Quoted from Sirgubster9:My thoughts with bad worn gear motor is would it try to work every time rather than trying once and then never trying again.
I can check the switches, but when in test mode I am choosing to move the slimmer the motor doesn't move at all. Doesn't the motor moving activate the switches? Or is it the other way around? I do have my playfield in the upright position right now so I could watch what happens when I tried the slimmer test and absolutely nothing happens. Are you suggesting i should just manually press the switches?
When my slimer stopped, I had to kinda work the situation from what wasn't happening.
In your case, u hear a noise, and have no movement.
What I did to solve my issue was manually activate one switch, in test mode to see if the motor would move either CW then activate the other switch for CCW until I had movement. Which I only had in one direction.
Next I turned game off, put my meter on switch and tested for continuity when NO or NC. These tiny switches take a beating and the little button wears down and just fails.
With the motor, I believe it can be powered by a small battery if disconnected to test it.