(Topic ID: 306952)

Announcing Pinside Notifications (beta)

By robin

2 years ago

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  • 25 posts
  • 17 Pinsiders participating
  • Latest reply 1 year ago by tdiddy
  • Topic is favorited by 9 Pinsiders


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    pasted_image (resized).png
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    Push notification (resized).png
    Configuring notifications (resized).png
    Daily digest (resized).png
    Add this browser (resized).png
    Notification in notification center (resized).png
    Enable switch (resized).png
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    chrome_notification_on_android (resized).png
    #1 2 years ago

    New years resolution: Add more Pinside features!

    Pinside Notifications (beta)

    Get notified about things happening on Pinside that are of interest to you!Pinside Notifications are messages alerting you about things happening on Pinside like:

    - When someone posts in a topic you subscribe to
    - When you are @mentioned on the forum
    - When your post gets quoted on the forum
    - When you receive thumbs up for a post
    - When you get a new PinsideMail message
    - When a wish list game comes up for sale
    - When new results are found in the Marketplace for any of your stored searches
    - When a new Pinball location on our map pops up nearby you
    - When a new event is added to the calendar

    ... And more!

    A notification via Chrome on an Android phoneA notification via Chrome on an Android phone

    Before we get started

    Pinside+ feature
    Notifications are a Pinside+ feature. That's Pinside's paid membership, with special features for supporters, frequent visitors and power users. If you are not a Pinside+ member yet, notifications are a great reason to subscribe! You will also get unlimited PM’s, PM attachments, big Marketplace fee discounts and you'll be supporting the upkeep and development of your favourite pinball website. Check out Pinside+ here!

    Please note that Pinside Notifications are brand new and still in BETA. This means this feature is still subject to change and that it may be (temporarily) disabled should any issues arise. If you run into bugs or have any questions or suggestions, please post here in this thread. Also see the FAQ section at the end of this post, that I will update if needed.

    Getting started

    Okay, with all that out of the way. Let’s enable Notifications! To do so, head over to the title bar of any screen and click the bell icon. It will display with a line through it, indicating you have not enabled notifications yet.

    bell icon in menu bar (resized).pngbell icon in menu bar (resized).png

    Click that icon and you will navigate to the Notifications page. First we're gonna hit the blue button to head to notification settings and flip the switch there to enable Notifications. This notification settings page is also where you'll set up which notifications you want to receive, how often, and on which of your device(s). More about that later.

    Enable switch (resized).pngEnable switch (resized).png

    Notification Center and Push Devices

    All your notifications will be sent to Notification Center on Pinside. Notification Center is the central hub of all notifications you receive, much like PinsideMail is a list of all your PM message threads. You can easily get there from any page, via the bell icon in the top menu bar (conveniently placed next to the PinsideMail icon).

    Notification center - intentionally blurry pictureNotification center - intentionally blurry picture

    So, for example: when someone mentions you in a post a notification will be generated for you and sent to your notification center. This is what a notification looks like:

    Notification in notification center (resized).pngNotification in notification center (resized).png

    Notification Center is pretty cool and handy but the real power of notifications is, uhm... Getting notified when you're not already browsing Pinside! That's where Push Notifications come in. They are sent by Pinside to your browser and/or phone and work on all major browsers on desktop computers and (where applicable) on Android Phones: They have been tested in Chrome (desktop and Android), Firefox, Edge and Safari.

    Push notification (resized).pngPush notification (resized).png

    Bad news if you use an iOS device: To date, Apple refuses to support the Web Push Notifications web standard, even if developers have petitioned with them for quite some time. This means Pinside Push Notifications are currently not supported on iOS devices. However, you can use the workaround, which instead sends notifications to Telegram, a great free messenger app for all platforms, including iOS!

    The Telegram App with PinsideBot provides you with Notifications on iOS!The Telegram App with PinsideBot provides you with Notifications on iOS!

    When you're not an an iPhone/iPad, you can simply enable Web Push. Click the big blue button under “This Browser” to enable notifications for your current browser. This works on your desktop browser or on your Android phone. The device will now show up in your list of devices. Notifications will always be sent to all of the devices in your device list.

    Add this browser (resized).pngAdd this browser (resized).png

    Configuring notifications

    All notifications can be fully configured on the Notification Settings screen. There are a bunch of different notifications in different categories. All pretty self explanatory, but I’ll go by them.

    Configuring notifications (resized).pngConfiguring notifications (resized).png

    Each notification type can be enabled/disabled globally, using the blue toggle switch on the left. Disabling a notification will completely mute it and stop it from appearing in Notifications Center (and thus also preventing it from being sent out to a device). Most people will want to leave all notifications turned on and only use the checkboxes at the right to tweak how notifications are sent out.

    Some notifications may have additional configuration. Hitting the “configure” button will allow you to tweak those settings.

    Let’s take a look at the notifications we have so far (December 2021):


    PM Message: Get a notification when you receive a PM (PinsideMail) message.
    New Follower: Get a notification when another Pinsider started following you.
    Achievement Unlocked: Get a notification when you unlock a Pinside achievement.


    New post: Probably the most popular of all! Receive a notification when a new post is made in a topic you subscribe to. You can choose how often to get notified: each post, or maybe only hourly, daily or even only once until you re-visit a topic.
    Mentioned in post: Get a notification when you are @mentioned in a post by another Pinsider.
    Quoted in post: Get a notification when you are [quoted] in a post by another Pinsider.
    Received thumbs up: Get a notification when one of your forum posts gets thumbed up. Note: Pinside doesn't send out downvote notifications.


    New Marketplace Ad: The marketwatch watcher for hardcore collectors! Receive a notification as soon as a new machine for sale ad is added to the Marketplace. Select to be notified for all or just for wishlist ads. Select a radius and price limit.
    New results in saved search: A daily summary of results in your stored marketplace searches. You can configure which searches are included.

    Pinball Calendar

    New pinball event: Get a notification when a new event is added to the pinball calendar. Select to receive only large events or also smaller local events.

    Pinball Map

    Location update: Get a notification when a Pinside Map location near you is added/updated. You can set a radius and choose to receive all updates or only new location notifications.

    Shop Owner

    New shop order: Get a notification about shop orders and order messages.

    Daily digest (resized).pngDaily digest (resized).png

    Daily Notifications Digest e-mail

    One more thing! Did you know that... Some people find notifications distracting? Well, there's a solution for Pinsiders with notification overload!

    If you don’t want to receive instant notifications all day long you can also have (some of) your notifications sent to your Daily Notifications Digest E-mail. This is a daily e-mail, tailor-made for you, containing notifications of the past 24 hours. This will allow you to keep up to date with things happening on Pinside, once a day, without being too distracting.

    The cool thing is that you can configure per notification type what communications channel is used. For example, you can set things so that you'll receive an instant notification about someone mentioning/quoting you on the forum but leave all the PinsideMail notifications for your daily digest e-mail and maybe leave the thumbs up notifications to not be sent out at all and only show up in Notification Center on Pinside. And if you don’t care at all about location updates, you can simply disable that notification type and it won’t show up anywhere ever again.

    No devices

    In closing, notifications are a powerful new tool - if you use them wisely! In this day and age it's easy to get completely overloaded with notifications on your phone, so it's good to know that Pinside Notifications also work fine without setting up any push devices or even digest emails. If you like, you can stick with using Notification Center on Pinside to read your notifications. Leave all the 'push' and 'email' toggles unchecked and enjoy those notifications when it suites you.

    But for those of you who want to get notified about that rare wishlist game hitting the marketplace... At least keep that Marketplace 'push' toggle enabled so you don't miss out!

    Troubleshooting / FAQ

    There may be bugs! Okay, that's it. Go ahead and enable notifications now! Tell me what you think! And remember: there may be bugs, this is in BETA.

    Pinside says my device is not supported.
    Notifications should work on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. They also work on Safari (desktop). They may work on other browsers. Are you on an iOS device? this is currently not supported, due to Apple not supporting the web standards needed for browser push. You can use Telegram as a workaround. I have also seen issues with the "Brave" browser, which I wasn't able to fix (which is a shame, as I like that browser). There may be other browsers that don't work.

    What is Telegram Push?
    Telegram is a messenger app, much like What's App. We have built a bot for it that allows Pinside to send notifications to any Telegram account. This makes notifications deliverable on essentially all platforms, even iOS. Simply install Telegram on your device via your favorite App Store and then hit the "Enable Telegram notifications" button on the notifications settings page (on that same device).

    I'm on a supported browser, but enabling push for it doesn't seem to work.
    Make sure you are not using an ad blocker on Pinside, they have been known to interfere with our push notifications workers. If you use an extension like Adblock, simply click the icon in your browser toolbar and disable it for Pinside.

    I'm getting way too many 'new post' notifications for subscribed topics!
    This is a matter of configuring the 'New Post' type notification, via the notifications settings page. Look up 'new post' notifications and hit the configure button to change how often you get notified about new posts.

    Help! 'Thumbs Up' notifications are flooding my phone!
    Kudos, you must be a popular Pinsider! I suggest disabling thumbs up notifications on the notifications settings page.

    I'm not seeing a notification for thumbs down?
    This is by design. We like notifications to keep you happy throughout the day!

    Why isn't this feature free?
    I like to keep all essential features of Pinside free for all to use and enjoy. The goal is to promote pinball. That said, notifications are not an essential feature and the infrastructure needed to support this feature isn't free (nor is the enormous amount of effort to built and support it all). So I hope you will consider the Pinside+ subscription to get access to this feature AND support Pinside!

    #2 2 years ago

    Looks like a great feature. Thanks for the constant improvements

    #3 2 years ago

    Thank you Robin.

    #4 2 years ago

    Thank you for this. I really love this feature as there was no real way of knowing before when someone had mentioned you in a post with the @ feature. I also love how everything can be configured to only get notified of what you want and how.

    As a suggestion, one other option to add might be getting an immediate email of a notification instead of a daily one. For those of us with iOS, that might be another nice alternative.

    Keep up the great work and Happy New Year!

    #5 2 years ago

    Awesome feature, Thank You Robin!

    #6 2 years ago

    Following. Looks good.

    #8 2 years ago
    Quoted from Nokoro:

    As a suggestion, one other option to add might be getting an immediate email of a notification instead of a daily one. For those of us with iOS, that might be another nice alternative.

    This was actually in the plans but I decided against it for several (mostly technical) reasons. Maybe in the future, but I'm not convinced by the current state of email (and the effort I need to take to keep our current mailserver off the spamblocker lists).

    And of course there's always the option of a native Pinside App.

    #9 2 years ago

    Notifications are GREAT. The only way to stay on top of pinside when you're participating in multiple threads (and even for threads you're NOT in where you are mentioned and would otherwise not know). Highly recommended!

    #10 2 years ago
    Quoted from robin:

    This was actually in the plans but I decided against it for several (mostly technical) reasons. Maybe in the future, but I'm not convinced by the current state of email (and the effort I need to take to keep our current mailserver of the spamblocker lists).
    And of course there's always the option of a native Pinside App.

    Ive been having wet dreams about a Pinside app.

    #11 2 years ago
    Quoted from robin:

    New years resolution: Add more Pinside features!
    Pinside Notifications (beta)
    Get notified about things happening on Pinside that are of interest to you!Pinside Notifications are messages alerting you about things happening on Pinside like:
    - When someone posts in a topic you subscribe to
    - When you are @mentioned on the forum
    - When your post gets quoted on the forum
    - When you receive thumbs up for a post
    - When you get a new PinsideMail message
    - When a wish list game comes up for sale
    - When new results are found in the Marketplace for any of your stored searches
    - When a new Pinball location on our map pops up nearby you
    - When a new event is added to the calendar
    ... And more!
    [quoted image]
    Before we get started
    Pinside+ feature
    Notifications are a Pinside+ feature. That's Pinside's paid membership, with special features for supporters, frequent visitors and power users. If you are not a Pinside+ member yet, notifications are a great reason to subscribe! You will also get unlimited PM’s, PM attachments, big Marketplace fee discounts and you'll be supporting the upkeep and development of your favourite pinball website. Check out Pinside+ here!
    Please note that Pinside Notifications are brand new and still in BETA. This means this feature is still subject to change and that it may be (temporarily) disabled should any issues arise. If you run into bugs or have any questions or suggestions, please post here in this thread. Also see the FAQ section at the end of this post, that I will update if needed.
    Getting started
    Okay, with all that out of the way. Let’s enable Notifications! To do so, head over to the title bar of any screen and click the bell icon. It will display with a line through it, indicating you have not enabled notifications yet.
    [quoted image]
    Click that icon and you will navigate to the Notifications page. First we're gonna hit the blue button to head to notification settings and flip the switch there to enable Notifications. This notification settings page is also where you'll set up which notifications you want to receive, how often, and on which of your device(s). More about that later.
    [quoted image]
    Notification Center and Push Devices
    All your notifications will be sent to Notification Center on Pinside. Notification Center is the central hub of all notifications you receive, much like PinsideMail is a list of all your PM message threads. You can easily get there from any page, via the bell icon in the top menu bar (conveniently placed next to the PinsideMail icon).
    [quoted image]
    So, for example: when someone mentions you in a post a notification will be generated for you and sent to your notification center. This is what a notification looks like:
    [quoted image]
    Notification Center is pretty cool and handy but the real power of notifications is, uhm... Getting notified when you're not already browsing Pinside! That's where Push Notifications come in. They are sent by Pinside to your browser and/or phone and work on all major browsers on desktop computers and (where applicable) on Android Phones: They have been tested in Chrome (desktop and Android), Firefox, Edge and Safari.
    [quoted image]

    Bad news if you use an iOS device: To date, Apple refuses to support the Web Push Notifications web standard, even if developers have petitioned with them for quite some time. This means Pinside Push Notifications are currently not supported on iOS devices. However, you can use the workaround, which instead sends notifications to Telegram, a great free messenger app for all platforms, including iOS!
    [quoted image]
    When you're not an an iPhone/iPad, you can simply enable Web Push. Click the big blue button under “This Browser” to enable notifications for your current browser. This works on your desktop browser or on your Android phone. The device will now show up in your list of devices. Notifications will always be sent to all of the devices in your device list.
    [quoted image]
    Configuring notifications
    All notifications can be fully configured on the Notification Settings screen. There are a bunch of different notifications in different categories. All pretty self explanatory, but I’ll go by them.
    [quoted image]
    Each notification type can be enabled/disabled globally, using the blue toggle switch on the left. Disabling a notification will completely mute it and stop it from appearing in Notifications Center (and thus also preventing it from being sent out to a device). Most people will want to leave all notifications turned on and only use the checkboxes at the right to tweak how notifications are sent out.
    Some notifications may have additional configuration. Hitting the “configure” button will allow you to tweak those settings.
    Let’s take a look at the notifications we have so far (December 2021):
    PM Message: Get a notification when you receive a PM (PinsideMail) message.
    New Follower: Get a notification when another Pinsider started following you.
    Achievement Unlocked: Get a notification when you unlock a Pinside achievement.
    New post: Probably the most popular of all! Receive a notification when a new post is made in a topic you subscribe to. You can choose how often to get notified: each post, or maybe only hourly, daily or even only once until you re-visit a topic.
    Mentioned in post: Get a notification when you are @mentioned in a post by another Pinsider.
    Quoted in post: Get a notification when you are [quoted] in a post by another Pinsider.
    Received thumbs up: Get a notification when one of your forum posts gets thumbed up. Note: Pinside doesn't send out downvote notifications.
    New Marketplace Ad: The marketwatch watcher for hardcore collectors! Receive a notification as soon as a new machine for sale ad is added to the Marketplace. Select to be notified for all or just for wishlist ads. Select a radius and price limit.
    New results in saved search: A daily summary of results in your stored marketplace searches. You can configure which searches are included.
    Pinball Calendar
    New pinball event: Get a notification when a new event is added to the pinball calendar. Select to receive only large events or also smaller local events.
    Pinball Map
    Location update: Get a notification when a Pinside Map location near you is added/updated. You can set a radius and choose to receive all updates or only new location notifications.
    Shop Owner
    New shop order: Get a notification about shop orders and order messages.
    [quoted image]Daily Notifications Digest e-mail
    One more thing! Did you know that... Some people find notifications distracting? Well, there's a solution for Pinsiders with notification overload!
    If you don’t want to receive instant notifications all day long you can also have (some of) your notifications sent to your Daily Notifications Digest E-mail. This is a daily e-mail, tailor-made for you, containing notifications of the past 24 hours. This will allow you to keep up to date with things happening on Pinside, once a day, without being too distracting.
    The cool thing is that you can configure per notification type what communications channel is used. For example, you can set things so that you'll receive an instant notification about someone mentioning/quoting you on the forum but leave all the PinsideMail notifications for your daily digest e-mail and maybe leave the thumbs up notifications to not be sent out at all and only show up in Notification Center on Pinside. And if you don’t care at all about location updates, you can simply disable that notification type and it won’t show up anywhere ever again.
    No devices
    In closing, notifications are a powerful new tool - if you use them wisely! In this day and age it's easy to get completely overloaded with notifications on your phone, so it's good to know that Pinside Notifications also work fine without setting up any push devices or even digest emails. If you like, you can stick with using Notification Center on Pinside to read your notifications. Leave all the 'push' and 'email' toggles unchecked and enjoy those notifications when it suites you.
    But for those of you who want to get notified about that rare wishlist game hitting the marketplace... At least keep that Marketplace 'push' toggle enabled so you don't miss out!
    window.__mirage2 = {petok:"8582364b7988adb4ad73a2571f24b19c44f82448-1640824167-1800"};

    Troubleshooting / FAQ
    There may be bugs!
    Okay, that's it. Go ahead and enable notifications now! Tell me what you think! And remember: there may be bugs, this is in BETA.
    Pinside says my device is not supported.
    Notifications should work on Chrome, Firefox and Edge. They also work on Safari (desktop). They may work on other browsers. Are you on an iOS device? this is currently not supported, due to Apple not supporting the web standards needed for browser push. You can use Telegram as a workaround. I have also seen issues with the "Brave" browser, which I wasn't able to fix (which is a shame, as I like that browser). There may be other browsers that don't work.
    What is Telegram Push?
    Telegram is a messenger app, much like What's App. We have built a bot for it that allows Pinside to send notifications to any Telegram account. This makes notifications deliverable on essentially all platforms, even iOS. Simply install Telegram on your device via your favorite App Store and then hit the "Enable Telegram notifications" button on the notifications settings page (on that same device).
    I'm on a supported browser, but enabling push for it doesn't seem to work.
    Make sure you are not using an ad blocker on Pinside, they have been known to interfere with our push notifications workers. If you use an extension like Adblock, simply click the icon in your browser toolbar and disable it for Pinside.
    I'm getting way too many 'new post' notifications for subscribed topics!
    This is a matter of configuring the 'New Post' type notification, via the notifications settings page. Look up 'new post' notifications and hit the configure button to change how often you get notified about new posts.
    Help! 'Thumbs Up' notifications are flooding my phone!
    Kudos, you must be a popular Pinsider! I suggest disabling thumbs up notifications on the notifications settings page.
    I'm not seeing a notification for thumbs down?
    This is by design. We like notifications to keep you happy throughout the day!
    Why isn't this feature free?
    I like to keep all essential features of Pinside free for all to use and enjoy. The goal is to promote pinball. That said, notifications are not an essential feature and the infrastructure needed to support this feature isn't free (nor is the enormous amount of effort to built and support it all). So I hope you will consider the Pinside+ subscription to get access to this feature AND support Pinside!

    I’m thrilled! They showed up for me yesterday or the day before and I was excited! They finally got pushed to the main website, and they actually work a lot better now. Seems like you changed something up, but the implementation has been amazing so far. I’m very happy with it.

    Kudos for the telegram work around! How do I get it started? Do I have to go find the Pinside bot? I didn’t see the actual method of connecting the two together.

    Excellent job as always, Robin!

    Quoted from robin:

    And of course there's always the option of a native Pinside App.

    Can’t wait! Pinside really seems like a fantastic, POSITIVE web experience. Unlike popular social media sites, I’ve made countless real-life friends through Pinside and it’s a great way to keep in touch between shows. An app would be awesome! It would be very addictive though...

    “Bug” note: the only issue I’ve had is when scrolling my notifications on iOS, if I tap one to open it, and attempt to scroll down towards the button that brings you to the thread, it will close the expanded view, probably due to sensing that I’ve tapped out of that box. They’d probably be easier to navigate if they were toggled collapsed and expanded by a tap.

    Thanks again! Being a Pinside+ member is definitely worth it!

    #12 2 years ago

    Awesome @Robin, thanks for the new feature.

    #13 2 years ago

    This feature is really cool. I got a thumbs up on a year old post. Not a big deal, but I would never have known if I didn’t get the notification.

    #14 2 years ago

    While we of course appreciate the site and any improvements, I must say the rather underwhelming response to this announcement is in line with my own.

    I generally hate notifications. I hate ads, and notifications are just especially pushy ones. That's why they are called push notifications, I think.

    I don't need to be told at the top of every thread that I am not subscribed to it. That's clutter.

    #15 2 years ago

    Anyone else not getting telegram notifications?

    I don’t even get the test notification even though I get the initial Pinside bot /start in telegram.

    #16 2 years ago
    Quoted from DanQverymuch:

    While we of course appreciate the site and any improvements, I must say the rather underwhelming response to this announcement is in line with my own.
    I generally hate notifications. I hate ads, and notifications are just especially pushy ones. That's why they are called push notifications, I think.
    I don't need to be told at the top of every thread that I am not subscribed to it. That's clutter.

    You can turn them off in the settings

    #17 2 years ago
    Quoted from DanQverymuch:

    While we of course appreciate the site and any improvements, I must say the rather underwhelming response to this announcement is in line with my own.
    I generally hate notifications. I hate ads, and notifications are just especially pushy ones. That's why they are called push notifications, I think.
    I don't need to be told at the top of every thread that I am not subscribed to it. That's clutter.

    You don't need to have the push notifications on. For me on the desktop browser interface, I just have the number next to the bell and if I want to see what was replied to, or where I was tagged, or the other stuff it covers, I just click on the bell. No clutter on the interface at all. I definitely appreciate the feature.

    #18 2 years ago

    I know, I know, they're not on, but I am still treated to the irrelevant fact that I am not subscribed to the thread at the top of every thread page.

    Not a big deal, but it is clutter, and the response to this new feature has been underwhelming, like I said.

    I am opposed to push notifications in general, and there is certainly nothing that could possibly happen on Pinside that I would feel the need to be immediately notified about.

    I don't think that an opinion being negative makes it invalid, do you? I didn't call anyone names or say anything was stupid.

    2 months later
    #19 2 years ago

    Have trouble getting a notification to work. I am using iOS device with Telegram. When I click "send test notification" I get it just fine, every time. But I am not getting notifications of market postings as I have it configured (see attached photo). Any ideas?

    pasted_image (resized).pngpasted_image (resized).png
    1 week later
    #20 2 years ago

    Sorry about that, looks like something was buggy.

    It took some time to find this issue, but this should be fixed now and you should now receive future notifications for new games. In your case (according to the settings in your screenshot) for new *wishlist* games in a 250mi radius.

    If you (or anyone for that matter) are still not receiving notifications for new Marketplace listings (and your checked that your notification settings are correct), then please PM me with details! Tell me what ad you would have expected to get notified about (and please include the URL to that ad).

    8 months later
    #21 1 year ago

    Look I like the notifications, but I can't find any way to delete them after I have read them. Help!

    1 month later
    #22 1 year ago

    is anyone else having issues with notification's not coming through?

    #23 1 year ago
    Quoted from tdiddy:

    is anyone else having issues with notification's not coming through?


    But not all the time, only occasionally.

    #24 1 year ago

    I have an issue that it was showing the notification symbol but every time I clicked it, there were none. It seemed everyday it was alerting me to the same old alerts.

    #25 1 year ago

    Robin said he straighten it out today, I hadn't gotten any notification in 3 days, that's the issue I was having


    Wanna join the discussion? Please sign in to reply to this topic.

    Hey there! Welcome to Pinside!

    Donate to Pinside

    Great to see you're enjoying Pinside! Did you know Pinside is able to run without any 3rd-party banners or ads, thanks to the support from our visitors? Please consider a donation to Pinside and get anext to your username to show for it! Or better yet, subscribe to Pinside+!

    This page was printed from https://pinside.com/pinball/forum/topic/announcing-pinside-notifications-beta and we tried optimising it for printing. Some page elements may have been deliberately hidden.

    Scan the QR code on the left to jump to the URL this document was printed from.