(Topic ID: 306802)

Dixieland won't advance

By Thatguyatelkton

2 years ago

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    #1 2 years ago

    I'm new to this site and am glad I found it. Reading through the conversations has helped me already.
    I have played bingo machines for years and recently purchased a couple. The Dixieland was working great and after having some friends over I noticed it would only work if it was tilted first and then button would only allow one credit at a time to be played (first card)
    I have opened it up and checked the anticheat and it is closing. Both motors are running. I've checked for broken wires and voltage here and there. I am somewhat mechanical but have never worked on bingo machines before. Any help would be appreciated. Thanks in advance. Terry

    #2 2 years ago

    Also I notice that machine will not remove credited by turning off unless machine is tilted. I hope that helps. Thanks again Terry

    #3 2 years ago

    check the 11th coin relay switch with wires 81-3 (black/red) and 63-4 (brown/yellow). Manual says it's the top switch on the short stack, but the manuals aren't reliable.

    the 11th coin relay should not be powered after reset and the switch should be closed. You can jumper the switch closed if you want as a test.

    the tilt light turns on when:
    - the anti-cheat relay is unpowered
    - the tilt trip relay is tripped

    I'd guess when you say "tilted" you mean the first.

    the 11th coin relay switch shouldn't matter if the playfield shutter is closed. If the shutter is closed and the anti-cheat relay is unpowered, the replay reset relay should power and remove the credits.

    in other words, the game can be cycled if:
    - the anti-cheat relay is unpowered (game first turned on)
    - the shutter is closed (game over or in progress)
    - the 11th coin relay is not powered (game reset but you haven't played 11 coins yet)

    sounds like the only one working is the first one.

    the shutter switch is a "panel switch" ... it has the same wire colors are above, and is on a stack that a bar attached to the panel shoves when the panel slides closed. The switch is NOT on the shutter cam/motor assembly. Usually the bar is loose and isn't pushing the switch blades enough.

    #4 2 years ago

    Thank you for responding baldtwit. Amazingly enough after a few hours of tracking and testing I found the problem. The search index coil solenoid screws had backed out enough to keep it from centering the search wiper. Adjusted andTightened it and back to playing perfectly. Thanks for taking the time to respond.

    #5 2 years ago

    My brother has a mystic gate that has a small but annoying problem. When press a b c after 5th ball is lit, lines will move but will not pay out. Any other will pay out. I'm not near the machine to test but he it very mechanical and can follow along with me over the phone for items to check. What are your thoughts?
    Also, is there a way to "loosen up" that machine for increased odds.

    #6 2 years ago
    Quoted from Thatguyatelkton:

    My brother has a mystic gate that has a small but annoying problem. When press a b c after 5th ball is lit, lines will move but will not pay out.

    there's no way to explain that looking at the schematic. Payout is enabled when the B-4 trip relay trips, which happens when the 4th ball is shot assuming no balls fell into the return hole. First check is look and see if the B-4 trip relay is tripped.

    the B-5 trip relay just disables moving the lines when the 5th ball is shot, and if the selection feature unit is stepped all the way up, the lines can always be moved.

    I guess I'd:
    1] reset game, shoot 5 balls and set up a win in a color
    2] push R button to collect win
    3] manually reset the replay counter unit for the winning color (replay counter is a stepper unit, not the replay register that shows the credits)
    4] manually step up the selection feature unit all the way
    5] push R button again to see what happens
    6] manually step up the mystic lines feature unit all the way to enable ABC, move lines and go to step [3]

    he does know that if you already collected a win in a color, you don't get paid for different numbers in the same color unless there's more numbers lit, right?

    Quoted from Thatguyatelkton:

    Also, is there a way to "loosen up" that machine for increased odds

    the unusual thing about mystic gate is the program wipers and scramble wipers do not move as the game is coined after reset. Score advance on each of the 40 (max) coins is predetermined.

    feature enable is a different story. The more often you can get the reflex relays to power, the more often score doubling or ABC will enable.

    you probably want the reflex unit 6-finger span of wipers more-or-less pointing up, but I don't have a diagram for the unit ... haven't convinced anyone with the game to remove the contact plate and take a picture of the wiring side yet

    see http://bingo.cdyn.com/techno/howto/reflex_wipers/

    if score advance behavior isn't changing, make sure the scramble and program wipers are changing positions every game.

    the program wipers spin when the B-4 trip relay is tripped and stop when the B-5 trip relay trips. The scramble wipers move when the shutter panel slides open to dump the balls.

    I guess the idea was to try and claim the gambling element was removed since the outcome of each coin played is not random ... at least for scores. If the reflex factor wipers can move a random amount on each coin play, then there's still some gambling involved in feature enable - but I guess they could claim that just a bonus while the scores are advancing.


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