(Topic ID: 326241)

For sale: Triple Action

By Rckbttm527

1 year ago

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#1 1 year ago


Archived ad

Pinside keeps a record of old ads in its Market Archive, for historical purposes and as a price reference. This ad has been ended by its seller and is now archived.

Game - for sale

For sale: Triple Action

Added: 2022-11-23 02:21:47 UTC • Ended: December 11th, 2022
Condition: Used - shows wear but 100% working and clean


$ 650 (Firm)

Price is firm

Fully working
Standards here
Some flaking, some planking. Cabinet is not in bad shape.

Fully working with no issues. Had an issue with the play coil and right flipper both fixed, working great

Damn thing is 48 years old… hope you’re in this good a shape at 48

Pick up in Little River , SC minutes from N Myrtle Beach

Item photos

0420800C-B0E3-4264-AFBC-8D9D91DCFF79 (resized).jpeg
2127C4DE-FE85-493E-9D73-E3D026A40BC9 (resized).jpeg
275D2CB5-1375-4DF6-9BFA-C37F12A88292 (resized).jpeg
4554EEE9-D2C4-4876-B25E-5877B91DBC93 (resized).jpeg
60933CCF-AE99-432B-BCFB-CFC46BA10EDF (resized).jpeg
8B9835A9-1E97-4880-8A57-BCD1EC6DCFD3 (resized).jpeg
B306488D-A4BF-49C1-AB2E-DBA672ED3862 (resized).jpeg
B37DB0C3-6535-41FF-9004-5284C5A0BD49 (resized).jpeg
D517F909-7990-415B-8389-F8A3548210F7 (resized).jpeg
EDC6446D-B809-4D7E-9E95-191F5F4440BD (resized).jpeg
F892572D-FBD2-4E5F-BA0A-E493D147C52B (resized).jpeg

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

These are Rckbttm527's market stats.

Seller Level

Rckbttm527 has the Pinside Silver seller level!

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Listing result

The seller marked this ad as "not sold". The item did not sell through Pinside so there's no listing result.

Item location

Little River, SC, US

Promoted items from Pinside Marketplace and Pinside Shops!
From: $ 5.95
Playfield - Protection
The Pinball Scientist
Hey modders!
Your shop name here

This topic is linked to a classified ad.

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