Here’s your chance to find your matching limited number. You could also just share some of your current CGC LE plaques for shits and giggles…
I’m personally looking to match my CCr with the only other CGC title I currently own. MBr Le #343. If anyone gets CCr with this number and wants to swap with whatever I’ll have, cheers to you.
To make it easier, I’ll update the list from time to time in number order to the best of my ability. When posting, please type out the following with your number so it makes it easier for me to just copy paste to the below list:
@__(pinside name)__ looking for #___
Disclaimer: if two fellas are after the same number, it’s none of my business who gets it from the third person and what went on behind the scenes (though it could spice up this thread, so share if you feel like it). I will post everyone’s request and in order of posting time. Good luck to everyone. Let the games begin
75FEF046-5775-47EF-8601-30940AEE45C8 (resized).jpeg
IonRay looking for #17
MrSanRamon looking for #034 - and apparently found it
eharan looking for #094
gprotein looking for #100
Gbailey069 looking for #105
Only_Pinball looking for #131
izboy looking for #159
NevadaNutJob looking for #220
Gotfrogs looking for #242
Portkey looking for #305
northvibe Looking for #333
PinballGalore looking for #343
pghpinfan looking for #381
jfh looking for #903