(Topic ID: 276315)

Alien Apron & lighting mod

By Faust

4 years ago

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  • 142 posts
  • 32 Pinsiders participating
  • Latest reply 1 year ago by Dee-Bow
  • Topic is favorited by 15 Pinsiders


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There are 142 posts in this topic. You are on page 2 of 3.
#51 3 years ago

Hey guys! I just wanted to say that I like this project very much. Personally, I don't own this machine, but I love the theme. I was asked by Vimtoman to join you in this endeavor. Let me know if there's any room for me to participate in this project. I can try to help with graphics designs. Cheers!

#52 3 years ago

xianek great to have you onboard

#53 3 years ago

Finally had some time to work on the acid burn holes and the weapon ready light.
Please see current status attached.

Not finished yet, but I want to share the progress at least.
I tried yellow/orange and red inserts for the Weapon Ready (flashes with the extra ball button).

Note that this is not the final black finish, this is my own proto apron.
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#54 3 years ago

Update on the production:
-As Vimtoman posted, all lighting is finished+ wiring harnesses here. Vimtoman will give a full update on all lighting features at the end (some are shown in the videos already)
-Production run of the steel aprons is on the way, takes maybe 10 days. Then need to powdercoat and then acidburns. I'm the slowest here in the process .
Don't expect anything shipping out within 5-6 weeks; I'm doing this in my spare time and don't have much of it due to work & family life at the moment.

-I've added the Nostromo nametag as an option. Will come back to that.

-I tried some different powdercoatings on the proto, will show the results soon.
-Scorecard artwork still unfinished.

#55 3 years ago

picture installed

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#56 3 years ago

Maybe too much black? Might come better with something in gun metal? But as you said you’re testing various options of powder coating.

#57 3 years ago

Well the artwork is still missing here, and I have a black top which doesnt help (most LE's have green).
Personally I like a little minimalistic style with not too much stuff.

#58 3 years ago

Tried a matt and gloss powdercoating on an apron.
I choose to have the powderedcoat with this 'structure', just like the coating that is on the side armor & top of the game.

I like the matt finish the most so far

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#59 3 years ago
Quoted from Faust:

Tried a matt and gloss powdercoating on an apron.
I choose to have the powderedcoat with this 'structure', just like the coating that is on the side armor & top of the game.
I like the matt finish the most so far
[quoted image][quoted image]

Yeah the matt looks great! ... reflection can suck too anyway, some places ...

#60 3 years ago

Yes, matt looks great!

#61 3 years ago

I think the mat finish looks awesome!

#62 3 years ago

Final design for the metal and the apron installed at my friend Maurice who has a green LE.

We moved all acidburns to the right for a more balanced look.

The apron will be matt, I think everyone likes this best.

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Some extra info on the strobes:
The strobes are 24 leds on the apron itself.
It is very bright and the effects reflect nicely back via plastics and the screen because the leds are built in horizontally.
It doesn’t show that well on the video, but in the dark I find it perfectly tuned.

With the leds focussed around the flipper area it is the strongest there where you look the most.

#63 3 years ago

Not sure why I noticed it just now but it seem the new apron is obscure most of the
space from the outlanes, at least the post between the flippers and some artwork ...
Is it really so huge?

#64 3 years ago

Its almost the same size, but symmetric. It looks much larger because it now takes the full width of the game. The plastic apron doesnt cover the shooter lane.

To be extra clear: It’s the smallest size possible keeping it symmetric and without taking out the entire ball guide system.

I didnt like the off-center apron. If you look closely you will see that the plastic one did’nt really fit and that Heighway cut the ball drain hole larger to make it fit. Its actually a full throttle apron that is in the game, which wouldn’t be a problem if the bottom area would have stayed the same.
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How we solved it: The right side drain the apron is folded back, so the ball disappears after the revive lights:

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So the extra space can be filled with artwork: all shown aprons up to now have no artwork yet, keep that in mind

Ideas and feedback welcome.
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#65 3 years ago

I actually like the acid burn on both sides of the apron. Just my 2 cents.

#66 3 years ago

acid on both sides for sure. looks great!

#67 3 years ago

This apron looks just amazing, man.
Very, very nice job!!

#68 3 years ago

Very nice !

is the acid removable to paint it with fluoroscent color ?!
My gameroom is in blacklite, would look nice ...

#69 3 years ago

Actually I experimented with adding a UV led in one of the holes (havent tried fluorescent paint yet).
The led didnt give a nice diffuse light and I ordered some other leds to try.
It just gave a purple spot actually

Some very dim lighting may be nice in the acid hole because it is about 4-5 cm deep and you don’t see much of it in the dark.

To answer your question: yes you can remove it and repaint it.

I’ll be posting new progress soon.
Thanks for all the feedback!

1 week later
#70 3 years ago

I have some different flavors of the apron in production now:
-With Ltd edition/without
-Acidburns on one side
-Without acid burns at all
-Without the 2 holes in the apron, but with the hole on the side where the ball kicks out

This is it, there are no more new versions of the metal being made for now, but if there is enough demand for something else I can always see if I can make something else. Metalwork takes 7-10 days to make, then I need to powdercoat. So the making is the easiest, the drawing/prototyping took the longest (and testing if it fits), which is all done.

I have started prefabricating the acid burn holes. I can make 2-3 a week about at the current pace.
I'm super slow, sorry.
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#71 3 years ago
Quoted from Faust:

I have some different flavors of the apron in production now:
-With Ltd edition/without
-Acidburns on one side
-Without acid burns at all
-Without the 2 holes in the apron, but with the hole on the side where the ball kicks out
This is it, there are no more new versions of the metal being made for now, but if there is enough demand for something else I can always see if I can make something else. Metalwork takes 7-10 days to make, then I need to powdercoat. So the making is the easiest, the drawing takes the longest (and testing if it fits), which is all done.
I have started prefabricating the acid burn holes. I can make 2-3 a week about at the current pace.
I'm super slow, sorry.
[quoted image][quoted image]

This whole apron is looking Great man!!! ... I must say I was a little skeptical about the acid burns making the game look "tatty" somehow, at first... but you've done a tremendous job mate! . The acid burns came out really well! ... very fitting for the game!

Well done!

#72 3 years ago

I need Version 2 with acid holes and "LE"

#73 3 years ago

Update: All aprons arriving 28th (November). Then needs powdercoat and finish. Almost there!!

In the mean time I'm experimenting with lighting of the acid holes, but I'm not promising anything

1 week later
#74 3 years ago

all aprons are in

I’ll be contacting soon everybody that ordered one.

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#75 3 years ago

As Faust is nearing the completion of aprons here's some details on the lighting


35 RGB led's
2 Potentiometers

Alien logo lighting has 5 settable modes controlled by two potentiometers.

This is set by rotating potentiometer on logo controller.

1. Random colour with center white .Fade in Fade out routine. Has white level peaked if brightness set lower than max.
2. "Alien 2" Blue colour with fade in fade out and center white with out of sync delay.
3. "Alien" Green colour with fade in fade out and center white with out of sync delay.
4. Fire mode set constant.
5. Random of all above.

All above will change to fire mode when ambush mode triggered. Mode 4 will just stay in fire mode

Brightness can be changed.
Mode 1 will have white peak when faded up if brightness set lower.

Fire mode is triggered by Strobe controller with link cable.

NOTE Brightness is not a real time adjustment due to long fade delays.
To set brightness adjust and press reset button on CPU
Fire mode is probably best choice for setting this function.


26 RGB led's
3 Potentiometers
1 Slide switch

Settable modes below

1. Mood lighting colour changed by rotating potentiometer.
2. Mood lighting brightness can be lowered. Note : Strobe is set to max level at all times.
3. Ambush mode strobe length is adjustable.
4. Slide switch to disable strobe. Mood lighting still works.
5. Xeno has four modes listed below. Strobe will behave differently for all.

a. Scream : Short strobe burst the length of Xeno movement.
b. Breathe : Short strobe burst the length of Xeno movement.
c. Tease : Short strobe burst the length of Xeno movement but with a glimpse of Fire Mode on Alien logo.
d. Shot : Full length strobe in ambush mode triggering Alien logo fire mode. Duration settable.

I have added a delay at boot so that strobe does not fire when Xeno is testing jaw etc.


One loom connecting to Xeno connector with loop through cable.
Power taken from 12VDC connector on the xeno main led pcb

#76 3 years ago

Incredible... no more words

1 week later
#77 3 years ago

Everything is powdercoated. Picking up tomorrow. Almost there!

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#78 3 years ago

For all that are buying the apron from Felix can you take pictures of the power connection at the xeno pcb.
There are two versions and we need make sure you have the correct wired loom.

Below is the location of the power connector.
Please send Felix this picture not post here Thanks

power connection 1 (resized).jpgpower connection 1 (resized).jpg
#79 3 years ago

Picked up all aprons, will start assembling soon... almost there

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#80 3 years ago

First aprons are ready, see below.
Fun fact; the acid burn hole sits exactly above a round hole in the playfield, so you look straight down in the cabinet.

The red you see in the picture is the cointaker shaker motor

For those who don’t like this it can be closed off.
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#82 3 years ago

Hell yes, great paintjob!

#83 3 years ago
Quoted from Faust:

First aprons are ready, see below.
Fun fact; the acid burn hole sits exactly above a round hole in the playfield, so you look straight down in the cabinet.
The red you see in the picture is the cointaker shaker motor
For those who don’t like this it can be closed off.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Really impressive. Honestly I didn’t thought the result would be this great. Congrats.

#84 3 years ago

Anyone that bought Felix's beacons mod for the ramps, please contact me. I think I am in over my head.


#85 3 years ago
Quoted from Faust:

First aprons are ready, see below.
Fun fact; the acid burn hole sits exactly above a round hole in the playfield, so you look straight down in the cabinet.
The red you see in the picture is the cointaker shaker motor
For those who don’t like this it can be closed off.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

Looks fantastic! Excited to see this in person, may experiment with some LEDs at the acid burn holes.

#86 3 years ago

Update to everybody: I'm contacting everyone regarding balance payment and shipment. If you think I forgot you, write me a PM.

#87 3 years ago

Hi Felix,
sounds great. Will send you the pictures from my connection version like mentioned by Andrew.
Regards Pat

3 weeks later
#88 3 years ago

Finished the last batch of aprons...
Finally done.

Packing this weekend, shipping monday.

I’ve been slow on responding, I will answer all PMs soon.

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#89 3 years ago
Quoted from Faust:

Finished the last batch of aprons...
Finally done.
Packing this weekend, shipping monday.
I’ve been slow on responding, I will answer all PMs soon.
[quoted image][quoted image]

Looks amazing, huge upgrade!

#90 3 years ago

I will post here instructions this week on how to hook it up (very simple, just 2 plugs ).

See below the LE version with weapon ready and cycle weapon lights.

I have 1 left

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#91 3 years ago

So that was my pocket money for 2021

#92 3 years ago

Spectacular !!!

#93 3 years ago

Will balance out my payment
Great news ... Thanks Felix

#94 3 years ago

Thanks to everybody for their patience, I've been slower than a snail in hibernation as we say in The Netherlands.
But it is a fun job to make them. Every acid burn is different.

#95 3 years ago

Installed it’s looks like this:

The pictures taken in the dark do not do the apron justice. It really is looking great.
In gameplay the bullets and “weapon ready” letters light up when “ball launch” or “extra ball” buttons are lit.

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#96 3 years ago
Quoted from Maurice:

Installed it’s looks like this:
The pictures taken in the dark do not do the apron justice. It really is looking great.
In gameplay the bullets and “weapon ready” letters light up when “ball launch” or “extra ball” buttons are lit.
[quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image][quoted image]

It just looks "right" aesthetically for the game, integrates extremely well. Centering it really balances things as well. Can't wait to get mine and experiment with some LEDs in the acid burns. Thanks for your hard work on this, Felix!

#97 3 years ago

Instructions for wiring:

Some of the aprons did not survive the shipment in one piece, and the glue parts detached.
This is no problem; see below for example pictures of what goes where, and you can stick it back on.

Attention 2: check at Step 3 the pins of your game

Attention 3: Shut down game before step 1.

Attention 4: Some aprons need very light adjustment to fit, see STEP 8 before you start.

Step 1:
-Remove old apron (2 screws on the front side)

Step 2:
Remove the post from this picture:
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Step 3: Take the wiring harness from the bag for the 2 PCBS. Put the playfield up and connect the power plug on the indicated position, and put the stepper motor connector aswell on the indicated spot (it says 'XENO MODES' next to this plug). Take the XENO connector off, and put the wiring harness in between.

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There are 2 wires already connected to the light under the apron. Wire them down through the indicated hole (together with the XENO wiring harness).
Wire them as you like completely down and connect them to either the LAUNCH BALL button or the EXTRA BALL.

I recommend hooking up 'WEAPON READY' to the launch ball button.
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Connect the lights of your WEAPON READY and optionally CYCLE WEAPONS (not all aprons).
There are 2 'forks' on the wire. They slide very easily in the existing connectors of the lights. Just take them off, put the fork in, slide it back on.
Small point of attention: put the fork on the side indicated with the orange arrow (the side that is not flat, the fork will slide in the M shape).

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STEP 6: Connect the wiring harness to the apron.
There is a small pink wire in the bag, bridge this between the 2 PCBs as indicated below.

Before I permanently installed the apron, this is where I tweaked the lighting. So you can put the apron upside down on top of the game and power it on.
Mood light should work straight away, Xeno strobes work only after booting the game (30+ seconds).
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So you can play around with the settings with a small screwdriver. The Xeno logo effect changes only after the animation is done, so when changing the potmeter of this one, best press RESET to immediately reboot the animation


Mounting the apron:

You can turn around the apron and mount it. The stainless steel part should fall through the hole where the post was removed.
There are 2 pins included to lock it at the bottom (OPTIONAL); it will stay in place without it.

As a third option, you can also screw the metal plate in place (see picture below).

This option is intended where the stainless steel plate is NOT permanently attached to the apron, so the apron sits basically on this thing.
For those who want this, remove the stainless steel plate from the apron (it is fixed with double sided tape and some hot glue; should come off with some effort).

You can also screw it AND leave it glued; this will give a very robust fixing.
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Fixing the apron:

There are 2 ways to do it:
I included some 0.5 mm plates with self tapping screws; tighten them as indicated below.
These plates SHOULD BEND INTO AN U SHAPE. There is not so much room, so these plates are designed to bend around the metal bracket.

The fast way is to use 2 zips and connect them as indicated. The apron should line up in the middle between the 2 brackets, but yeah it is Heighway so I'm not sure if it is exactly the same.
1 (resized).jpg1 (resized).jpg

Check the ball clearance as indicated below. There should be a few mms of space. Because it is a tight fit, the seating is critical.
If the ball can't pass, do the following:

-Tighten very well in step 8 to pull the apron back
-take the apron out, and bend the front side slightly in (indicated with the arrow). It's 1.25mm steel and can be adjusted easily, and it won't break.

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#98 3 years ago

This looks amazing in person. The photos don’t really capture the effects, but I’ll give it a try. Love the flame effect on the logo, extra lighting from the apron, acid burn holes, flashers, motion tracker, everything. Outstanding job!

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#99 3 years ago
Quoted from Faust:

Instructions for wiring:
Some of the aprons did not survive the shipment in one piece, and the glue parts detached.
This is no problem; see below for example pictures of what goes where, and you can stick it back on.

Mine arrived like this ... above pictures are not detailed enough. Where do I have to re clue all the parts? Especially the two small 3 LED lights... How to measure the big LE foil Bord in the center so that the effect of AL(I)EN with color changing I works as designed ?

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#100 3 years ago

Same to me ... my Apron arrived yesterday looking identical.
The long LEDs are the flashers and have to show diretion playfield. Logical

I am think about alternate fixing. The hot glue will not hold in the machine and I dont want every couple of day demount and hot glue again ... will see.
So a very nice idea , but the packing was not successfull. Also my friend Mike got his Apron in pieces, he glued with a special glass glue. Makes sense due the apron and parts are very smooth/flat.

Looking forward to have it in my pin.

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