(Topic ID: 79578)

Can't get anyPin NVRAM working in Laser War (RAM type?)

By Stemage

10 years ago

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  • Latest reply 5 years ago by Borygard
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#1 10 years ago


I ordered one http://lockwhenlit.com/anyPin.htm

After researching the type of RAM inside the machine, I found all kinds of different results.

In this thread: http://www.tomshardware.com/forum/62420-13-tech-data-east I found these notes:
- Version 1 (#520-5003-01): Only used for part of the production of DataEast's first game (Laser War). The RAM at location 5D is a 2K (24 pin) 6016 RAM.
- Version 2 (#520-5003-02): Used from Laser War (partial production) to Phantom of the Opera. The RAM at location 5D is an 8K (28 pin) 6064 RAM.

On this page: http://www.pinitech.com/products/6264_adapter.php I found these notes:
- "all but the *very* early Data East MPU boards (the System1 only used in Laser War) should have had a socket installed for the RAM from the factory and use either 6064 or 6264 RAM. Always good to double-check there's a socket & that the RAM is 6064, 6264 or 2064 anyway just to be safe."

I contacted LockWhenLit to ask them directly, and after shooting them pictures of the board, I was told it's a type 6116 and to use those settings on the NVRAM.

After installing the RAM, the machine turns on and I get the boot sound, but all GI lights lock on, the LCDs display nothing, and the CPU LED lights just show a solid 5V light: https://www.dropbox.com/s/36bs7jwkhlds07z/2014-02-04%2001.25.31.jpg

I took a bunch of pictures and sent to LockWhenLit, and they said the unit is installed correctly. Here is the original RAM chip: https://www.dropbox.com/s/qv7qzntwndmt04r/2014-02-02%2023.17.09.jpg They offered for me to ship the board so they can try to figure it out (how nice!). But the board works fine otherwise. The original chip is fully functioning. They didn't have any more input.

There are two versions of the main board for Laser War. I have the earlier version (the blue board).

Any input on the type of RAM this thing has? Any other input? I'd like to get it working, but I may have to send it back and go batteries after all.

#2 10 years ago

Sounds to me like a bad NVRAM or you have the switches mixed up/upside down. Should be no mystery here, if you pulled a 6116, set your NVRAM to 6116, plug and play.

#3 10 years ago

That's assuming it's a 6116. I would trust the guy that made the NVRAM I guess.

Perhaps it's simply not Laser War compatible. That's probably why he wants my board.

#4 10 years ago

What working IC did you pull from your game? There will be an imprint on the IC itself. Just match your NVRAM settings to that imprint on your removed RAM. There is nothing special about the CMOS ram in laser war. The early boards just used a different type of ram than later boards did.

#5 10 years ago

Yeah the RAM says 6116 on top. It's possible I got a bad chip from lockwhenlit. I'm returning it for an external bat pack regardless. I don't have interest in sending them the board for testing. Although it might be a fun fact-finding mission.

#6 10 years ago

Your board uses a 6116, the chip you took a picture of is a low power 6116 cmos RAM (Hyundai HY6116ALP-10).

If the nvram adapter was setup correctly via both the DIP switches on the adapter & installed in 6116 configuration (I believe some pins overhang on that particular adapter) there shouldn't be a reason it doesn't work other than possibly fault with the adapter. Especially if you're putting your original 6116 RAM back in and it's working fine. Send the adapter back to have it looked at or exchanged.

#7 10 years ago

I'd love to have a look at the board to find out exactly what's going on. Stemage has chosen to send the anyPin back for a refund instead, and I'm happy to do that.

From all the info Stemage has sent me, there's no reason why his board isn't working with anyPin, it would be great to figure out why, but I certainly understand not wanting to have the game down.

I should add, each and every anyPin is fully tested in every configuration in a game. I'm very confident each anyPin is problem free when they ship. That certainly doesn't mean things can't happen and parts fail.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

#8 10 years ago

Yeah, it's a strange situation.

Rob, you've been SO much help, and I'll be purchasing more goodies from you in the future. For now, I'll just go with your externally mounted box option so I can enjoy the machine while keeping it safe. It's my first pin, and I'm right in the middle of working on it. I just can't part with the brain just yet.

Anyway, didn't know if any of you other cats had any experience with the LW board in particular.

Thanks guys!

4 years later
#9 5 years ago

Has this been resolved? Did anyone get the anypin nvram to work with Laser War?

#10 5 years ago
Quoted from ICPjuggla:

Has this been resolved? Did anyone get the anypin nvram to work with Laser War?

Not sure what the OP was experiencing.

I've personally installed anyPin in several Laser War pins at this point, without issue.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

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