I hated this game for years, not sure why, never really put much time on it. Just the theme, and I hate golf as it is, everything just said blah to me.
Me and a buddy were at a local bar a couple months back and there was one there, nice shape, no GI. He wanted to play, I did not. We played, and wow, it's an awesome game - I love the shots. I contacted the operator, and threw all kinds of figures around, as the condition was nice, but got the feeling $20k wouldn't even drag it out of his hands (some of these guys would rather collect the $20 a month instead of cash in still, they must know something I don't...).
I think back now (like most games I come around on) to all the chances I have had offered at one of these and cringe. Oh well, gives me something to look forward to in the future.
Quoted from flashinstinct:The company that did the shop job threatened to sue me with slander if I ever spoke about it. And the paper towel was the second pass.
hahah I'd take that bet. Truth is not slander, and in Canada, they'd be the ones flipping for any legal costs if they pursued. Tell me this wasn't Chris from Kingston?
Oh well, I buy based on condition, and figure in that I have to shop/clean/replace everything. Buy based on that and you are never disappointed in what you paid.