(Topic ID: 246329)

3D printing sharing thread.... Lets better the hobby

By hoby1

5 years ago

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12 key posts have been marked in this topic, showing the first 10 items.

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Post #26 Crash's Thingiverse Pinball Search Links Posted by Crash (4 years ago)

Post #35 Speaker lights for metal back box Stern Posted by Darscot (3 years ago)

Post #119 Pinball Button Remover Posted by Ashram56 (3 years ago)

Post #212 Swinks Shapeways Downloads Posted by swinks (3 years ago)

Post #682 Gravestone Cross Posted by swinks (3 years ago)

Post #683 Power Supply Fan Adapter (Modern Stern) Posted by plasticbugs (3 years ago)

Post #1049 Ball holder Posted by swinks (2 years ago)

Post #1696 Backbox Light Baffles Posted by John_I (2 years ago)

Post #1721 Spike 2 LED speaker panel Posted by dudah (2 years ago)

Post #1946 Target stabilizers Posted by bigguybbr (2 years ago)

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#1 5 years ago

I really feel there are some fantastic 3d printed mods out there.

They cost us nothing to make but time.

I am willing to share my STLs or help make them with anyone thats willing to do the same .

Lets post here.

#2 5 years ago

Great thread idea. What do you have now?

#3 5 years ago
Quoted from marioparty34:

Great thread idea. What do you have now?

As of this moment . Some really nice floor levelers and a vase for my wife.

Pinball stuff...... some game specific brackets and a bench for FG.

#4 5 years ago

I took a file I found online for the early Williams drop target backs / guides and modified it a bit and its perfect now.

Screenshot 2019-07-01 00.06.16 (resized).pngScreenshot 2019-07-01 00.06.16 (resized).png
#5 5 years ago

I did design a new mount for Stern's Cap/ Tip issue . When they seen it they said it was fantastic but they would have to verify with the heat displacement,

#6 5 years ago

Here is our Hobbit pin cup holders.


And the original pin cup design


Will try to find the Pirates pin cup we made too.

And the Throne of Erebor we used on the Hobbit


#7 5 years ago

FG bench

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#8 5 years ago

Here is the South Park toilet courtesy of @latenite04. The picture is the one I printed for my machine with the old top installed.


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#9 5 years ago

I always like these threads. It might be nice if the first post could be an index of posts with stl's or if people could use a specific tag when posting stl files, something like :stlfiles:, so that you can easily search the thread to find things. Some of the other threads have become long and tough to search.

Here's a few :stlfiles:
Flipper button - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3715237
Street Fighter replacement car - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3579086
Gottlieb System 3 speaker lights - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3647951
South Park Toilet - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3604089
South Park Warning Sign backlighting surround - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2951734
South Park Kenny Opto protectors - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2951729
South Park protector for large plastic next to Kenny - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3446493
Pin2DMD frame - https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:3098697

#11 5 years ago
Quoted from woody76:

anyone have a flipper bat file?

Can you print a flipper bat that would withstand the abuse? Seems like even nylon would break at the layer seams.

#12 5 years ago
Quoted from PinMonk:

Can you print a flipper bat that would withstand the abuse? Seems like even nylon would break at the layer seams.

would not be for use in a actual pin. for another project.

#13 5 years ago

Shapeways printed flipper bats in nylon work as have had a set running for 18months. For game use though you need a custom post to attach it.

I also have a home printed flipper bat for shower taps as I can't get a particular locking piece for the fancy handles so what was temporary has been there for a year, lol

#15 5 years ago

I generally use OpenSCAD to design parts. I think better in scripting than I do spatially. I'm working on some stuff for updating my drop targets, but I don't have it useable yet. I do have some brackets that I designed. Once I get home, I'll make sure that they are in my public github and I'll link them.

2 months later
#16 5 years ago

So, any other cool Pinball related prints? STL's?

Just replaced all my cheesy 2/$1 Walmart cupholders I had (and hated) for years, with newly printed ones.

8 months later
#17 4 years ago

Hello guys, does anyone have STL files for 3D printing B/W opto housing or austin powers toilet seat? Pics for reference! Thanks

opto (resized).pngopto (resized).pngtoilet (resized).pngtoilet (resized).png
#18 4 years ago

Great thread, this might be just what I was looking for. I'm looking for someone who wants to take on the project of reproducing the space scaffolding featured in the 1984 Williams space shuttle in 3D. Can provide the original Plastics for scan if that helps. Any takers?

20200514_091853 (resized).jpg20200514_091853 (resized).jpg
#19 4 years ago
Quoted from Apinjunkie:

Great thread, this might be just what I was looking for. I'm looking for someone who wants to take on the project of reproducing the space scaffolding featured in the 1984 Williams space shuttle in 3D. Can provide the original Plastics for scan if that helps. Any takers?
[quoted image]

Great idea!

#20 4 years ago

Thanks, I'd like to think so. I just added a hardtop to my shuttle and rebuilt the pops and thought a 3D homage to the original would be awesome over those. I have the astronaut that's the right size and scale., so 3D scaffolding would be pretty cool, but alas,I'm the last person on Earth that doesn't have a 3D printer.

#21 4 years ago
Quoted from Apinjunkie:

Great thread, this might be just what I was looking for. I'm looking for someone who wants to take on the project of reproducing the space scaffolding featured in the 1984 Williams space shuttle in 3D. Can provide the original Plastics for scan if that helps. Any takers?
[quoted image]

sent you a message

#22 4 years ago
Quoted from Pesmerga:

Hello guys, does anyone have STL files for 3D printing B/W opto housing or austin powers toilet seat? Pics for reference! Thanks
[quoted image][quoted image]

I made a quick and dirty seat from the picture. I have no idea of scale or thickness, but you should be able to adjust it in your slicer. PM me and I'll send it to you to try. I assume you'll want to print it in nylon for durability. It gets a lot of abuse.

#23 4 years ago

Weekend bump

#24 4 years ago

I have quite a few pinball related .STL's to print on Thinigiverse here:


2 weeks later
#25 4 years ago

Anyone have a file for the rollovers in an old Williams "Aztec"?

#26 4 years ago

Here's some info from a 3d printing thread I made in January 2018. Hope it will help someone.

Here is a list of usable (as in reasonably similar in appearance) factory pinball parts on Thingiverse found in a "pinball" search as of 1/15/2018. Not a bad list at all! Many aren't exact replicas but if you want to save money or don't care about the absolute details, this list will be helpful. It's also not all inclusive but covers at least 90% of the good models available.

Gottlieb C13150 Flipper Bat
Attack From Mars/Revenge from Mars Saucer
Sega Drop Target
Data East Drop Target
Stern Post
Gottlieb Lamp Cover/Plastic Nut
Bally/Williams Star Post
Addams Family Fester Chair
Williams Plastic Lane Guide
Bally/Williams Flipper Bat
Bally/Williams Jet Bumper Parts
Bally Drop Target
Bally Playfield Insert
Cabinet Leg Protector (Large)
Kickout Saucer
Light Weight Ball
Data East Flipper Bat (No Logo)
Bally/Williams Drop Target 03-8750
Cabinet Leg Protector
Bally/Williams Plunger Link
Data East Autolaunch Solenoid Pad
Rocky & Bullwinkle Hat Trick Mechanism Arm
Rocky & Bullwinkle Hat Trick Mechanism Rail Guide
Molex Pin Extractor Tip
Spotlight Lamp Reflector & Bracket
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball Ramp Protectors
Stern Spinner Washer
EM Plunger Parts
Solenoid Armature Link 03-8085 / 545-5293-00
Bally EM Chime Box
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Score Reel Wiper Arm
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Score Reel EOS Switch Spacer
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Relay Finger Support Bracket
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Ball Kicker 464-2514-R
Bally/Williams Flipper Opto Curtain
Bally/Williams Flipper Opto Interrupter
Apron Mount Replacement
Williams System 7 Corner Bracket
Millionaire Pinball Roulette Puck
Fire! Ladder Motor Trapezoid
Gottlieb Trough Switch Bracket
Williams Drop Target Catch B-11225 / C-11223-1
Gottlieb EM Insert
Williams EM Plunger Housing
Williams System 11 Flipper Bushing
Stern Drop Target Rest Ledge 545-6163-01
Gottlieb Flipper Bat
Gottlieb Drop Target
Bally Jeweled Posts
Allied Leisure PCB Clip
Bally/Williams Plunger Coil Stop
Stern Backbox Light Baffle
Party Zone Dancing Dummy Body
Williams Outhole Plunger Link 01-4251

#27 4 years ago

^----- Nice! Much appreciated!

Anyone tried tackling a Chicago Coin bowling pin for a ball bowler?

#28 4 years ago
Quoted from Crash:

Here's some info from a 3d printing thread I made in January 2018. Hope it will help someone.
Here is a list of usable (as in reasonably similar in appearance) factory pinball parts on Thingiverse found in a "pinball" search as of 1/15/2018. Not a bad list at all! Many aren't exact replicas but if you want to save money or don't care about the absolute details, this list will be helpful. It's also not all inclusive but covers at least 90% of the good models available.

Gottlieb C13150 Flipper Bat
Attack From Mars/Revenge from Mars Saucer
Sega Drop Target
Data East Drop Target
Stern Post
Gottlieb Lamp Cover/Plastic Nut
Bally/Williams Star Post
Addams Family Fester Chair
Williams Plastic Lane Guide
Bally/Williams Flipper Bat
Bally/Williams Jet Bumper Parts
Bally Drop Target
Bally Playfield Insert
Cabinet Leg Protector (Large)
Kickout Saucer
Light Weight Ball
Data East Flipper Bat (No Logo)
Bally/Williams Drop Target 03-8750
Cabinet Leg Protector
Bally/Williams Plunger Link
Data East Autolaunch Solenoid Pad
Rocky & Bullwinkle Hat Trick Mechanism Arm
Rocky & Bullwinkle Hat Trick Mechanism Rail Guide
Molex Pin Extractor Tip
Spotlight Lamp Reflector & Bracket
Bugs Bunny's Birthday Ball Ramp Protectors
Stern Spinner Washer
EM Plunger Parts
Solenoid Armature Link 03-8085 / 545-5293-00
Bally EM Chime Box
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Score Reel Wiper Arm
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Score Reel EOS Switch Spacer
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Relay Finger Support Bracket
Chicago Coin/Hollywood Pinball EM Ball Kicker 464-2514-R
Bally/Williams Flipper Opto Curtain
Bally/Williams Flipper Opto Interrupter
Apron Mount Replacement
Williams System 7 Corner Bracket
Millionaire Pinball Roulette Puck
Fire! Ladder Motor Trapezoid
Gottlieb Trough Switch Bracket
Williams Drop Target Catch B-11225 / C-11223-1
Gottlieb EM Insert
Williams EM Plunger Housing
Williams System 11 Flipper Bushing
Stern Drop Target Rest Ledge 545-6163-01
Gottlieb Flipper Bat
Gottlieb Drop Target
Bally Jeweled Posts
Allied Leisure PCB Clip
Bally/Williams Plunger Coil Stop
Stern Backbox Light Baffle
Party Zone Dancing Dummy Body
Williams Outhole Plunger Link 01-4251


www.Yeggi.com is a great STL search, since Thingiverse search sucks.

1 week later
#29 4 years ago

Here’s something i made for a gameplan project.

F31838E9-105B-4558-94D0-696E8CF4F0AE (resized).jpegF31838E9-105B-4558-94D0-696E8CF4F0AE (resized).jpeg
#30 4 years ago
Quoted from Kneissl:

Here’s something i made for a gameplan project.
https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:4435249[quoted image]

Hahaha, story of my life. That looks exactly like the rollover used on the Williams Aztec that I'm refurbing, had to order them from PBR. Was mad at myself that I haven't taken the time to learn how to design my own prints, especially since the rollover is such a simple piece. I definitely would have tried your redesign, nice work!

3 weeks later
#31 4 years ago

Made my own ST transporter mod for the flashers LMK. They are faceted vertically so the light goes up . They look unreal with CT 5 led towers in them.LMK if you would like the STLs.

IMG_2966 (resized).jpgIMG_2966 (resized).jpgIMG_2967 (resized).jpgIMG_2967 (resized).jpg
#32 4 years ago
Quoted from Apinjunkie:

Great thread, this might be just what I was looking for. I'm looking for someone who wants to take on the project of reproducing the space scaffolding featured in the 1984 Williams space shuttle in 3D. Can provide the original Plastics for scan if that helps. Any takers?
[quoted image]

I own one.. I'd be willing to model that up

These are the files I have:

#33 4 years ago

I jumped on the new ELEGOO Saturn and really excited to start messing around with pinball mods. Sadly probably be a couple months before it arrives. Do you guys print with filament or resin?

#34 4 years ago

Toyotaboy. Thanks for your interest, however as fate would have it ,with the help of fellow pinsiders I now have a 3D version in my machine. This is an early version of just the Truss pictured in the photos, the new final version also includes bumper cap assemblies , and is modeled in a modular fashion which leads to a cleaner print and simpler installation. PM me your email address and I can send you the file.

20200626_215239 (resized).jpg20200626_215239 (resized).jpg20200630_225244 (resized).jpg20200630_225244 (resized).jpg

5 months later
#35 3 years ago

My first 3D model and print for pinball. Speaker lights for metal back box Stern. Came out perfect.

44BAD2EE-AB7A-439D-B027-7D34A3EEA683 (resized).jpeg44BAD2EE-AB7A-439D-B027-7D34A3EEA683 (resized).jpeg

88A43B89-0FFF-431B-A21A-102CF0B09E3F (resized).jpeg88A43B89-0FFF-431B-A21A-102CF0B09E3F (resized).jpeg Added over 4 years ago:

Here is the link to the file.

#36 3 years ago

I have made some prints for Munsters and a glider for TMNT.


#37 3 years ago

I printed your drink holder I’ll have to make an account and upload the speaker rings.
21CD1391-3F5F-43E3-A820-957254A1CA2B (resized).jpeg21CD1391-3F5F-43E3-A820-957254A1CA2B (resized).jpeg

#38 3 years ago
Quoted from Darscot:

My first 3D model and print for pinball. Speaker lights for metal back box Stern. Came out perfect.
[quoted image]
[quoted image]

Well done love it.

#39 3 years ago

I'll try one. Prepare for a run on sentence.....
I put my Willy Wonka Gobstopper metal plate 3d cover on thingiverse that keeps the switch roller from getting stuck behind metal thingy when you smash the blue rubber thingy with the ball to make the secret machine spin around.
This is a test because I don't really know how to do it. It's for non commercial use and free for everyone to use and share. If you remix it please continue to give your improved design away for free.


20201014_100924 (Medium) (resized).jpg20201014_100924 (Medium) (resized).jpg
#40 3 years ago

Does anybody know how to export a
File from blender? I keep trying to convert to
An .stl but it ends up too small and there are these strange posts (I think they are supposed to be holes)

#41 3 years ago
Quoted from Rdoyle1978:

Does anybody know how to export a
File from blender? I keep trying to convert to
An .stl but it ends up too small and there are these strange posts (I think they are supposed to be holes)

i guess i do the same you tried. -> Export ->Stl
what printing Software do you use? I do not much care about the size of the STL file created from blender. I will adjust it later in the printing software.
STL are lossless scalable that should not give any problems, to make them bigger or smaler.
I am not sure what you are talking about "strange posts" or holes. The things i export are the same like they are in blender.
But i have to admit i only made some svg files thicker.
Maybe you could provide a picture?

#42 3 years ago
Quoted from cabal:

i guess i do the same you tried. -> Export ->Stl
what printing Software do you use? I do not much care about the size of the STL file created from blender. I will adjust it later in the printing software.
STL are lossless scalable that should not give any problems, to make them bigger or smaler.
I am not sure what you are talking about "strange posts" or holes. The things i export are the same like they are in blender.
But i have to admit i only made some svg files thicker.
Maybe you could provide a picture?

I will do that, thank you!

I’m using the latest Blender, and tried in both Prusa Slicer and in Cura. Both behave unexpectedly as I mentioned. I’ll post a photo. I am trying my best to keep the dimensions exact because this is a rounded part and hard to measure exactly.

#43 3 years ago
Quoted from Darscot:

My first 3D model and print for pinball. Speaker lights for metal back box Stern. Came out perfect.
[quoted image]
[quoted image]

This looks great! Any chance of sharing the file?

[email protected]


#44 3 years ago
Quoted from Shredso:

This looks great! Any chance of sharing the file?
[email protected]

Yeah I just created a thingiverse account last night and you can't post as a new user for 24 hours. I'll email it to you.

#45 3 years ago
Quoted from Darscot:

Yeah I just created a thingiverse account last night and you can't post as a new user for 24 hours. I'll email it to you.

Way cool thing to do! Speaker lights for all.

#46 3 years ago

Looking forward to the stl file when your account allows. What did you hook the lights into for power?

Quoted from Darscot:

My first 3D model and print for pinball. Speaker lights for metal back box Stern. Came out perfect.
[quoted image]
[quoted image]

#47 3 years ago
Quoted from Yelobird:

Way cool thing to do! Speaker lights for all.

Is there some etiquette about sharing mods? Next up for me is the back cover for the stand up Star Trek insignia and the gravestone for my Dracula. These are currently for sale and I don’t want to take away from people trying to earn a living. At the same time I love how open the 3D printing community is and it’s weird not to upload my stuff when I download everyone else’s.

Speaker rings are pretty generic so wasn’t as concerned about them.

#48 3 years ago

I have been sharing high speed stop lights. More detail than original one. Also in vertical (to mount to the rear side- when using the new clear ramp) and traditional horizontal version.

Also the crash dummy body from party zone.

#49 3 years ago
Quoted from Darscot:

Is there some etiquette about sharing mods? Next up for me is the back cover for the stand up Star Trek insignia and the gravestone for my Dracula. These are currently for sale and I don’t want to take away from people trying to earn a living. At the same time I love how open the 3D printing community is and it’s weird not to upload my stuff when I download everyone else’s.
Speaker rings are pretty generic so wasn’t as concerned about them.

As long as you’re not exactly copying someone’s work, it should be fine. Most people are buying those mods because they don’t have a printer, or (like myself) don’t have time to build it themselves. So I can’t see that it would impact sales dramatically. If you have a 3D printer in the first place you’re already more inclined to DIY anyway

#50 3 years ago

I printed the hobbit cupholder and have it on my LOTR. Looks great.

And while we are on the subject of copyrights, etc. I saw that someone on Facebook is selling these. Did they get (or need) your permission?

Quoted from VillaThrills:

Here is our Hobbit pin cup holders.
And the original pin cup design
Will try to find the Pirates pin cup we made too.
And the Throne of Erebor we used on the Hobbit

20201123_212722 (resized).jpg20201123_212722 (resized).jpg
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Rocket City Pinball
$ 18.00
Yorktown Arcade Supply
$ 20.00
Cabinet - Decals
Pinball Haus
$ 53.99
Matt's Basement Arcade
$ 30.95
4,250 (OBO)
Machine - For Sale
Parkland, FL
$ 10.00
Playfield - Protection
UpKick Pinball
$ 69.00
Gameroom - Decorations
Pinball Pimp
From: $ 55.00
Playfield - Toys/Add-ons
$ 15.00
Playfield - Decals
$ 54.99
Cabinet - Shooter Rods
Lighted Pinball Mods
$ 35.00
Cabinet - Other
Rocket City Pinball
$ 10.00
Playfield - Protection
UpKick Pinball
$ 15.00
Playfield - Other
Machine - For Sale
Orange, CA
Machine - For Sale
Calera, AL
$ 15.00
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