What would you guys do?
I'm in the final phases of restoring my EM Night Rider and am putting in new flipper buttons. The C-905 replacement I have is a bit too big to make it thru the backing plate. The original has a small, thin stalk that fits thru the backing plate fine. The parts catalog shows a drawing of C-905 that looks like the replacement one I got from Marcos, but that parts catalog is for the SS version of Night Rider. You'd think (hope) they share the same cabinet parts but apparantly that's not a good assumption.
I can't find the "thinner" one anywhere. I could try PBR but I'm looking to use a new, bright white part and not one that has yellowed (which is why I'm not bothering to clean up and use the originals). Plus which a previous operator looks to have run into the same issue as I at some point and fashioned a workable hack using a red button in the white housing.
So it looks like my choices are:
1 - widen the hole on the backing plate with a dremel and use the replacement C-905 as-is.
2 - (carefully) reduce the circumferance of the replacement C-905 stalk with a dremel until it's small enough to get thru the backing plate.
3 - cut off the replacement C-905 stalk altogether and put a small screw in it's place to mimic a previous operator's hack.
4 - find a new button that has a smaller stalk like the OEM.
5 - make (3D print) my own button with the proper dimensions.
I've struck out on #4 and #5 is a great excuse to buy a 3D printer and play around, but that's not in the budget right now. While #3 is functional and the quickest / easiest to implement, I don't like the metal screw coming into contact with the flipper leaf switch. #2 doesn't have much of a margin for error and currently I have only two new C-905's in my possession.
Any other options here? I'm leaning towards #1.
Choices (resized).jpgParts (resized).jpg