(Topic ID: 301984)

For sale: Eight Ball

By sandman74

3 years ago

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#1 3 years ago


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Game - for sale

For sale: Eight Ball

Added: 2021-10-11 15:09:13 UTC • Ended: November 3rd, 2021
Condition: Fully restored (full original status)


$ 4,000

(Insert attention-grabbing Fonzie catchphrase here.) New Old Stock playfield swap; Pinball Pimp cabinet stencils after full stripping to bare wood; mint original backglass; new side rails and legs; new wood rails inside; new all-in-one MPU; new rectifier board from; Comet LEDs under the playfield and in the head and #44 lamps above it; Pinitech LED scoring displays to mimic the originals; new pops, posts, and flippers; original plastics; hard-to-find original lane guides with Bally logo. I obsessed over this project and cannot calculate how many hours I spent on it.

One imperfection to note: as visible in the last photo, there is some cracking around four of the inserts. The NOS playfield came to me already clearcoated. After 300 or so plays, it hasn't worsened.

Escrow.com or cash on the glass.

Item photos

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Listing result

The seller ended this ad and submitted the final sales price into our price database but opted not to disclose the price publicly.

Seller contributed to Pinside for this listing!

Item location

Arlington, MA, US

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#2 3 years ago

Absolutely outstanding! There should be a "better than new status".

#3 3 years ago

Nice looking machine. This was the first pin I remember with a kickback.

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