(Topic ID: 344568)

Elton John Hype Thread

By paulbaptiste

1 year ago

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“Who is buying Steve Ritchie's Elton John?”

  • Only if it's not Elton John 29 votes
  • I'm a Steve Ritchie Fan and can't wait to see what he has done with it! 119 votes
  • I'll make up my mind after expo 81 votes
  • Please God don't be Elton John 273 votes
  • Next title please! 269 votes

(771 votes)

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#1 1 year ago

With the imminent release of Steve Ritchie's next title, heavily rumored to be Elton John, who is excited for this title?


I'm for one am glad they aren't waiting any longer. If Godfather isn't selling, move on. Keep making new games. Let's see what Steve Ritchie is capable of with this theme.

We will find out soon enough.

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#2 1 year ago

Excited for a new jjp release, but definitely not interested in this rumored theme.

#3 1 year ago

Re themed STNG, changed to rocketman?

#4 1 year ago

love Elton John. Love Pinball. But a EJ pinball just doesn't mesh well w/ me.

#5 1 year ago

Every time I think to myself.. "well this theme is dumb, easy pass" I end up buying the machine. But in this case it better have some damn good bells and whistles.

#6 1 year ago

He has so much music to pull from, so much music I didn't follow. But to me, Madman Across The Water was such an excellent album. I hope they draw from it.

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#7 1 year ago

For those people who are doing all the AI generated Pinball themes, we need to see if Elton has been done yet... Off to find that thread and see how to do so myself...

#8 1 year ago


#9 1 year ago

Will be interesting to see if they keep the same pricing strategy. Their current pricing has me on the sidelines and I've owned most of their games.

#10 1 year ago

I'Ve probably heard weaker themes...but I can't think of many. Could be awesome though!

#11 1 year ago
Quoted from TheLaw:

I'Ve probably heard weaker themes...but I can't think of many. Could be awesome though!

I'm sternly optimistic. I don't think this will be a soft entry for Steve Ritchie. I'm looking forward to everyone being pleasantly surprised on this, myself included.

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#12 1 year ago

Know when to say when......

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#13 1 year ago

I'm cautiously optimistic.

#14 1 year ago
Quoted from paulbaptiste:

For those people who are doing all the AI generated Pinball themes, we need to see if Elton has been done yet... Off to find that thread and see how to do so myself...

Interestingly enough, it wouldn't let me use "Elton John". So, here is a "Sir Elton" themed machine.

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#15 1 year ago

Jjp on the verge of pricing themself out of this hobby.

#16 1 year ago

We saw Elton in Vegas on his farewell tour.

Great body of work but I'm still not sure it'll translate well to a pin. (The first one was ok). I'm mostly curious to see how Steve Ritchie is going to rebound from his last couple of titles.

Time will tell.

#17 1 year ago

After much sleuthing I was able to find an Easter Egg in Godfather that points directly to the next game being Elton John... Prepare yourselves gentleman!

Sir Elton was in the back corner of the game the entire time. We just never saw it until now....

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#18 1 year ago
Quoted from paulbaptiste:

With the imminent release of Steve Ritchie's next title, heavily rumored to be Elton John, who is excited for this title?

You should add a poll.

#19 1 year ago
Quoted from konghusker:

Excited for a new jjp release, but definitely not interested in this rumored theme.

This is the hardest of hard passes for me

#20 1 year ago

I love music games.

I used to love Steve Ritchie games, but from GOT onward he kinda lost me.

I generally don’t like JJP games.

Def interested in seeing how it all comes together. 99% chance won’t buy.

#21 1 year ago

All The Young Girls Love Alice


#22 1 year ago

All kidding aside, this was always one of my favorites.

#23 1 year ago

Well, I'm excited to see what Steve Richie comes up with with perhaps some more freedom/different constraints from his games at Stern - but Elton John as a theme means there is almost no way I'll be buying one, especially at JJP's pricing.

I can't imagine how they could do that theme in any way that would interest me. Yuck

#24 1 year ago
Quoted from Rarehero:

... but from GOT onward he kinda lost me.

But for you that's only(mostly?) because of Dwight's code....won't have to deal with that anymore. Although for me, this is what I'm worried aboot the most.
Obviously Led Zep was a foot out the door

#25 1 year ago

Definitely rocket man based off jjp latest fb tease. “Countdown to launch”

Curious how they will do it, but absolutely not interested in buying one. Should be interesting though, and prices need to be adjusted back down regardless.

#26 1 year ago

Have the money set aside for the next JJP release but this will be a pass. Thankful I have The Pinball Garage nearby that will pick it up regardless but as for the personal collection, no. Still debating a new Jurassic Park Premium.

#27 1 year ago

I'll be honest again. Elton was one of my heroes when I was a kid and a lot of his music still holds up well today.

But, like every other music pinball machine, it's a sure enough way to make you start hating music and bands you used to like. At least for me it is. And usually after only a few plays.

So yeah, big pass for me.

I'd rather see Ritchie do another High Speed type game.

#28 1 year ago
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#29 1 year ago

In no world, do JJP's prices go down. And that, my friends, is a plan for moderate at best, success. 12.5/15 just doesn't work.

#30 1 year ago

Wake me up when we get Nu Metal pins.

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#31 1 year ago
Quoted from Capn12:

In no world, do JJP's prices go down. And that, my friends, is a plan for moderate at best, success. 12.5/15 just doesn't work.

Remember when they went down from 8k to 7.5k for Wonka?

#32 1 year ago

I'm not sure they want any of us awake. It's easier to take money from someone who is not.

#33 1 year ago

Elton john pinball will be a bigger dud than venom was

#34 1 year ago

What is this venom you speak of?

#35 1 year ago
Quoted from mzhulk:

Elton john pinball will be a bigger dud than venom was

You might be right!
I think peak hype for this has already come and gone!
Lasted 10 minutes.

#36 1 year ago
Quoted from Capn12:

In no world, do JJP's prices go down. And that, my friends, is a plan for moderate at best, success. 12.5/15 just doesn't work.

Kaneda speculated they would go down 1500. Possibly sell topper separate.

#37 1 year ago
Quoted from JSC:

Kaneda speculated they would go down 1500. Possibly sell topper separate.

Maybe, I'd be interested in seeing it happen. It is a shame they can't be more around 10/12.5

#38 1 year ago
Quoted from pinzrfun:

Know when to say when......
[quoted image]


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#39 1 year ago

May not be a theme for all of us, but I know of 3 that will sell for sure. And none of those folks are huge pinball collectors.

#40 1 year ago

Poll added

#41 1 year ago

Didn't JJP already do a Yellow Brick Road?

I do remember when my friend said goodbye to his.

#42 1 year ago

I'm praying so hard that it is Elton John so I don't have to even consider buying it.

Figures Crossed!

#43 1 year ago

Need a “my wife is a huge EJ fan and no way she doesn’t want this”

#44 1 year ago

I don't see "no" in that poll.

Closest is "next title please"

What if that sucks even more?

#45 1 year ago
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#46 1 year ago

Elton John pin and hype is an oxymoron. Jersey Jack needs to fire himself from theme selection.

#47 1 year ago

Firepower III?

#48 1 year ago
Quoted from titanpenguin:

Need a “my wife is a huge EJ fan and no way she doesn’t want this”

Quoted from o-din:

I don't see "no" in that poll.
Closest is "next title please"
What if that sucks even more?

I'm accepting submissions

#49 1 year ago

FINALLY!! Steve Ritchie is unchained, free from the cruel overlords at Stern, ready to unleash his masterpiece.

No longer will he be constrained by the evil Stern bean counters and dream crushers!!

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#50 1 year ago
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