(Topic ID: 302158)

For sale: HUO Strange Science

By Pintopia

3 years ago

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#1 3 years ago


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Game - for sale

For sale: HUO Strange Science

Added: 2021-10-14 21:06:46 UTC • Ended: October 23rd, 2021
Condition: HUO - Undocumented (Home Used Only)


$ 3,950 (OBO)

Open for offers

Here is a HUO Strange Science it is beautiful might be one of the best original examples out there. Cabinet Playfield BackGlass and boards all 9.5 and above. No yellowing No wear perfect topper.

I would be interested in the following trades:

System 11
Space Station
High Speed

The Shadow
Fish Tales

Feel free to make me an offer I’m easy to work with….

P.S. that’s the original Bally “goodie bag” on the right inside cabinet with contents it also had the original “spare”? 34 watt incandescent bulb for the back box stapled to the left inside head.

Item photos

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Note! This is an archived ad. No longer for sale!

Seller insights

These are Pintopia's market stats.

Seller Level

Pintopia has the Pinside Bronze seller level!

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and submitted the final sales price into our price database but opted not to disclose the price publicly.

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Duanesburg, NY, US

Related shop items!

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$ 9.95
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#2 3 years ago

Wow that looks clean! GLWS!

#3 3 years ago

Very nice Don !!

Honest seller - asset to pinball community

#4 3 years ago

Cliffy has a pinball!

#6 3 years ago
Quoted from Pintopia:

might be one of the best original examples out there

Modesty at its best. Dude, this IS the best original example in existence or at least that I have seen. GLWS!

#7 3 years ago

Thanks for the nice comments it really is a stunning example…

#8 3 years ago

It's a beaut Clark!

#9 3 years ago


#10 3 years ago

I'd love to own that game!!

#11 3 years ago
Quoted from Pintopia:

Strange Science it is beautiful might be one of the best original examples out there.

not lying.... pretty game!

#12 3 years ago

I never even imagined that a HUO one of these would exist. Amazing!

#13 3 years ago

Absolutely beautiful...

#14 3 years ago

“It’s only original once” bump

#15 3 years ago

+100 for this machine, but -1 for Cros with socks

Seriously though, what a stunning example of this game. Fun machine too!



#16 3 years ago
Quoted from SilverUnicorn:

-1 for Cros with socks

Lol… pretty bad combo but damn comfortable in my garage…

#17 3 years ago

Great example, I wish you were local.

#18 3 years ago

I went from “yeah right… what a POS opportunistic pinflation worshipping flipper”

when seeing the link in forum to

“Jesus Christ, this looks amazing” within seconds of seeing the pictures.

Seriously Pintopia this is waaaaay cherry. Someone who “really” likes this title is going to be a very happy camper!


#19 3 years ago
Quoted from Pintopia:

Lol… pretty bad combo but damn comfortable in my garage…

Fair enough

I retract the -1 and wish you GLWTS good sir!


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