have lighted elements perse. My assumption is that this would sell at least a couple of hundred.
Quoted from Droomsfeer:Is there any chance for a similarly styled Mecha Godzilla figure to be created, specifically for the Pro model? Jazzbouche
Doesn’t even need to have lighted elements perse. My assumption is that this would sell at least a couple of hundred.
Hi - at the moment I'm swamped with these AGZ's and the AGZ2's for the topper. After that have a couple of new releases for other pins (hopefully quite imminent). But never say never. There's always seems to be more potential with Godzilla, such an awesome pin!!
Quoted from MFrenchie5:Will you be able to make a black & white version of this by chance? For the new Premium model.
Yes, B+W version incoming.
Quoted from PopieJopie:Hi @jazzbouche, could you please give another update?
Hi Really sorry for the delay on replying to you! Currently working through a big batch. Hoping to start up contacting people very soon and getting through the list again. Planning on a rolling batch now, so hoping to get through a big chunk of the existing list very quickly.
Please add me to the list for the black & white extended version! I got my Godzilla a few weeks ago and I’m excited to mod it!
Edit: I am presently on the list for the color version and would like to be removed from that list. Thanks!
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