(Topic ID: 63891)

Barracora Club... Members Only!

By mof

11 years ago

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#1 11 years ago

Barracora -- one of the best early 80's Williams games ever made.

Amazing artwork -- best side-boob in all pinball?
Great sound effects.
Top-5 backglass all time.
Good multi-ball.
Cool rule sets for an early 80's pin.
First pinball with double 1-2-3 lanes!

I wanted to start up a Barracora club so that other Barracora owners can share the usual love for the machine as well as: repairs tips, restoration tips, part requests, topper ideas, and upgrade suggestions...

[x] add to your favorites

#2 11 years ago

Check all the drop target coil stops. Three of mine were broken. Same thing on an Alien Poker. You can get replacents at pinball life.

Love my Barracora.

#3 11 years ago

This club needs pics! Share watcha got.

#4 11 years ago

This club needs pics! Share watcha got.

"You wanted the best, you GOT the best!"

Playfield full mylar: 9.5/10
Plastics 9/10: just need some hair dryer flattening (easy) - popcaps excellent.
2 New boards with 5-year warranty
Game kicks freaking A$$
Sound is loud full and amazing with no mods
Priced fair from a fellow pinsider. Was a salvage job from a Bay Area garage where nothing worked. Another pin saved.
Black legs in good cond.
Came already "shopped" and ready to play. Ball travel is excellent in 95% of the playfield areas. Very happy.

Backglass flaking and a bad spray paint job on it: 5/10 (the lower part where you partly view it while playing is very good, and that's good news)
Cabinet: 6/10 -- but I bought the stencils in case I want to learn to do it =) Smooth to touch, not planking or flaking, BUT has sketchy touch up job on the sides, and should have a stencil job Someday -- but no rush... (low pri for me)

So thankful...

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#5 11 years ago

In Pinball Magazine No. 1 the game's designer, Roger Sharpe, spoke about how long it took before the game actually made it into production. Artist Doug Watson also commented on the backglass artwork.

I was able to play a Barracora when I did the interview and was pleasantly surprised with the rules of the game. They really give the player some stuff to keep in mind when playing. Very cool game.Too bad it sort of got snowed under at the time.

#6 11 years ago

Just finished rebuilding my Barracora, which has a NOS playfield. Very pretty game. I left the top right gate off after watching the demonstration video on the PAPA site, and I recommend you try it too. I'm looking for a replacement backglass as mine is flaking a bit like most others. Hopefully someone will run a repro someday.

IMG_7424.1_s.jpgIMG_7424.1_s.jpg IMG_7432.1_s.jpgIMG_7432.1_s.jpg IMG_7438.1_s.jpgIMG_7438.1_s.jpg

#7 11 years ago
Quoted from fuko:

Just finished rebuilding my Barracora, which has a NOS playfield. Very pretty game. I left the top right gate off after watching the demonstration video on the PAPA site, and I recommend you try it too. I'm looking for a replacement backglass as mine is flaking a bit like most others. Hopefully someone will run a repro someday.

Very nice. Which gate is it? I presume it's the one-way gate that keeps the right orbit shot from leaving out the top right side? But why?


#8 11 years ago
Quoted from fuko:

Just finished rebuilding my Barracora.

I'm going to install another bulb socket to get some light next to the 30k 60k 90k where it's dark. Don't you agree?


#9 11 years ago
Quoted from mof:

I presume it's the one-way gate that keeps the right orbit shot from leaving out the top right side? But why?

Correct. Watch the video on the PAPA site and you will see. The 2 big changes are:
- plunging the ball soft will keep the ball up top for the roll thru lanes as usual, but hard plunge will return the ball right to the flippers
- a hard shot up the lit barracora lane will bring the ball down to the flippers again, making for a loop shot

Quoted from mof:

install another bulb socket

Yes, if you can squeeze it in I think it will look better. I will probably do this when I install LEDs eventually. I think this game would look great with colored LEDs under the inserts

#10 11 years ago

Barracora is a great game with some interesting rules for an older game! Mine is not going anywhere!!

I'm taking mine to Chicago Expo this year, I have colored LEDs in the inserts and I like the way it turned out!


#11 11 years ago
Quoted from fuko:

Just finished rebuilding my Barracora, which has a NOS playfield. Very pretty game. I left the top right gate off after watching the demonstration video on the PAPA site, and I recommend you try it too. I'm looking for a replacement backglass as mine is flaking a bit like most others. Hopefully someone will run a repro someday.

Now that's a sexy looking game. Need to get one.

#12 11 years ago

I thought I was the only one with an NOS Barracora playfield! I got this playfield back in 2006 and had it CC'd locally. Barracora is one of my all time favorite games. I fell in love with it when I first played it back in 1983 at a local pub in Taunton, Somerset (UK). I later purchased a really nice example from Gary Flower - that game had just one a "best of" category at some show in Blackpool. This is my second Barracora now and it isn't going anywhere!

The backglass is OK but the blacks are getting a bit blotchy though you don't notice it in the dark. My only regret is that I didn't scan the NOS playfield before I installed it.

Barracora-17.jpgBarracora-17.jpg Barracora-52.jpgBarracora-52.jpg Barracora-45.jpgBarracora-45.jpg Barracora-46.jpgBarracora-46.jpg Barracora-19.jpgBarracora-19.jpg

#13 11 years ago
Quoted from mof:

I'm going to install another bulb socket to get some light next to the 30k 60k 90k where it's dark. Don't you agree?

Installed the extra bulb socket and a GE44. It looks GREAT. Do it.
<will upload pics soon>

#14 11 years ago

Wow WOZ, that's just beautiful! You give me hope that there's still a really nice playfield out there somewhere.

#15 11 years ago

Beautiful game! Would love to own one someday!

#16 11 years ago

Sweet playfields ... I'm also a proud owner but I must admit my playfield is not NOS .. no real wear spots but it isn't a 9-10/10 playfield ... The game is a great deal of fun and those outlanes (at least on mine) are a drain monster

#17 11 years ago
Quoted from mof:

I'm going to install another bulb socket to get some light next to the 30k 60k 90k where it's dark. Don't you agree?

Does your playfield have the lamp hole already drilled next to the switch hole?

#18 11 years ago

Just purchased my Barracora a few months ago and now have it up to 100%. I have a very above average playfield and could also use a new glass if the are ever rerun, though mine is pretty good. I really enjoy the game play and the rollover lights that switch in opposite ways, with different flippers, and the fact that you have to have the top lit to light the bottom, really keeps you on your toes and adds a mental aspect to the game that some other titles do not. Big fan of the drop targets and it's a game that really improves your aim. Great loops! What more is there to say?

Really looking forward to LEDing my machine and am curious to see what some of you have done with the backglass.

#19 11 years ago
Quoted from singlebanana:

Just purchased my Barracora a few months ago and now have it up to 100%. I have a very above average playfield and could also use a new glass if the are ever rerun, though mine is pretty good. I really enjoy the game play and the rollover lights that switch in opposite ways, with different flippers, and the fact that you have to have the top lit to light the bottom, really keeps you on your toes and adds a mental aspect to the game that some other titles do not. Big fan of the drop targets and it's a game that really improves your aim. Great loops! What more is there to say?
Really looking forward to LEDing my machine and am curious to see what some of you have done with the backglass.

Incandescents! -- I only put in two LED's for the green flashing lights for the ball locks just to draw extra momentary attention to them. I also used cool frosted white for the two eyes in the backglass, and then just swapped out all the 44s to 47s for heat and to dim it. I would say that is my overall formula for early 80's games:

This is my formula for a non-location early 80's pin:
1. 47 the backbox (use dirty bulbs the goal is dim, so that you don't get a massive reflection on the PF. I may try sharpies on the tips of the bulbs in the near future, no idea if it will hold with the heat.
2. 44 all GI (clean each socket and bulb and make sure each one is very bright)
3. LED any red/green/blue inserts and if they are too bright, sharpie the bulb cross-stitch to drop it 20%. Do not LED white yellow and orange. They look best with 44s under them.
4. LED in cold white any backbox spots that need contrasting attention. Sometimes the "game over" or other call out. IF you get the "white box" then mask it off with some paper-plate to remove the square look to match the art better.

What do you think?


#20 11 years ago

Though I respect your use of incandescents, I've seen a few backglasses that employ colored LEDs and I really like the look. I do use some retro LEDs in my machines to keep an original appearance, especially in some of the GI, but really like cool frosted white underneath to make the inserts white (I know incandescents give it the original look, but I prefer it to look "cleaner"). I completely agree with LEDs in the blues and greens, and I'd even consider yellow; I've never had a lot of luck with LEDs in red inserts in terms of it really making a difference in color.

Also, just curious as to what some people are using to brighten up their pop bumpers. I'm finding that the yellow opaque caps are tough to light up brightly. It might just be my my pops, since I used plain opaque yellow caps and did a scan on top of them. If anyone has any NOS or repro caps FS, I'd be interested.

#21 11 years ago

Pop bumper skirts:

The white is nice when cleaned up. Has anyone tried red blue or black? I'm tempted...


#22 11 years ago

mof, I was just looking at your pics again and it looks like your backglass is signed?

#23 11 years ago
Quoted from fuko:

mof, I was just looking at your pics again and it looks like your backglass is signed?

Yep. Doug Watson 2013

#24 11 years ago

Attract Mode!

Does anyone else have any sounds during attract mode? I realize in my BK, it's just voice, and there's no voice in Barracora. I have a Rottendog 327 mpu in there, so I just wanted to make sure I'm getting the expected behavior.


#25 11 years ago
Quoted from mof:

Yep. Doug Watson 2013

Damn that's just awesome!!!!

#26 11 years ago
Quoted from mof:

Attract Mode!
Does anyone else have any sounds during attract mode? I realize in my BK, it's just voice, and there's no voice in Barracora. I have a Rottendog 327 mpu in there, so I just wanted to make sure I'm getting the expected behavior.

I don't recall any sounds in attract mode.

#27 11 years ago

No sound in attract mode.

1 week later
#28 10 years ago

Cool page. Lots of nice Barracoras out there. I started doing a full-cabinet repaint on mine and 2 weeks into the project someone dropped the Barracora stencils on Ebay. Its about 85% done right now, but its turning out great. Its gonna get a full LED treatment just to really stand out in the lineup. If you're ever repainting or touching up the blue on the game, just notice that there's a silver/metallic flake mixed in, not just opaque blue. Seeing those NOS playfields is making me jealous. I'm gonna touchup and clearcoat mine once the cabinet is done.

#29 10 years ago

Just throwing this out there, since this is the owner's club, but if someone has an extra set of gently used or new pop bumpers, please send me a PM. Thanks.

#30 10 years ago

This one's my dream pin. So beautiful. Love the HR Geiger-like artwork & bizarre sounds. Only experienced it in Visual Pinball. Someday I will join this club.

#31 10 years ago

What a beauty! And what a great game, too! I wish they'd had decided to add some speech, this would have been the final touch of awesomeness.

The Lady Of The Fishes happened to be my first pin. It sure needed some cleaning and a new backglass, but I luckily found one on ebay. Others may leave, but Barracora's gonna stay forever.


#32 10 years ago

It is a great game for its time, with speech would have been awesome. I do have to explain to new people about locking the third ball lock and getting that ball back if second is not activated, as they think the machine is screwing up. Then of course some think the targets are broke as some will stay down and some don`t. I explain there sequential, for the locks. Some people have a hard time with awesome rules on early games and when they get this game they see how good it is.

#33 10 years ago

Now that I just played one at Expo, I want it even more. Damn that bawks is beautiful.

#34 10 years ago
Quoted from Jokercyclone:

It is a great game for its time, with speech would have been awesome. I do have to explain to new people about locking the third ball lock and getting that ball back if second is not activated, as they think the machine is screwing up. Then of course some think the targets are broke as some will stay down and some don`t. I explain there sequential, for the locks. Some people have a hard time with awesome rules on early games and when they get this game they see how good it is.

I completely agree. The rules on this game are fantastic and I love the sequential drops. I really enjoy games where the multiball is tough to obtain. In so many newer games, it's just too easy. Titles like this one and Firepower really make you work for it. There's something great to be said about that.

4 weeks later
#36 10 years ago

Hey guys, just wanted to let you know that I have a Barracorra spinner decal (front) and 1 drop target decal that I am giving away on the Holiday Pay It Forward thread. If anyone needs these, send me a PM. Also have some Police Force decals to give away if anyone has that machine.

EDIT: Spinner decal is GONE. Glad it's going to someone who needed it.

#37 10 years ago

Great news! I sent my old Barracora 'flipper lane return guides' to Cliffy, and he was able to scan them, repair the flaws, and create some "like new" upgrades for me. I just got my replacements from him. They work great. Here are a few photos of the process. The picture missing is Cliffy removing all the "bells" from the old set. They just dremel off, then you smooth out the tops of each bell when done.

(uploading pics soon!)


removed guides

removed guides, comparing the gaps to a straight edge...

comparing the guides for accuracy, to see if they match up well. yes.


#38 10 years ago
Quoted from mof:

Very nice. Which gate is it? I presume it's the one-way gate that keeps the right orbit shot from leaving out the top right side? But why?

Quoted from fuko:

Correct. Watch the video on the PAPA site and you will see. The 2 big changes are:
- plunging the ball soft will keep the ball up top for the roll thru lanes as usual, but hard plunge will return the ball right to the flippers
- a hard shot up the lit barracora lane will bring the ball down to the flippers again, making for a loop shot

This isn't for any particular reason, but it's how the Barracora was given to PAPA and it isn't fixed.

3 weeks later
#39 10 years ago

If you get new flipper return guides from Cliffy, be sure and post here how much you love them once they arrive! He's got enough inventory to cover those of us in this club...


#40 10 years ago
Quoted from mof:

If you get new flipper return guides from Cliffy, be sure and post here how much you love them once they arrive! He's got enough inventory to cover those of us in this club...

Oh man - I really want to play yours with the new flipper guides!

#41 10 years ago

Do they make that much of a difference mof? I thought about ordering them, but wanted to make sure first.

#42 10 years ago
Quoted from singlebanana:

Do they make that much of a difference mof? I thought about ordering them, but wanted to make sure first.

I replace them on ALL of my games. I am a stickler for extra smooth lane-guide --> flipper travel.


#43 10 years ago

Is anyone at home that can test scoring on Barracora?

1) enter multiball mode
2) see if the bulls eye target scores for more when in 2-ball multiball...

I was reading the manual, and it says there are a few perks to being in multiball, and I always thought the design drawback on Barracora was no voice and nothing to do on multiball. Sometimes the instructions and game don't match. Can someone check this? (my game is dead right now until I solve my switch matrix issue.)


#44 10 years ago

I have a Barracora, but the playfield is in real rough shape. Needs either a restoration, or overlay. Any suggestions?
I have yet to get it up and running though. It is meant to be a winter project, after my Kiss Custom Resto is done. From what I'm reading it sounds like a great game to play. Never played one, but now I'm looking forward to getting her up and running!!! If I need help, I'll know where to come.

1 week later
#45 10 years ago

Looking for help from a Barracora owner... just a few minutes to review some flipper wiring pictures to see if they look correct.



#46 10 years ago

Just getting mine finally working 100% - can anyone tell me when the bell is supposed to go off? What a stunning looking game.

#47 10 years ago
Quoted from smileymatthew:

Just getting mine finally working 100% - can anyone tell me when the bell is supposed to go off? What a stunning looking game.

Afaik just when you win the replay. Not sure otherwise.

1 week later
#49 10 years ago

Another question:

Do your 1-2-3 lanes ever score from a Jet hit? I looked at all three switches and it seems to me they were built to not allow for this. I think games are a lot more fun when the pops "do more"...

What do your 1-2-3 switches do, and what do you think would be better game play? Is it worth bending those wires to experiment, or is it just different wires altogether?


#50 10 years ago

Still looking for a nice cabinet and backglass to go with the rest of my game. I'll be at the Ohio show if that helps.
John P. Dayhuff
Battle Creek, Mi.

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Yorktown Arcade Supply
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