(Topic ID: 221524)

Gameseum Gaming Gala - Sept. 15

By emkay

6 years ago

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    “When do you expect Gameseum to open for business?”

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    • It won't, but surely all donated money and machines will be returned. 80 votes

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    #3901 4 years ago

    Special delivery in the mail today....


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    #3902 4 years ago
    Quoted from Moli410:

    Special delivery in the mail today....

    Ditto! Thanks Kev! And more bonus points for the creepy Nosferatu on the shipping envelope. I’m tempted to change my avatar.

    I agree...we all have to sport these at Pinfest next year.

    B4F28AA5-7D73-4FF3-9A7A-9AB65282D6E2 (resized).jpegB4F28AA5-7D73-4FF3-9A7A-9AB65282D6E2 (resized).jpeg307046CF-33FB-4727-AD75-FDA55BA3DF76 (resized).jpeg307046CF-33FB-4727-AD75-FDA55BA3DF76 (resized).jpegCC92318E-53CA-4CD8-B9A2-1E2F73A4E3D0 (resized).jpegCC92318E-53CA-4CD8-B9A2-1E2F73A4E3D0 (resized).jpeg
    #3903 4 years ago
    Quoted from Colsond3:

    Ditto! Thanks Kev! And more bonus points for the creepy Nosferatu on the shipping envelope. I’m tempted to change my avatar.
    I agree...we all have to sport these at Pinfest next year.[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

    Searching my records to see if Colsond3 contributed...


    #3904 4 years ago

    Wait...never mind. Just found this picture. Yeah, it checks out. Colsond3 contributed.

    Colson (resized).jpegColson (resized).jpeg

    #3905 4 years ago

    Mr. Barlow on the envelope?!?!?

    Now I am extra sad mine did not arrive today.

    As you can see from my avatar picture, I may be a slight fan....went all out for my Halloween party last year.

    03F1224B-CCEF-44E0-8F49-9A47491F9049 (resized).jpeg03F1224B-CCEF-44E0-8F49-9A47491F9049 (resized).jpeg
    #3906 4 years ago
    0F07A909-BD47-42BA-A82F-74FE65890521 (resized).jpeg0F07A909-BD47-42BA-A82F-74FE65890521 (resized).jpeg
    #3907 3 years ago

    Now that's funny. And the Plane is crumpled up like an escalara that got dumped down some stairs.

    #3908 3 years ago
    Quoted from beelzeboob:

    Wait...never mind. Just found this picture. Yeah, it checks out. colsond3 contributed.
    [quoted image]

    Guy in the truck is thinking “what did I do wrong?” Lol

    #3909 3 years ago
    Quoted from NoQuarters:

    And the Plane is crumpled up like an escalara that got dumped down some stairs.

    Escalara Airlines

    #3910 3 years ago

    Maybe that's why Stevie keeps wearing the same dirty pair of sweatpants. The others will never reach their destination.

    #3911 3 years ago

    Not much closet space needed for only 1 pair of sweat pants.

    B46DA714-CFA6-4780-871A-16917769D91C (resized).jpegB46DA714-CFA6-4780-871A-16917769D91C (resized).jpeg
    #3912 3 years ago
    Quoted from pookycade:

    Not much closet space needed for only 1 pair of sweat pants

    He only wears forever reversible sweatpants, wear them for a year and when the Niki symbol turns brown you just turn them inside out and Bam you got another years use out of them.

    #3913 3 years ago

    Wore it to work today.

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    #3914 3 years ago

    I do not give anybody permission to use my likeness nor personal photography in any unauthorized manner, especially such a defamatory one.

    The fact that people are supporting others stooping so low, complicit in these actions, and that the moderators are complicit in allowing this to happen here despite numerous violations of laws (not to mention practically every single site rule) throughout the entire course of this witch hunt, will additionally be considered. You have gone too far with this, these actions are very serious, and I will no longer be playing nice.

    Steven Van Splinter Jr.

    #3915 3 years ago
    Quoted from Gameseum:

    I do not give anybody permission to use my likeness nor personal photography in any unauthorized manner, especially such a defamatory one.
    The fact that people are supporting others stooping so low, complicit in these actions, and that the moderators are complicit in allowing this to happen here despite numerous violations of laws (not to mention practically every single site rule) throughout the entire course of this witch hunt, will additionally be considered. You have gone too far with this, these actions are very serious, and I will no longer be playing nice.
    Steven Van Splinter Jr.

    tough guy, there's nothing you can do about it. But it's nice to see that you have FINALLY recognized how 'defamatory' your actions have been over the years.

    #3916 3 years ago
    Quoted from Gameseum:

    I do not give anybody permission to use my likeness nor personal photography in any unauthorized manner, especially such a defamatory one.
    The fact that people are supporting others stooping so low, complicit in these actions, and that the moderators are complicit in allowing this to happen here despite numerous violations of laws (not to mention practically every single site rule) throughout the entire course of this witch hunt, will additionally be considered. You have gone too far with this, these actions are very serious, and I will no longer be playing nice.
    Steven Van Splinter Jr.


    #3917 3 years ago
    Quoted from Gameseum:

    I do not give anybody permission to use my likeness nor personal photography in any unauthorized manner, especially such a defamatory one.
    The fact that people are supporting others stooping so low, complicit in these actions, and that the moderators are complicit in allowing this to happen here despite numerous violations of laws (not to mention practically every single site rule) throughout the entire course of this witch hunt, will additionally be considered. You have gone too far with this, these actions are very serious, and I will no longer be playing nice.
    Steven Van Splinter Jr.

    Mods since he has decided to threaten pinside and your (in his estimation) inaction, can you please finally kick him off this site once and for all, including deactivating the Gameseum account. He just can’t stay away, can’t help himself apparently

    And oh BTW Stephen, when exactly did you ever play nice ?

    #3919 3 years ago
    Quoted from pookycade:

    Mods since he has decided to threaten pinside and your (in his estimation) inaction, can you please finally kick him off this site once and for all, including deactivating the Gameseum account. He just can’t stay away, can’t help himself apparently
    And oh BTW Stephen, when exactly did you ever play nice ?

    He is doing NOTHING with the gameseum account except using it as a duplicate account just like the others...

    NOW he even ADMITS it is him; after claiming it is not and that the gameseum account is used by someone else and claimed following pinside rules on multiple accounts.

    You get an account, and you get an account, and YOU get an account.

    #3920 3 years ago
    Quoted from Gameseum:

    I do not give anybody permission to use my likeness nor personal photography in any unauthorized manner, especially such a defamatory one.
    The fact that people are supporting others stooping so low, complicit in these actions, and that the moderators are complicit in allowing this to happen here despite numerous violations of laws (not to mention practically every single site rule) throughout the entire course of this witch hunt, will additionally be considered. You have gone too far with this, these actions are very serious, and I will no longer be playing nice.
    Steven Van Splinter Jr.

    Then maybe don't damage other peoples machines and refuse to pay for the damage you caused if you dont want things like this to happen. Man up, accept responsibility for your mistake, and #paytheboob.

    #3921 3 years ago

    This thread needs to be closed and you all need to stop harassing me. The amount of hate you have sent my way, en masse, is truly sick. Some of you are very sick. One of these days you will feel remorse one way or another. This is beyond unhuman at this point. There is no fixing this to your standards, nor is there any ignoring it away either, because the flames clearly fuel themselves without me here. Both doors are closed, and this is a nasty cycle of repetition and has been for years, for a hole I accidentally naively dug as a teenager (and other much-older adults have faced the same sick unforgiving wrath here, it's not just me) and have since evolved from except here on Pinside, where I'm forever forced to repeat and defend myself. I'm not that guy.

    So as such, tell me... where exactly do we go from here? Or is it just an endless loop and downward spiral until I can't take it anymore? I am really baffled somebody stooped low enough to do frickin' t-shirts with my face on them. I'll drop the attitude and admit, that hurts, and kind of brought it to a new level. Just please... please... leave me alone and let this thread finally die.

    This affects me (as it would anybody at this degree, and for this long) more than you realize... I am just one man, a young guy, and do infact have feelings. In internet settings like these, the quantity is mind-numbing and there is never a true off button. I'll drop the charade, it's very painful, I'll admit. It's literal cyberbullying in an adult atmosphere... consisting of like 50 people. It's extremely heavy. You have insulted me in all ways, including my physical appearance and very specific flaws I nitpicked at long before you, which I have tried very hard over the years to not hate to begin with, only to have that all that work crumble back down with the constant insults, low blows, and personal attacks, which cut much much deeper than you may think due to that. I have NEVER stooped that low or attacked any of you in that childish and hurtful way, or even close. I'm glad I'm not more sensitive and can take the pain or who knows what I would've done at certain points in this rollercoaster. I know nobody sees it with that severity, and that it's a game to many of you, but when you're on this end of it, it has never been a game. This is way beyond reason or repair at this point, and I just really want to shake hands and go our seperate ways.

    Please just leave me alone. Nobody deserves constant hatred and commentary on their life behind their back. Please. This is severe at this point and there have been way too many low blows. I already apologized to Randy at length months ago, we settled up, and I wish him nothing but the best.

    I wish I could articulate my true character better over the internet and I will work on that... there is a reason those who actually know me will vouch for me so heavily. I have misrepresented myself on here, but when continously pushed to a breaking point especially as a teenager, I cannot say that I am surprised. It's unhuman. I am not that guy, nor am I a bad guy. The keyboard and I are just not a good combo sometimes, and in-person is a totally different vibe and experience I can assure you.

    Please just leave me alone and you will never hear from me again on here... literally... been trying to leave the site for 3-4 years now, only here for this thread since.


    #3922 3 years ago
    Quoted from SuperS0nicSam:

    Then maybe don't damage other peoples machines and refuse to pay for the damage you caused if you dont want things like this to happen. Man up, accept responsibility for your mistake, and #paytheboob.

    Damage was replaced by me with brand new parts fully covering all claims of damage in July 2020 as well as an offer of full compensation for labor costs at a repair shop/Escalera Inc which was acknowledged but I never heard back on because he sold the handtruck

    I have really tried my best for Randy. I also made additional offers in the times prior dating back to early.2019 that were initially declined/ignored until he changed his mind suddenly in 2020.

    Unfortunately this always gets buried in the thread and I have actually been contacted and insulted by several people who were under the genuine impression this never took place - seems like a common thing unfortunately, my actions get drowned out here. Nobody knows the story anymore, and after 80 pages, how could they?

    Too many people genuinely think I didn't do even this and it is kind of jarring. Some are mad because they thought it wasn't enough but there are literally people here who thought it was never done at all - probably like yourself, the way you worded that. That guy Shawn was convinced of the same (no action from me whatsoever) which is why he made the derogatory T-shirts. He was completely unaware I sent the parts and pretty blindsided when I corrected him. Bizarre. Makes me wonder how many others here missed that. I didn't realize that idea was a thing until then.


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    #3923 3 years ago

    No WAY people are reading stuff from this "business" account.

    #3924 3 years ago
    Quoted from pacmanretro:

    No WAY people are reading stuff from this "business" account.

    I'm just being respectful and honest, while you're here using hashtags and acting like a child. If we can't have a valid open discussion, and you're not even willing to begin to consider what I am saying, why exactly are you still here other than to generate mindless hate? Go read - it's nothing bad.

    I read what you write, the least you could do is do the same... or check out of this thread if not.

    #3925 3 years ago

    Glad I quoted that before you deleted it a second later...

    EDIT: Annnnnnnd, it's back after calling you out. Flip flop.......

    #3926 3 years ago

    Steve has: Set up a company, rented a location, filed all the paperwork, collecting and repairing all the games, and has clients that pay the rent and his and his wife's salary. How many of you are this successful?

    Reasons people cyberbully others:
    I can see that most of the trolls here fall into one of these categories. I am sure your mothers would be proud of you picking on a 20 year old. You all seem to get your kicks on picking on Steve.

    Cyberbullies want to show people that they have power and can get away with doing hurtful things. A lot of the time this might be because they have been abused by someone they know and feel that this is the way to boost their ego, get their confidence back or to express themselves.

    To cyberbullies, hurting other people can seem funny and they find it to be entertaining. If they have an audience or others laughing along, this can encourage them to carry on.

    As hard as it can be to believe, sometimes the reason someone bullies others is because they just don't know it's wrong, or they don’t understand the level of pain that they are causing to someone else. To them, cyberbullying isn't "real" bullying and so they don't see it as harmful, this shows that they aren't aware of other people's feelings.

    When someone doesn't know how to deal with negative emotions, like frustration and anger, they can decide to take it out on whoever they see as an easy target. This is why it's so important to always talk to a friend, family or a healthcare provider when things are bothering you.

    Having an online personality that's completely different to who you really are makes it easy to say things you know are wrong, and this can usually happen when you're not happy or comfortable with your authentic self, Choma. Cyberbullies use this fake online persona to hide behind and remain anonymous, that way they think they can't get into trouble for being harmful online.

    Cyberbullying (resized).jpgCyberbullying (resized).jpg
    #3927 3 years ago

    Thanks for your kind words Andrew. Countless people and well-respected pinball folk have echoed your kind sentiments behind the scenes but do not want to speak publicly here and insert themselves and their large reputations into this cancel-culture cess pit, so I appreciate you publicly sharing your thoughts, and as somebody who I do not know/unbiased, to boot. Really, thanks


    #3928 3 years ago
    Quoted from PinballBuzz:

    Steve has: Set up a company, rented a location, filed all the paperwork, collecting and repairing all the games, and has clients that pay the rent and his and his wife's salary. How many of you are this successful?
    Reasons people cyberbully others:
    I can see that most of the trolls here fall into one of these categories. I am sure your mothers would be proud of you picking on a 20 year old. You all seem to get your kicks on picking on Steve.
    Cyberbullies want to show people that they have power and can get away with doing hurtful things. A lot of the time this might be because they have been abused by someone they know and feel that this is the way to boost their ego, get their confidence back or to express themselves.
    To cyberbullies, hurting other people can seem funny and they find it to be entertaining. If they have an audience or others laughing along, this can encourage them to carry on.
    As hard as it can be to believe, sometimes the reason someone bullies others is because they just don't know it's wrong, or they don’t understand the level of pain that they are causing to someone else. To them, cyberbullying isn't "real" bullying and so they don't see it as harmful, this shows that they aren't aware of other people's feelings.
    When someone doesn't know how to deal with negative emotions, like frustration and anger, they can decide to take it out on whoever they see as an easy target. This is why it's so important to always talk to a friend, family or a healthcare provider when things are bothering you.
    Having an online personality that's completely different to who you really are makes it easy to say things you know are wrong, and this can usually happen when you're not happy or comfortable with your authentic self, Choma. Cyberbullies use this fake online persona to hide behind and remain anonymous, that way they think they can't get into trouble for being harmful online.
    [quoted image]

    I agree...many people have been bullied and had hurtful things said to and about them (or others) by Otaku over the years (do plenty of reading a few years before you were a member).

    I do know what you are pointing at with things as well. Things can also have more sides or more ongoing reasons than it appears as well.

    MANY of these people started out helping, not being against him....

    Sometimes it is greatly just brought upon the person by their own actions and comments.

    Glad to see any arcade open, but MANY various handouts don't exactly count as a person running a successful business. Hopefully it can become one for him the right way though.

    #3929 3 years ago

    Since there will be a back lash of shit coming my way from the trolls, I will make it interesting.
    The more shit you post about Me, Steve or the Gameseum, our company will sponsor the Gameseum and donate money, shirts, hats and other giveaways that the Gameseum can sell for profit. The more neg posting the more Steve gets! Maybe a few pinball machines or arcade games of an Escelera if he wants one.

    To start off we will send the Gameseum a box of hats or shirts with the Gameseum logo. Steven PM me your logo and if you want hats or shirts and the colour you want and I will get my staff to place the order right away.

    Ask Todd we have money to burn!

    download (resized).pngdownload (resized).png
    #3930 3 years ago
    Quoted from Gameseum:

    Glad I quoted that before you deleted it a second later...
    EDIT: Annnnnnnd, it's back after calling you out. Flip flop.......

    Nope....was editing it to add some helpful suggestions instead and you had to quote within seconds...lol.

    Quoted from Gameseum:

    I will no longer be playing nice.

    Steven Van Splinter Jr.

    #3931 3 years ago
    Quoted from PinballBuzz:

    Since there will be a back lash of shit coming my way from the trolls, I will make it interesting.
    The more shit you post about Me, Steve or the Gameseum, our company will sponsor the Gameseum and donate money, shirts, hats and other giveaways that the Gameseum can sell for profit. The more neg posting the more Steve gets! Maybe a few pinball machines or arcade games of an Escelera if he wants one.
    To start off we will send the Gameseum a box of hats or shirts with the Gameseum logo. Steven PM me your logo and if you want hats or shirts and the colour you want and I will get my staff to place the order right away.
    Ask Todd we have money to burn![quoted image]

    Sweet! See Steven...keep up your posts and get more free, mooched, handed out stuff!
    That should make you feel better about your roll in all of this.

    #3932 3 years ago

    I would like a hat or T-shirt.

    #3933 3 years ago
    Quoted from Coindork:

    I would like a hat or T-shirt.

    It will be as professional as their TNT Todd book series

    #3934 3 years ago

    What a plot twist! Never imagined seeing Todd and his ex book series guy being on same page on something....figures it's this.

    #3935 3 years ago

    Great post let’s do both hats and shirts!!!

    #3936 3 years ago

    Ten months after I asked Pinside staff to close this thread...

    #3937 3 years ago
    Quoted from PinballBuzz:

    Steve has: Set up a company, rented a location, filed all the paperwork, collecting and repairing all the games, and has clients that pay the rent and his and his wife's salary. How many of you are this successful?
    Reasons people cyberbully others:
    I can see that most of the trolls here fall into one of these categories. I am sure your mothers would be proud of you picking on a 20 year old. You all seem to get your kicks on picking on Steve.
    Cyberbullies want to show people that they have power and can get away with doing hurtful things. A lot of the time this might be because they have been abused by someone they know and feel that this is the way to boost their ego, get their confidence back or to express themselves.
    To cyberbullies, hurting other people can seem funny and they find it to be entertaining. If they have an audience or others laughing along, this can encourage them to carry on.
    As hard as it can be to believe, sometimes the reason someone bullies others is because they just don't know it's wrong, or they don’t understand the level of pain that they are causing to someone else. To them, cyberbullying isn't "real" bullying and so they don't see it as harmful, this shows that they aren't aware of other people's feelings.
    When someone doesn't know how to deal with negative emotions, like frustration and anger, they can decide to take it out on whoever they see as an easy target. This is why it's so important to always talk to a friend, family or a healthcare provider when things are bothering you.
    Having an online personality that's completely different to who you really are makes it easy to say things you know are wrong, and this can usually happen when you're not happy or comfortable with your authentic self, Choma. Cyberbullies use this fake online persona to hide behind and remain anonymous, that way they think they can't get into trouble for being harmful online.
    [quoted image]

    Hey guess what, I have absolutely no issue with you posting any of this. But maybe you might just want to review your facts and the hundreds of posts of Otaku before you decide whether this constitutes bullying or not. At what point when someone continually trolls others is them receiving even a small modicum of the same considered bullying ?

    Let’s go thru your list just for fun:

    Power - nope, none of us care about Power, only looking for some ownership of how he has behaved for a long long time on this forum (and others). If he just went away (as he has stated he will do many times but never quite does) that would be fine by most.

    Entertainment - yes his overly verbose responses denying any responsibility for anything and taking ownership of none of his behavior I suppose has been entertaining just due to the incredulity of it all.

    Ignorance - no we have stated many times what kind of ownership of his behavior would close this thread once and for all. Even gave him the phraseology. Any kind of genuine apology and ownership would have done it. But pretty much nope, not in his DNA. Offering to pay for something your broke a year after the fact and then complaining why you shouldn’t have to pay anything is NOT an apology.

    Anonymity - oh please, none of us are anonymous. You can track real identity and all down in 2 seconds. Paul Yates owner of Decades Arcade. Physician that apparently earns way less than Otaku at his arcade. There you go.

    I know you want to adopt this as cause celeb as prime example of cyber bullying. Perfectly free to do so. But your arrows are misdirected here by a lot. There are a lot more worthy examples of this than that which you seek to defend. Carry on though however you want

    #3938 3 years ago
    Quoted from PinballBuzz:

    The more neg posting the more Steve gets!

    Quoted from Gameseum:

    This thread needs to be closed

    So which is it?

    #3939 3 years ago
    Quoted from PinballBuzz:

    Great post let’s do both hats and shirts!!!

    What ratio we looking at here? 1-1 t-shirt for negative sentence/comment? Post? What generates a hat?

    I’m actually thinking, despite the ‘bullying’ , that few posters here actually want to see Gamemuseum fail and as such free merch for Steveen/gamemuseum isn’t as big a motivator to stamp out negativity as you might think.

    Anyway, I’m all for ending this thread and leaving Stephan alone. His history with Pinside as a holier than thou ass and insulter of members here, and escalera destroyer , and taker of free money to fund more pinballs, warranted backlash but to the point now of continued making fun of personal appearance and stalking FB to laugh at posts and such, I dunno.. at some point does he pay his ‘pittance’? I tend to think it’s time to let this die. Boob got his escalera and the plaque is complete. We can end on that good note? (Now queue 60 posts cause Stephens back again)

    #3940 3 years ago
    Quoted from Mbecker:

    What ratio we looking at here? 1-1 t-shirt for negative sentence/comment? Post? What generates a hat?
    I’m actually thinking, despite the ‘bullying’ , that few posters here actually want to see Gamemuseum fail and as such free merch for Steveen/gamemuseum isn’t as big a motivator to stamp out negativity as you might think.
    Anyway, I’m all for ending this thread and leaving Stephan alone. His history with Pinside as a holier than thou ass and insulter of members here, and escalera destroyer , and taker of free money to fund more pinballs, warranted backlash but to the point now of continued making fun of personal appearance and stalking FB to laugh at posts and such, I dunno.. at some point does he pay his ‘pittance’? I tend to think it’s time to let this die. Boob got his escalera and the plaque is complete. We can end on that good note? (Now queue 60 posts cause Stephens back again)

    This is the part that Steven never got. Nobody here wants to see his arcade fail. It’s not good for him, his family, his town, his friends. But we did want to see him stop being a troll, accept responsibility for once in his life, stop mooching off the good will of others, and learn to apologize for any of his actions. Expecting him to ever become an upstanding citizen though is apparently too much to ask. I can only hope that he learned anything from any of this. I suspect unfortunately he didn’t, except that the world and all of us are somehow just unfair to him because he never ever ever did anything wrong here to deserve any of this. And I agree close the thread because honestly the kid just ain’t gonna ever learn. Good luck to him in life taking the approach he does. Perhaps it will eventually sink in but I’m not terribly optimistic from what I have seen thus far.

    #3941 3 years ago

    In before the lock!

    #3942 3 years ago

    So if thread gets locked because of pinballbuz, does that mean Steven wins a new pinball machine?
    Or does that negate his eligibility and the hats and shirts get returned too?

    Thread could at least stay open for people to get a chance to show off their swag (from pinballbuzz or any others). Or does that have to get moved to the pinball shirt thread?

    #3943 3 years ago
    Quoted from Mbecker:

    What ratio we looking at here? 1-1 t-shirt for negative sentence/comment? Post? What generates a hat?
    I’m actually thinking, despite the ‘bullying’ , that few posters here actually want to see Gamemuseum fail and as such free merch for Steveen/gamemuseum isn’t as big a motivator to stamp out negativity as you might think.
    Anyway, I’m all for ending this thread and leaving Stephan alone. His history with Pinside as a holier than thou ass and insulter of members here, and escalera destroyer , and taker of free money to fund more pinballs, warranted backlash but to the point now of continued making fun of personal appearance and stalking FB to laugh at posts and such, I dunno.. at some point does he pay his ‘pittance’? I tend to think it’s time to let this die. Boob got his escalera and the plaque is complete. We can end on that good note? (Now queue 60 posts cause Stephens back again)

    And BTW I too was actually optimistic that the thread was going to die out on a good note with the new Escalara. Nope. Last word from Steven because he can never leave well enough alone, and we will glide into an eventual ban of Gameseum with a thread lock to follow in 3...2....1. (Well give or take another 5 pages of forum response to get us there)

    #3944 3 years ago
    Quoted from Gameseum:

    This thread needs to be closed and you all need to stop harassing me.

    I have not followed this thread, but was pointed to your posts just now.

    Let me just say that I will not allow cyberbullying on Pinside. So whatever has gone on (and fully realizing every story has two sides) your posts make it clear that this has gone on for way too long. Obviously you played a big part in all of this as well with your (not so great) posting history here, but enough is enough.

    So it's time to lock this thread once and for all. Steven and co, good luck with your Gameseum endeavours.

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