SS noob here looking for some direction. Bought an EBD a couple of weeks ago knowing it had the issues with the “D” Target switch #25 and the right pop bumper switch #39 and I decided to splurge on new Alltek MPU, Solenoid driver and Lamp driver boards because of other issues. Contacted Dave from Alltek and talked to him on the phone today because of wonky behavior in the game. Suspected something might not be right with the new MPU but when swapped into my Mata Hari, it worked perfectly.
He had me cut out the capacitor on the d target switch but it made no difference. DaMoib had me unsolder one wire from the d target switch and it then showed “39” in the switch test and not the “25” switch. I then did the same to the right pop bumper switch and it then shows 0 like it should on the self test. The switches are definitely both open and I can’t spot anything visually that could be shorting them.
Any advice on where to check next would be greatly appreciated.