(Topic ID: 299660)

Carnival Queen - Power on and Ball lifts

By Learmud

3 years ago

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    #1 3 years ago


    Just getting into the gremlins on my QC. this is my first bingo.

    When I turn on the game with all balls lined up and ready, it will lift a ball. if one is out, it will not lift a ball. I can add more coins and the game will add features but the stutter will not close if i shoot the ball.

    The replay is not set for free-play and it will reset to 000 and the Timer is reseting as well. If i tilt the game the shutter will close.

    any suggestions?


    #2 3 years ago

    Timer was slipping, cleaned and tightened it down. Ball has stopped lifting on power on but the Shutter still won’t close.

    1 month later
    #3 3 years ago

    I would start with the playfield switch. If it doesn't detect a ball has been shot it will not lift the second ball.

    #4 3 years ago

    so far the behavior sounds right.

    - you need 8 balls in the trough for the first one to be lifted.
    - if you reset the game with a ball in the shooter lane, when you shoot it the playfield shutter will not close.

    the shutter closes when the timer unit is on the second step. The timer unit steps when a ball is lifted.

    the actual reason why all the balls need to be in the trough is on a couple of the early games someone figured out that you could:
    1] reset the game
    2] shoot ball partway up the runway and push the manual lift button to raise another ball
    3] repeat until 4 balls are in the runway
    4] reset game and cycle to increase scores/features
    5] shoot all the balls in the runway. The game thinks you shot only one, so you get all the extra balls for the cost of the initial coin/credit you used to get the balls into the runway.


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