Thanks for all the kind words and suggestions, everyone!
I'll spare you some of the gory details, but I finished what playfield part removal I'm going to do for this one this weekend.
As I started:
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About the end:
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Eat it, star rollovers (save the inserts, you'll need them later):
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Saves me a chore, mylar was toast:
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Next, flipped it over and cleaned the shiznat out of the inserts. Qtips and spit, if you're wondering. I also checked them all. They were all still seated in place very securely.
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Next is where we kind of follow my misunderstandings and complete half-assing of the stuff vid1900 lays out in his "ultimate guide to playfield restoration" thread. This is my 4th such attempt. The others turned out beautifully. It should be noted that if you go much farther than this and don't apply new clear coat, you're going to ruin your machine.
First, to make sure that the inserts stay put after we clear coat, I put a bead of epoxy around the lip of the insert and wood interface. Take care not to get any on the lens as you'll be able to see it when it's lit up, especially on clear ones.
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Before flipping it over, I like to put painter's tape over the bottom of all the playfield penetrations to keep stuff, polish, clear, etc. from dripping down and getting all over everything.
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Finally, here's where we start with a bare playfield:
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Hit it with naphtha to clean all the surface dirt, wax, etc. off before starting more aggressive negotiations. Round 1, 2, and 3.
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Then started the fun part. I've done this a number of times and this game fought me the entire way. It had been rode hard. The ball swirls are all the way down into the paint. Poor thing. It was brutal. Can you tell which half I did before deciding I was tired and giving up for the day??
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Be careful when finding out that the ball swirls actually go all the way through the clear coat into the paint. Wipe, good. Wipe, oooh, pretty. Wipe, great! Wipe, oh, shit, bare wood. At least it's, like, not in the center of the playfield where people will notice it. I think I'm going to have to take a dremel to the bonus ladder inserts. They're just not coming clean and the uneven discoloration is driving me nuts.
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We'll finish the other half next time.
Old clear coat all over my hands. Badge of honor!!
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