(Topic ID: 306124)

Galaxy 2021 - New code for Stern Galaxy (1980)

By DickHamill

2 years ago

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  • 241 posts
  • 38 Pinsiders participating
  • Latest reply 76 days ago by DickHamill
  • Topic is favorited by 36 Pinsiders


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  • Galaxy Stern Electronics, 1980

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There are 241 posts in this topic. You are on page 1 of 5.
#1 2 years ago

GALAXY 2021 - new code for a Stern classic

Over the past year and a half, I've been rewriting Bally/Stern early solid state pinball machines. I plug an Arduino into J5 so the machine can dual-boot between old code and new. I've just wrapped up GALAXY2021. It's available from GitHub now.

Before I forget - all thanks go to sethbenjamin (on pinside) who loaned me his GALAXY and gave me complete creative freedom to do whatever I wanted. Let me know if you have a Solid State game and you want new rules.

Video of game play features:

The early Bally/Stern games were great shooters that were limited by the software. I wanted to play new rules on my machine without altering the original hardware so I could easily remove my mod when I wanted to move the machine.

The Arduino MEGA 2560 has a ton of I/O pins and has tons of space for code. I've written a library of functions for the Lamps, Switches, Solenoids, Displays, and different sound cards. With a simple daughter card, the Arduino can control the MPU. The daughter card plugged into J5 (when turned on) Halts the 6800, takes over control signals, a few address lines, and the data lines. Then, the Arduino operates much like 6800 except it's faster and has more code space. The hardware for this project is a bunch of wires and a few connectors. It can be built by hand, but there are also kits and Gerber files available for people who want a PCB.

The theory behind the mod is described on my blog: http://ikehamill.com/2020/03/21/replacing-the-m6800-with-an-arduino-nano/
Instructions are on GitHub pages: https://ballysternos.github.io/
!!!EDIT!!! links have changed:
Code is here: https://github.com/RetroPinUpgrade/SolarSystem23
Schematics are here: https://github.com/RetroPinUpgrade/ExampleMachine/tree/main/Schematics
Theory is here: https://www.pinballrefresh.com/blog/controlling-a-stern-mpu-100-with-an-arudino-nano

If you have questions about building/ordering boards, let me know. At the moment, I don't sell anything but I would be happy to help you get in contact with someone who does.

So far, I've released
* Stars 2020/2021
* Black Jack 2020
* Trident 2020
* Meteor 2021
* Silverball Mania 2021

bluebomber created FlashGordon2021
All the code can be found here: https://github.com/orgs/BallySternOS/repositories?type=all

For this build, I'm using the Arduino MEGA 2560 clone in a small form-factor.
* MEGA clone by ACEIRMC - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B08M3WV6LX/
* Bag of headers - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01MQ48T2V/
* Switch - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0799LBFNY/
* Connector for switch - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01DUC1O68/
* Wire for WAV Trigger - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0789F523N/
* WAV Trigger - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B0108LU05A/
* 22 Gauge Wire for switch - https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B07RVLGCXK/

For a board, you can wire your own prototype, get a kit, or order your own PCB from Gerber files. Here are schematics and files (USE V3 FILES):

This mod works with the original MPU (Stern MPU200) and the Alltek replacement. At the moment, it doesn't work with Weebly MPUs.

These new rules bear almost no similarity to the original GALAXY code. It's very much much mission based, where the original was just a matter of lighting and hitting things. To each their own. This is an alternative, but it's built so that the operator can easily switch back and forth and play the machine however they want.

Skill Shot: GALAXY2021 has one main skill shot - the top saucer. While waiting for the ball to be plunged, the game will loop rally music and the lights at the saucer will cycle. Landing the ball in the saucer awards 10x the value of the light when the ball lands.
There's a second (undisclosed) skill shot as well.

Missions: GALAXY2021 has 8 normal missions and 1 super mission. The eight missions are based on the planet lights on the playfield. Landing the ball in the GALAXY turnaround will select a mission based on how many GALAXY rollovers have been collected so far. From left to right, the missions have 1, 2, or 3 legs. They build in complexity and award potential. Finishing 3 missions lights Extra Ball. Finishing 5 lights Special. Finishing 7 starts the super mission (Sun Special). The number of completed missions is shown in the 1s digit of the score display.

Side Quests: At any time during non-mission play, a side quest can be qualified and started. The four side quests are Refuel, Pirate Encounter, Welcoming Passengers, and Collecting Cargo. Refuel is a spinner goal, Pirate Encounter is the star standups, Welcoming Passengers involves the GALAXY rollovers, and Cargo deal with the drop targets. Once a side quest is qualified (by competing goals related to the shots listed previously), it is started with the top saucer. Side quests come with +1X playfield multiplier. Stacking multiple side quests grants more time, and up to 5X playfield. Side quest timers are paused during missions, so carrying one or more side quests into a mission brings more scoring opportunities and also brings in any playfield multipliers.

Scores are scrolled to show scores up to 1 billion points.
Completing all the planetary missions resets the player's rank (shown in the 1s digit) so the player can repeat the process and never run out of gameplay.

The game features over 250 sounds, songs, and callouts. The soundtrack is replaceable and three soundtracks can be loaded at once and controlled through a coin door adjustment. All coin door adjustments are announced through the sound card, so the lack of display capability isn't as much of an issue.

Other features:
* Ball Save
* Progressive Saucer (increases in value temporarily each time you hit it)
* Drop target sharp shooter mode
* Scrolling scores
* Free Play
* WAV Trigger Sounds & Multiple Soundtracks
* Lots of flashing lights

This is all free and non-destructive. You can still play the old rules with the flip of a switch. If you put these rules on your GALAXY, please post a video.

#2 2 years ago

Very nice. I look forward to trying this if I ever get my Galaxy to work!

#3 2 years ago
Quoted from RightNut:

Very nice. I look forward to trying this if I ever get my Galaxy to work!

This was the first machine I recoded where I didn't have to do a week of repairs before I could start. Such a luxury!
Good luck with yours!

#4 2 years ago

Can’t wait to get this running!
I will need to buy everything first.
Thanks for all of your hard work.

#5 2 years ago

Awesome work, I've been hoping you'd do Galaxy. Time to order up some hardware!

#6 2 years ago

Ben made a game play video that shows off the sound effect much better than my vid.

#7 2 years ago

Good vid, thanks for posting.

Just ordered a plug-n-play kit through @troxel, he hardly charges more than the cost of parts if you're just building one, and the recommended MEGA clones are out of stock on Amazon at the moment. Once I receive it (and replace some overdue sling plastics) I'm hoping to stream the game for a night or two with my buddy; I can post up the stream time/date in here once it's decided, if anyone's interested in seeing it live. Really excited to get this going.

#8 2 years ago
Quoted from nogoodnames222:

Really excited to get this going.

You’re gonna LOVE IT.
I have to stop myself from playing it at the expense of doing anything else.

Dick really outdid himself here. I’m currently restoring a pair of Lightnings, one of which will eventually go on loan for new code. I’m already contemplating soundtrack music options

#9 2 years ago

Pretty cool....

#10 2 years ago

What really is outstanding in the new code is that it truly makes use of the whole playfield. Original rule set doesn’t live up to the potential of that layout. Galaxy has a bad rap as an easy game with shallow rules, but I always loved the speed and flow this layout gives you. The game is much better “realized” now, in particular the integration of the upper playfield and the programming to allow the spot targets to score independently of the drops. It’s fantastic.

#11 2 years ago

K, I'm only buying solid states that Dick's written new code for from here on out. Phenomenal job with this, it feels like an entirely new game (and for basically free, in terms of pinball $$$). WAY more polished and way more fun than I was expecting.

And a big shout-out to Trexel for getting a kit together and shipped to my door within a few days, really nice having something new to play while I'm stuck at home over the holidays.

#12 2 years ago
Quoted from nogoodnames222:

K, I'm only buying solid states that Dick's written new code for from here on out. Phenomenal job with this, it feels like an entirely new game (and for basically free, in terms of pinball $$$). WAY more polished and way more fun than I was expecting.
And a big shout-out to Trexel for getting a kit together and shipped to my door within a few days, really nice having something new to play while I'm stuck at home over the holidays.

Ha! Thanks. Post a video if you get a chance. Ben and I are talking through some tweaks to make things a bit smoother. I'll post here when they're published.

Next machines: Stellar Wars, Supersonic, and Middle Earth (if I can get the thing working).

#13 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

Next machines: Stellar Wars, Supersonic, and Middle Earth (if I can get the thing working).

I want Mark to loan you his Quicksilver, just to see how much more absurdly expensive that damn machine can go for.

#14 2 years ago
Quoted from sethbenjamin:

I want Mark to loan you his Quicksilver, just to see how much more absurdly expensive that damn machine can go for.

I'm up for whatever game comes my way (as you know). I don't have personal experience with Quicksilver but I was under the impression that people find those rules pretty good already? I think Bowen always plays for left drops. Maybe it's a little one note?

#15 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

Maybe it's a little one note?

I think there’s a bit of a QS backlash starting, lol. I don’t really know it very well myself. But, seeing what your imagination has come up with on all these games, I bet you’d find some interesting potential there…

#16 2 years ago

Going to be streaming on my buddy's channel tonight around 7 PST (hour and a half from now). My games a pretty original player's condition example, so if you're curious how everything works on a tired old game or just want to see some candid gameplay, swing by and say hi in the chat. We'll probably try to stream a couple more nights this week as well.


20220103_172035 (resized).jpg20220103_172035 (resized).jpg
#17 2 years ago
Quoted from nogoodnames222:

Going to be streaming on my buddy's channel tonight around 7 PST (hour and a half from now). My games a pretty original player's condition example, so if you're curious how everything works on a tired old game or just want to see some candid gameplay, swing by and say hi in the chat. We'll probably try to stream a couple more nights this week as well.
https://www.twitch.tv/johnnydemonictv?sr=a[quoted image]

I'll be there.

#18 2 years ago

Had a good time jamming on the game for a few hours last night with my buddy, going to stream again tonight with updated code. Should be booting things up around 5:30 PST or so.

Dick got a few bugs fixed, and I corrected a couple of my own soundtrack mistakes and tossed a few Rush songs on here to keep things topical for anyone that cruises through.


Edit: running a bit late, gonna be a little after 6 I'm guessing

#19 2 years ago
Quoted from nogoodnames222:

Had a good time jamming on the game for a few hours last night with my buddy, going to stream again tonight with updated code. Should be booting things up around 5:30 PST or so.
Dick got a few bugs fixed, and I corrected a couple of my own soundtrack mistakes and tossed a few Rush songs on here to keep things topical for anyone that cruises through.

I enjoyed the stream - hope that those bugs are squared away now.

2 weeks later
#20 2 years ago

Ordering the parts now. Looking forward to trying it. Just restored my galaxy. Thank you!

#21 2 years ago

Could someone point me in the direction of EEPROM.h that is in the include for Galaxy? I moved the other files for the OS and it picks them up but I get an error verifying the code that EEPROM.h is missing. Thanks

IS this the correct library to add? https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/EEPROM

Also what is the difference in these two lines? how do you choose which to use?

#define USE_WAV_TRIGGER_1p3

#22 2 years ago
Quoted from polishedball:

Could someone point me in the direction of EEPROM.h that is in the include for Galaxy? I moved the other files for the OS and it picks them up but I get an error verifying the code that EEPROM.h is missing. Thanks
IS this the correct library to add? https://github.com/PaulStoffregen/EEPROM
Also what is the difference in these two lines? how do you choose which to use?
#define USE_WAV_TRIGGER_1p3

EEPROM is a stock library that *should have* installed with the Arduino IDE:
Do you have the board set properly?
Tools > Board > Arduino AVR Boards > Arduino MEGA or MEGA 2560

Can you copy/paste the compile error here?

The one you want is:
#define USE_WAV_TRIGGER_1p3

That assumes that you've reflashed your WAV trigger to at least version 1.3.
There are WAV trigger instructions that talk about reflashing at the bottom of this page:

#23 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

EEPROM is a stock library that *should have* installed with the Arduino IDE:
Do you have the board set properly?
Tools > Board > Arduino AVR Boards > Arduino MEGA or MEGA 2560
Can you copy/paste the compile error here?
The one you want is:
#define USE_WAV_TRIGGER_1p3
That assumes that you've reflashed your WAV trigger to at least version 1.3.
There are WAV trigger instructions that talk about reflashing at the bottom of this page:

Thanks, yes it just stated it was not found, I downloaded the it from the link above and added it to the libraries via a zip and then it compiled without issue and uploaded. So I can't grab the error now since it works. Yes I had the board setup correct and the correct com port. This was a fresh install on this machine from the 115meg file on the arduino site, I have used a few of there other devices in the past just not this machine.

My Wav Trigger arrives Wednesday so i'll have to see what version it is on. Will see if I wait for the PCB for main interface or just breadboard it all up before.

EDIT RE:compile \

I just loaded up on another machine with IDE 1.8.16 and it compiled just fine, but on 1.8.19 I had to add the library. Anyhow i'll use the build from what worked without having to add it myself.

1 week later
#24 2 years ago

Almost there, could anyone confirm I have the 6pin headed positioned correctly, I used the pin3 vcc to make my best guess. Also my serial to PC interface will not arrive for a couple of days, amazon lost the item. What will happen if I compiled 1p3 code but the wav trigger board might not be?


IMG_0969 (resized).jpgIMG_0969 (resized).jpg
#25 2 years ago
Quoted from polishedball:

Almost there, could anyone confirm I have the 6pin headed positioned correctly, I used the pin3 vcc to make my best guess. Also my serial to PC interface will not arrive for a couple of days, amazon lost the item. What will happen if I compiled 1p3 code but the wav trigger board might not be?
Thanks[quoted image]

Yes, that connector looks right.
If you compile for 1p3 and you don't reflash your card, background music won't play. I think that's the only downside.
If you compile for 1, the only downside is that background music might stop if the card tries to play too many things at once (music gets bumped).
Compile for 1 until you know the card is right (or if you don't have music).
//#define USE_WAV_TRIGGER_1p3

#26 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

//#define USE_WAV_TRIGGER_1p3

Am I correct in thinking I just make those changes is the BSOS_config.h file. I get a compiler error as pictured when I do that, swapping them back around it compiles correctly.
For now I am going to try the 1p3 code since it compiles and uploads. EDIT: It does work, but as you said I am missing all background sounds, this is going to be very cool, can't wait to complete it with sound.
galaxy (resized).JPGgalaxy (resized).JPG

#27 2 years ago
Quoted from polishedball:

Am I correct in thinking I just make those changes is the BSOS_config.h file. I get a compiler error as pictured when I do that, swapping them back around it compiles correctly.
For now I am going to try the 1p3 code since it compiles and uploads. EDIT: It does work, but as you said I am missing all background sounds, this is going to be very cool, can't wait to complete it with sound.
[quoted image]

Gotcha - I just uploaded a fix for that compile error. When you have a second, get latest Galaxy2021.ino, compile for
and see if music works. Let me know -- thx!

#28 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

Gotcha - I just uploaded a fix for that compile error. When you have a second, get latest Galaxy2021.ino, compile for
and see if music works. Let me know -- thx!

Thanks you Thank you for the platform, game code, and quick fix. It works great, i'll get it all updated to 1p3 this weekend. For now though wow I really am enjoying just the quick couple games I played! I built out a second and flashed it for Stars for my buddy he should be installing it tonight.

#29 2 years ago
Quoted from polishedball:

Thanks you Thank you for the platform, game code, and quick fix. It works great, i'll get it all updated to 1p3 this weekend. For now though wow I really am enjoying just the quick couple games I played! I built out a second and flashed it for Stars for my buddy he should be installing it tonight.

Awesome - glad you like got it going! Post a video on YouTube if you get a chance.
I just went through the WAV Trigger update with a friend last night over the phone. I wish we could get rid of this step. I might start hunting for an alternative.

3 weeks later
#30 2 years ago

Setting this up now...
I have an Alltek ultimate board... where do I hook up the IRQ for this board? top of R134 does not match this board set.

#31 2 years ago
Quoted from ninjedi:Setting this up now...
I have an Alltek ultimate board... where do I hook up the IRQ for this board? top of R134 does not match this board set.

Not needed on alltek board.

#32 2 years ago
Quoted from SlapDrain:

Not needed on alltek board.

Thank you SlapDrain!!!

#33 2 years ago
Quoted from ninjedi:

Setting this up now...
I have an Alltek ultimate board... where do I hook up the IRQ for this board? top of R134 does not match this board set.

Did you buy a kit? If so, who did you get your board from? It feels like they should update their documentation (you're not the first to ask where to hook up on the Alltek).
Unless, of course, you were following my documentation from GitHub...

#34 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

Did you buy a kit? If so, who did you get your board from? It feels like they should update their documentation (you're not the first to ask where to hook up on the Alltek).
Unless, of course, you were following my documentation from GitHub...

I got some of the v3 pcbs printed and assembling my it myself... So scrounging for instructions on the github and a couple blog posts.

I still am awaiting my wav trigger.... I have a mp3 trigger from an old project, but I see that isn't the same.

Not 100% sure of the options to comment or uncomment in the software... but compared against the example in the github. But I'm not having luck yet... when switched on and powered up... the pinball bings once... but then nothing. So I assume that the mpu is being halted successfully as normally I get the 7? bings to boot the game.
When in the this state the flippers work, but no lights or game start. I haven't seen a video of the boot cycle, so I'm assuming I either require the wav trigger to be attached or have a bad solder connection somewhere.

#35 2 years ago
Quoted from ninjedi:

I got some of the v3 pcbs printed and assembling my it myself... So scrounging for instructions on the github and a couple blog posts.
I still am awaiting my wav trigger.... I have a mp3 trigger from an old project, but I see that isn't the same.
Not 100% sure of the options to comment or uncomment in the software... but compared against the example in the github. But I'm not having luck yet... when switched on and powered up... the pinball bings once... but then nothing. So I assume that the mpu is being halted successfully as normally I get the 7? bings to boot the game.
When in the this state the flippers work, but no lights or game start. I haven't seen a video of the boot cycle, so I'm assuming I either require the wav trigger to be attached or have a bad solder connection somewhere.

The single bing is just me putting the SB300 into a valid state and verifying that I can talk to it. That means that a good number of pins (most of them?) are good to go at least to the header on the front side of the board. With the flippers on, I would guess that the Arduino is not talking properly to the PIA chips. Could be VMA, R/W, IRQ, or any number of things. I would definitely check continuity between the Arduino pins and the J5 header (plug it halfway in and test solder joints). Better yet, if you're good with circuit diagrams, check Arduino versus U10 & U11 pins (data, address, etc.).
Are you using a 34-pin F header to pick up the IRQ signal from pin 34 of J5?
BSOSV3-Schematic (resized).pngBSOSV3-Schematic (resized).png

#36 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

Are you using a 34-pin F header to pick up the IRQ signal from pin 34 of J5?
[quoted image]

Yes, I have a 34pin header on it.
I'll do some connectivity tests today to see if I can find the issue.
Thank you.

PXL_20220227_211813010.MP (resized).jpgPXL_20220227_211813010.MP (resized).jpg
#37 2 years ago
Quoted from ninjedi:

Yes, I have a 34pin header on it.
I'll do some connectivity tests today to see if I can find the issue.
Thank you.
[quoted image]

Based on this picture, I would check out VMA & R/W. GND and CLK don't look great (at least in the pic), but I'm guessing those are working based on the behavior you described.

#38 2 years ago
Quoted from ninjedi:

When in the this state the flippers work, but no lights or game start. I haven't seen a video of the boot cycle, so I'm assuming I either require the wav trigger to be attached or have a bad solder connection somewhere.

It does not need the wav trigger, The boards they ran from me at about the exact same time worked for me without issue.

Are you on an original or alltek board? I think the weebly has issues.

#39 2 years ago

A quick re-solder of the connections and it is working!
Is it possible to compile the 2021 code to work without the wav trigger and use onboard audio? (I have a wav trigger on order though).

Can't wait to play around with this some more. So awesome what you have done. I'll make some video content, once I get the audio hooked up.


#40 2 years ago
Quoted from ninjedi:

A quick re-solder of the connections and it is working!
Is it possible to compile the 2021 code to work without the wav trigger and use onboard audio? (I have a wav trigger on order though).
Can't wait to play around with this some more. So awesome what you have done. I'll make some video content, once I get the audio hooked up.

That's great news! I haven't written any code for the onboard sound (aside from that one beep). There is a noise generator and a couple of square-wave generators on the SB300. Making sound effects with those is a whole discipline that I haven't learned. slochar has documented and tried to explain how the original code does it, but I haven't dug in.

I have one more SB300 machine in my queue right now (Big Game). I might take a swing at sounds for that. But Galaxy really benefits from the callouts so your best bet is to wait for that WAV trigger and get it hooked up.

#41 2 years ago

Oh man, hold out for the WAV trigger.
The sounds and music really create the atmosphere of the game. Plus the call outs tell you what to shoot for, which can’t always be indicated by playfield lights (though Dick programmed in some great effects for the hints that can.)

This code just keeps delighting me. Galaxy is now a maddeningly challenging game, and one of the fastest playing in my lineup (and I’ve got a restored F-14 Tomcat, lol.) It went from an easy game to play when you just want to bop the ball around to the one I have to be “up for” because it’s likely to kick my ass. Everyone who has been over to play it has loved it.

#42 2 years ago

Wav trigger arrived but forgot to order a USB to FTDI cable so that I can flash the firmware.

So from above messages I should still be able to use it by using:
and plugging in speakers correct?

Is there anyway to know what firmware is currently flashed to a wav trigger?

#43 2 years ago
Quoted from ninjedi:

Wav trigger arrived but forgot to order a USB to FTDI cable so that I can flash the firmware.
So from above messages I should still be able to use it by using:
and plugging in speakers correct?
Is there anyway to know what firmware is currently flashed to a wav trigger?

I was in that same boat, no way to know without the serial connection. I played it on the old firmware using the switch above.

#44 2 years ago

Man this looks so rad. I'm about to have a second Galaxy in my shop and I just...I don't know. It doesn't do much for me in its stock state. But I LOVED my meteor. And I love my seawitch. And I'm going to be building a Quicksilver.

This new code looks outstanding but all the additional work with extra boards and such has me stressing. Someone reassure me that it really isn't that bad?!

#45 2 years ago
Quoted from DickHamill:

Making sound effects with those is a whole discipline that I haven't learned. slochar has documented and tried to explain how the original code does it, but I haven't dug in.

CoreyStup provided most of the info on it. I've been documenting the differences in sound engines between games though, so it should be possible to transplant some sound effects from some games to others. The later games all have 2 loop counters in their engines that the earlier games' lack, so later sound effects into earlier games are more of a challenge.

It would be cool to add the speech synthesizer to the earlier games and create speech for it. pure_penalty sells a replacement card, and he also decoded the way the speech works enough so that I can mix-n-max speech samples (like I did on flight 2000)

Of course with the wav trigger upgrade you can do all that directly. I like the challenge of the original hardware myself, but if you're going arduino upgrade anyway, go all the way.

#46 2 years ago
Quoted from KSUWildcatFan:

Someone reassure me that it really isn't that bad?!

It's not that bad . Here's a video I did a while ago, which might help you:

If you don't want to mess with it. I do sell the complete kit that is plug-and-play.

#47 2 years ago
Quoted from troxel:

If you don't want to mess with it. I do sell the complete kit that is plug-and-play.

Alright, hopefully my dust queen Galaxy that's coming to me Friday cleans up nicely because I'm definitely going to want to try this new code on it! Thanks for the heads-up!

#48 2 years ago

Is there a preferred 1.3 firmware for the wav trigger? I see the following firmware available:

WAV Trigger Firmware v1.34 hex file (zip)
Release notes: Preliminary release for testing. Fixed potential fader over/under-run issue. Fixed re-trigger issue with random, next and previous trigger functions.

WAV Trigger Firmware v1.32 hex file (zip)
Release notes: Preliminary release for testing. Added serial command to change Trigger Bank.

WAV Trigger Firmware v1.31 hex file (zip)
Release notes: Preliminary release for testing. Fixed issue with last block of file (about 20ms) not being played. Fixed issue with TRACK_FADE not stopping looping tracks.

WAV Trigger Firmware v1.30b hex file (zip)
Release notes: Preliminary release for testing. Track count increased to 4096. MIDI Banks increased to 32. New features: Trigger Banks, Voice Lock, serial track status reporting mode, true MIDI Channel/Omni mode. Improved fader performance. Fixed bug that allowed track re-trigger if both Re-Trigger and Poly options were deselected. Fixed sample-rate offset for full 2X up.

#49 2 years ago

Does anyone know how to turn off free play on this so it can Be used on location?

#50 2 years ago
Quoted from mikedetroit:

Does anyone know how to turn off free play on this so it can Be used on location?


Setting number 12.

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$ 29.00
Cabinet - Sound/Speakers
RoyGBev Pinball
$ 12.00
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
UpKick Pinball
$ 130.00
Playfield - Protection
Beehive Pinball Co.
$ 169.00
From: $ 169.00
$ 10.00
$ 12.00
Third Coast Pinball
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