Hi guys,
First, excuse my language if i'm not clear with my words (I'm French, nobody is perfect)
i made some custom codes for IM, Tron and TWD (Pro version). I also have custom codes for Xmen Pro and Met Pro.
No need to PM me, i give you the link for free download.
Rules are the same, there are modifications for musics/sounds/callouts only.
I spend a lot of time to find the correct songs for the appropriate modes, and my goal is to change the "boring" songs on original codes for more exciting or appropriate ones.
There's 2 links for each code, UTB (Uptobox) and GD (Google Drive), some UTB links don't work in regards of where you live.
Iron Man custom code changes:
There's some minor changes, no callouts or sounds have been changed, just music for Whiplash / WM MBs, Bogey mode and Game over. If you like Rock and Stoner, or just music, i think you will like it. It's, of course, the latest code 1.86 for both versions.
Game over - Black Sabbath/Iron man faded
Bogey mode - Atomic Bitchwax/Liquor Queen
War Machine MB - Wet Cactus/Worlds Law
Whiplash MB - Blind Dog/10.000 reasons
IM :
GD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1Vc_jqnnb3mMnnp_pjfXNUmLJMDZ72T9W
IM Vault :
GD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1znKxVb0vWrdCyb8U5boICOWwMqnfbXbP
I love my Tron but i find the original soundtrack too depressing and flat. No worries, i don't put happy music at all, but made some changes for the music and some sounds. I keep the main theme from a Pinsider custom code. I change music for Zuse, Clu, Portal/Game over, Disc MB (pré MB, MB, and MB restart) and a few others. Gem and Quora MB musics are unchanged because i like them stock.
I change the sound for the Super Jackpot (when you make a 3 way combo) during Light Cycle MB with an added callout "Light Cycle Completed" from the code, and add "Super Jackpot" with the sound during the Quorra MB when you hit the Gem Shot. I also made some change and volume adjustments for some sounds/callouts (Extra Ball, Gem, Zuse etc...)
All the songs i put on the custom code are from Tron Reconfigured and Tron Reconfigured Remixes X2
There is 3 custom code on Pinside, here is the 4th
Edit: Callouts for Double Scoring, Pop Bumpers and Super Spinners ("Double Scoring initiated" / "Shoot spinning targets" / "Pop Bumpers are lit") added from Tron LE (thanks to Rai and snakesnsparklers)
Tron Pro:
GD: https://drive.google.com/open?id=1d3Kt9d8xsG-3RgNNg1ecMuDuQ6Vkm9aU
Tron LE:
UTB: https://uptobox.com/3jfs6k1rqcyl
GD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1c6Ceq2-hKJw9HHl1Nf16tGCJ-OqRoX6y/view?usp=sharing
I don't have this pin now, i sell it but the code was finished and i spend a lot of time. Basically, there's changes for:
Main theme
Prison MB
Well Walker MB
Game Over / High Score
i keep stock callouts BUT put some Negan callouts in appropriate places. I let you discover, there's some funny ones.
I carefully select songs to match the dark atmosphere and intensity of the game.
TWD Pro:
UTB: https://uptobox.com/dqzgfj4xon20
GD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1f1O8EPNSnx4TrPOxssyuiqY-EqKqG7aH/view?usp=sharing
I will made codes for Tron LE and TWD Premium/LE as soon i have the time
Metallica Pro:
For Metallica i change the sound for the Extra Ball (when you collect) and put songs The Frayed end of Sanity and Judas Kiss instead of Blackened and One. I change the text on the code so when you choose a song at the beginning it is written Judas Kiss and Frayed end of Sanity and not One or Blackened. These two songs are the same size and it fits very well. You have Judas Kiss starting at the right place during Lady Justice.
Met Pro:
UTB: https://uptobox.com/s46nk6g7xyo8
GD: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1Q6rwcmqlsf2hPwQ6V8E52y0PRMuoL0xg/view?usp=sharing
All feedbacks are welcome!
Edit: Tron LE done!
Edit2: Metallica Pro available
Edit3 : Google Drive links added
Edit4: Callouts added for Tron Pro
Edit5: IM code update 1.86