I know, I know, another stoned-out meaningless existential FAttie joint...
but the question has to be asked, does home-ownership of a certain pin lead to an inevitable tiring of that same pin?
Not a question for the operators and professional players, obviously, but for us casual yet sincere lovers of the hobby.
In my three years I've had seven machines in my house. each one I thought I was happy and done forever. currently have JP pre, the GOAT, and after six months I just wish there were a better game out there I could trade it for. right now I'm in love with T2, there is one within walking distance I play a few times a week. I'm looking at them on the market all the time, and the only thing that's stopping me from buying one is that I'm afraid eventually I'd just fall out of love with it. (well, that and my wife). I have had the getaway, godzilla, and star wars in my house, all great games, and now when I see them in the wild I have little interest in playing them.
so... it's a kind of sickness? Materialism and consumerism and fashion? maybe once you've played a game enough that the ball no longer surprises you, it loses some of it's mystery? Maybe these machines were meant to played in the wild and not tamed in the home??