(Topic ID: 257850)

Official Rick and Morty Club - You are not like other carbon based life forms.

By TheNoTrashCougar

4 years ago

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#1901 4 years ago
Quoted from epthegeek:

The diverted closing is intended to help smooth the shot, it’s a setting if you want to try turning it off.

I think the guide adjustment I mention above will help smooth the shot.

With it open more at the bottom like I've seen with most games, I think the ball hits the back rail on certain shots and makes it not so smooth. Making the adjustment, guides the ball around the curve a bit tighter, and doesn't allow it to hit the back wall so soon.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

#1902 4 years ago
Quoted from Borygard:

I have definitely seen what I believe is, a very fast spinner shot getting hit by the diverter, and sending it back down. You can hear the diverter engage, the ball come back, and the diverter disengage. I have not investigated with the house removed to actually see what's happening though. I also have not yet changed the setting to not engage the diverter for that shot. Which would take care of this issue if my theory is correct.
I meant to add to my previous post, leveling this game properly is extremely important. The way the U-turn can whip the balls back at you instantly, can cause an immediate drain right down the middle if the game is not perfectly level.
It would be great if there was a ball save option for an immediate (instant) drain. After the U-turn optos see the ball, and then milliseconds later the game sees the ball drain without seeing any other switches.
Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

There is a u-turn ball drain setting...but it doesn’t seem to be implemented. I will check leveling. I’m usually very anal about this since I also have a SW. I have found a power setting for the diverter, but not on/off. I’ll check again tomorrow. Thanks for the inputs. Always helpful to double check.

#1903 4 years ago

Seeing a pic of how the diverter is set up kinda explains to me why the orbit is a bit clunky at the top ...

#1904 4 years ago
Quoted from Borygard:

I've had my hands in and on a few Rick and Morty's now, and I have to whole heartedly say that the game is fantastic!
It's very tough, but it's very fun and very addictive. I can't remember a game I've done the "just one more game" move, more than this one. It hands you your ass, and the only reasonable response is "thank you sir, may I have another?"
There are some adjustments that I recommend making to get shots dialed in on the early games. I'm hopeful that Spooky will take these and other suggestions and make improvements on future builds.
These are in addition to the left loop and left garage shot adjustments that Eric, Hilton, and others have made.
First is the right garage shot. For this, both ramps need to be removed, and the house removed as well. Seven screws total is all, so it's not bad.
With the house removed, the two metal guides in this photo should be adjusted down so the upper lane is as large as possible, and the lower, as small as possible. This significantly helps the garage shot.
[quoted image]
Next is the turn-around loop guides on the right. In addition to the right ramp, remove the plastic covering the guides. Bend all the guide ends inward so they do not stick out beyond the rubbers. Also, I recommend removing the bottom rubber as noted in the photo. This will help with the garage shot and the turn-around loop shot.
[quoted image]
After doing these adjustments to the games I've worked on, the shots are much less clunky.
I've made these suggestions and others directly to Spooky, and I'm hopeful they'll implement them in future builds.
Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

Hey Rob. Is the "kink" in the rail where you circled in the diverter area a kink that you introduced or is it there from the factory? How does the adjustment impact the inner loop?

#1905 4 years ago
Quoted from razorsedge:

Seeing a pic of how the diverter is set up kinda explains to me why the orbit is a bit clunky at the top ...

I wonder if something like this could improve it (used Borygard 's photo and added my own blue text and line...)

Gatefix (resized).jpgGatefix (resized).jpg

EDIT well now that I look closer I see my suggested "gap flap bridge" could block the fasteners used to attach the diverter to its pivot. Bah. Unless such a flap were made with a friction clip to slide over the diverter gate at one end. Actually, that might be an easy way to test this theory...

#1906 4 years ago
Quoted from goingincirclez:

I wonder if something like this could improve it (used borygard 's photo and added my own blue text and line...)
[quoted image]
EDIT well now that I look closer I see my suggested "gap flap bridge" could block the fasteners used to attach the diverter to its pivot. Bah. Unless such a flap were made with a friction clip to slide over the diverter gate at one end. Actually, that might be an easy way to test this theory...

Is it possible for the ball to hit those diverter fasteners??

#1907 4 years ago
Quoted from pinheadpierre:

Is it possible for the ball to hit those diverter fasteners??

That is the bit I was looking at. Shoot spinner - Ball hits screws - Rattles. Even if it doesn't hit the screws, it kinda looks like the ball can hit the leading edge of the ball guide by the pivot of the diverter.

I can not quite understand why the diverter could not have created a bit smoother/more even ball path. Can see how the ball guide bend helps stop the ball hitting that rattle ... but what happens with the right orbit then?

Instead of the bend in the ball guide, I'll probably be looking into the diverter for my game. Shim/spacer between the flap and the shaft with countersinking of the holes and countersunk screws. Two fold, bring diverter flap into line more with ball guide, and also remove fouling screw heads. Or something like that maybe, if the spinner orbit is not working smoothly.

#1908 4 years ago
Quoted from FatPanda:

Hey Rob. Is the "kink" in the rail where you circled in the diverter area a kink that you introduced or is it there from the factory? How does the adjustment impact the inner loop?

The "kink" was already there. This photo is before any adjustments were made. I suspect the kink is the result of the guide being hit very hard multiple times from the right.

Quoted from pinheadpierre:

Is it possible for the ball to hit those diverter fasteners??

That's what the adjustment to the metal guides is for. It deflects the ball down the loop more so it misses the diverter.

The adjustment corrects issues with all three shots...

The right garage shot is more reliable because the lane to the garage is open more.

The right loop shot still works fine because the diverter when engaged still connects the metal guide.

The left spinner shot works better because the trajectory of ball is guided away from the diverter, and closer to the curve of the loop.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

#1909 4 years ago
Quoted from Borygard:

The "kink" was already there. This photo is before any adjustments were made. I suspect the kink is the result of the guide being hit very hard multiple times from the right.

That's what the adjustment to the metal guides is for. It deflects the ball down the loop more so it misses the diverter.
The adjustment corrects issues with all three shots...
The right garage shot is more reliable because the lane to the garage is open more.
The right loop shot still works fine because the diverter when engaged still connects the metal guide.
The left spinner shot works better because the trajectory of ball is guided away from the diverter, and closer to the curve of the loop.
Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

Thanks Rob! I'll have to dig into my game tonight and see what I can do. My shots flow pretty well as of right now, so I'm a bit hesitant to make any adjustments. I occasionally get the rattle when the ball goes under the house, maybe 10-15% of the time, but I suspect that is more from a bad shot vs the guide. I think I might take off the house and play a few games to see how the ball behaves when that happens.

#1910 4 years ago

I was going to ask if that kink was 'normal' as it seemed like it would cause issues??

#1911 4 years ago
Quoted from razorsedge:

Seeing a pic of how the diverter is set up kinda explains to me why the orbit is a bit clunky at the top ...

It must vary from game to game, my orbit and spinner shot are smooth and I have never made any adjustments to them.

#1912 4 years ago
Quoted from Borygard:

The "kink" was already there. This photo is before any adjustments were made. I suspect the kink is the result of the guide being hit very hard multiple times from the right.

I wonder if there is a way to prevent this? I'm guessing it may affect the inner orbit shot smoothness after time.

#1913 4 years ago
Quoted from Concretehardt:

It must vary from game to game, my orbit and spinner shot are smooth and I have never made any adjustments to them.

Like most everything in pinball, each game is different. All of the games I've worked on have benefitted from these adjustments. If your game is not experiencing issues, there's certainly no need to make any adjustments.

Quoted from jonesjb:

I wonder if there is a way to prevent this? I'm guessing it may affect the inner orbit shot smoothness after time.

I'm confused by this. That is the purpose of these adjustments. Bending those guides, making the upper lane wider, prevents the ball from hitting the guide, interfering with the shot, and makes the shots much smoother.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

#1914 4 years ago
Quoted from pinballinreno:

If we head into a recession, prices might go down a bit for awhile everywhere.

sadly no if about it, estimates of global recession of 15-20% - banking crisis was 3.5%!

#1915 4 years ago

My wife just put up a 15 million and then an 11 million game. Now I need new code so I can reset those score

#1916 4 years ago
Quoted from dnapac:

My wife just put up a 15 million and then an 11 million game. Now I need new code so I can reset those score

Ha. My wife gets pissed when I update games and her scores get wiped.

#1917 4 years ago
Quoted from dnapac:

My wife just put up a 15 million and then an 11 million game. Now I need new code so I can reset those score

Guess what new code doesn’t do?

#1918 4 years ago
Quoted from bkerins:

Guess what new code doesn’t do?

Reset scores?

#1919 4 years ago
Quoted from bkerins:

Guess what new code doesn’t do?

Aahhh come on! Happy wife, happy life. Gonna have to play better!

#1920 4 years ago
Quoted from Borygard:

I'm confused by this. That is the purpose of these adjustments. Bending those guides, making the upper lane wider, prevents the ball from hitting the guide, interfering with the shot, and makes the shots much smoother.

Perhaps I misunderstood. I read your recommendation to lower the lower guiderail, which makes sense. I was referring to the kink (in the blue rectangle), my interpretation was that this was already there/bent like that from shots to the right orbit. My guess is that the kink can't be good for inner orbits, irrespective of how the guiderail is orientated.

Or are you recommending that having the guiderail set like that would avoid the kink?

Morty_jj (resized).jpgMorty_jj (resized).jpg
#1921 4 years ago
Quoted from jonesjb:

Perhaps I misunderstood. I read your recommendation to lower the lower guiderail, which makes sense. I was referring to the kink (in the blue rectangle), my interpretation was that this was already there/bent like that from shots to the right orbit. My guess is that the kink can't be good for inner orbits, irrespective of how the guiderail is orientated.
Or are you recommending that having the guiderail set like that would avoid the kink?[quoted image]

That guide rail is all one piece, kink and all. The kink no longer exists, again these are before photos.

Let me start over.

The "kink" in the guide was present when I removed the house to reveal the area. It's my theory that the high speed ball coming from the right garage shot, continuously slamming against the far right of the guide caused the kink. It's either that, or it came from Spooky that way.

Either way, balls from the right garage shot would hit the guide, stopping the ball from completing the loop into the garage.

Adjusting the guide so that the upper lane is wider, keeps the ball from hitting the guide and allows the right garage shot to complete the loop as intended.

The same adjustment narrows the lower lane, changing the ball's trajectory from a spinner loop shot, allowing it to completely miss the diverter, and complete the loop back to the upper right flipper, as intended.

Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

#1922 4 years ago
Quoted from Borygard:

That guide rail is all one piece, kink and all. The kink no longer exists, again these are before photos.
Let me start over.
The "kink" in the guide was present when I removed the house to reveal the area. It's my theory that the high speed ball coming from the right garage shot, continuously slamming against the far right of the guide caused the kink. It's either that, or it came from Spooky that way.
Either way, balls from the right garage shot would hit the guide, stopping the ball from completing the loop into the garage.
Adjusting the guide so that the upper lane is wider, keeps the ball from hitting the guide and allows the right garage shot to complete the loop as intended.
The same adjustment narrows the lower lane, changing the ball's trajectory from a spinner loop shot, allowing it to completely miss the diverter, and complete the loop back to the upper right flipper, as intended.
Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

I looked under the house in my game and the kink is present on mine as well. The game has around 250 plays, so I doubt it's from the right orbit shot hitting that rail. It almost looks like it was bent to get the screw hole lined up? I didnt take a closer look as I didnt take the glass off, but that's just my speculation. In any case, I usually dont have issues with a clean shot making it to the garage from the orbit. I have my flippers turned up by 2 increments, which helps both the left ramp and the right orbit shots.
20200330_195010 (resized).jpg20200330_195010 (resized).jpg

#1923 4 years ago
Quoted from Borygard:

That guide rail is all one piece, kink and all. The kink no longer exists, again these are before photos.
Let me start over.
The "kink" in the guide was present when I removed the house to reveal the area. It's my theory that the high speed ball coming from the right garage shot, continuously slamming against the far right of the guide caused the kink. It's either that, or it came from Spooky that way.
Either way, balls from the right garage shot would hit the guide, stopping the ball from completing the loop into the garage.
Adjusting the guide so that the upper lane is wider, keeps the ball from hitting the guide and allows the right garage shot to complete the loop as intended.
The same adjustment narrows the lower lane, changing the ball's trajectory from a spinner loop shot, allowing it to completely miss the diverter, and complete the loop back to the upper right flipper, as intended.
Rob Anthony
Pinball Classics
Quality Board Work - In Home Service
borygard at gmail dot com

Ah, thanks for clearing up, I didn't realize that was the 'before' photo.

#1924 4 years ago

This is pretty funny I thought I’d share it with everyone here on Pinside.

Hope it doesn’t get removed…


#1925 4 years ago

Tom Lehrer approves!

Quoted from Pinball-Obsessed:

This is pretty funny I thought I’d share it with everyone here on Pinside.
Hope it doesn’t get removed…

#1926 4 years ago

Can't complain at all

20200331_184232 (resized).jpg20200331_184232 (resized).jpg
#1927 4 years ago

The latest episode of super awesome pinball show is worth a listen. Charlie Emery is the guest presenter with some good information including that games are still in production during the lock down, maybe up to #120 and details on licensing with adult swim, among other titbits, and hints about the Ben heck cgc game

#1928 4 years ago
Quoted from FuryosJustin:

The latest episode of super awesome pinball show is worth a listen. Charlie Emery is the guest presenter with some good information including that games are still in production during the lock down, maybe up to #120 and details on licensing with adult swim, among other titbits, and hints about the Ben heck cgc game

Got a link?

#1930 4 years ago
Quoted from FuryosJustin:

that games are still in production during the lock down, maybe up to #120

Oh man, this would be awesome! #115 here.

#1931 4 years ago

Can anyone suggest some nice high res shots of Rick and Morty pinball for phone backgrounds? Or a nice photo from an owner that showcases the artwork and the lights with a nice stark backdrop.

Yes, isolation boredom here. haha.

#1932 4 years ago
Quoted from TigerLaw:

Oh man, this would be awesome! #115 here.

I’m #81 and haven’t been invoiced yet so I think it’s slow going during this whole thing.

#1934 4 years ago
Quoted from ahdelarge:

Can anyone suggest some nice high res shots of Rick and Morty pinball for phone backgrounds? Or a nice photo from an owner that showcases the artwork and the lights with a nice stark backdrop.
Yes, isolation boredom here. haha.

We have #48. In-house. Just an iPhone, but will provide all shots you want or video...but realize it’s just an iPhone. The quarantine has us playing a ton. It’s a great game! Let the haters of pinside hate. This is a great pin...from one that knows.

#1935 4 years ago
Quoted from ahdelarge:

Can anyone suggest some nice high res shots of Rick and Morty pinball for phone backgrounds? Or a nice photo from an owner that showcases the artwork and the lights with a nice stark backdrop.
Yes, isolation boredom here. haha.

Tons on Zedge
Rick_and_Morty-0aa7c2e3-7938-43bc-9e3a-5f24d775e598 (resized).jpgRick_and_Morty-0aa7c2e3-7938-43bc-9e3a-5f24d775e598 (resized).jpgRick_and_Morty-439f2733-9842-33e2-85ab-e93fdbb94446 (resized).jpgRick_and_Morty-439f2733-9842-33e2-85ab-e93fdbb94446 (resized).jpgRick_and_Morty-659a5e28-a4ce-4d84-a04d-14e3dafb0e68 (resized).jpgRick_and_Morty-659a5e28-a4ce-4d84-a04d-14e3dafb0e68 (resized).jpgRick_and_Morty_NY-0996971e-7b63-3f8e-b1b7-d515f9fa6aa2 (resized).jpgRick_and_Morty_NY-0996971e-7b63-3f8e-b1b7-d515f9fa6aa2 (resized).jpgRick_and_morty-3dcfdea8-ea46-4e6f-bb6b-03f2ee96cc60 (resized).jpgRick_and_morty-3dcfdea8-ea46-4e6f-bb6b-03f2ee96cc60 (resized).jpgRick_and_morty-6898dae4-127b-4db0-b03a-66e6c82ebb07 (resized).jpgRick_and_morty-6898dae4-127b-4db0-b03a-66e6c82ebb07 (resized).jpg

Rick_And_Morty-c847e628-8574-329c-986f-4fd26104f38e (resized).jpgRick_And_Morty-c847e628-8574-329c-986f-4fd26104f38e (resized).jpg
#1936 4 years ago
Quoted from Coindork:

Thank you.
I’ll be listening to it tonight after the kids are in bed.

It’s a great interview with Charlie Emery, tons of info.

Very lengthy, I’ll have to finish it tomorrow.

#1937 4 years ago
Quoted from gliebig:

Tons on Zedge
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Thanks, but I meant pictures of the actual machine.

#1938 4 years ago

May 3rd!

#1939 4 years ago

Beat me to it!

#1940 4 years ago
Quoted from FuryosJustin:

The latest episode of super awesome pinball show is worth a listen. Charlie Emery is the guest presenter with some good information including that games are still in production during the lock down, maybe up to #120 and details on licensing with adult swim, among other titbits, and hints about the Ben heck cgc game

Unfortunately that podcast was recorded the day before Spooky announced they had been exposed to a confirmed case (11 days prior) and they were self isolating. That could add some delay, but more importantly, hopefully they're all ok.

#1941 4 years ago

I'm done with this Dimension

rick-sanchez-morty-smith-middle-finger-png-clip-art (resized).jpgrick-sanchez-morty-smith-middle-finger-png-clip-art (resized).jpg
#1942 4 years ago

Peace among worlds.

#1943 4 years ago

This better not be a cruel (and well produced) April Fool's joke

#1944 4 years ago
bush (resized).jpgbush (resized).jpg
#1945 4 years ago
Quoted from jonesjb:

This better not be a cruel (and well produced) April Fool's joke

You never know with them.
They randomly released the first episode of S3 early on april fools.

#1946 4 years ago
Quoted from Pinball-Obsessed:

It’s a great interview with Charlie Emery, tons of info.
Very lengthy, I’ll have to finish it tomorrow.

Agreed. Listened to it last night before I went to bed. Really great podcast and a great distraction (which I needed).

#1947 4 years ago
Quoted from arzoo:

Unfortunately that podcast was recorded the day before Spooky announced they had been exposed to a confirmed case (11 days prior) and they were self isolating. That could add some delay, but more importantly, hopefully they're all ok.

So all of Spooky pinball was in contact with a Covid 19 + person? Is this real?

I hope the best for all.

#1948 4 years ago
Quoted from arzoo:

Unfortunately that podcast was recorded the day before Spooky announced they had been exposed to a confirmed case (11 days prior) and they were self isolating. That could add some delay, but more importantly, hopefully they're all ok.

You are correct, this was posted on thier Facebook recently


#1949 4 years ago

New trailer for RICK & MORTY (Season 4) is now available. New episodes start airing on May 3rd!


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