Quoted from Jagrmaister:So you don't have one then...You have the shell of one which you completely revamped and modded into a multicade because the shoddy factory piece had died prematurely. Out of the box with the 1-12 regurgitated games they have on them, they are still trash tier products. They can be brief fun for a trip down nostalgia lane, but once that wears off you're left with a product full of shortcomings. I advise anyone considering purchasing them to only buy at STEEP discounts IF you can live with the concessions. The only benefit to the product is the mobility that the form factor offers. It'll be easier for you to carry it to the curb when you're done with it.
Yes... some of the Arcade1ups suck. Don't buy the Tempest cabinet. Some of them are fantastic. I have the Outrun 5 in 1 and it is fantastic, lasting longer than most of my pins in my collection. I've only ever actually gotten to the end of the track once on the original game, and have barely scratched the others. T2 has no replay value, and sections are too hard for little kids to beat (that helicopter)! I picked up a Blitz on sale last year, and my kids have put more time on that than anything else I've ever put in my arcade. They took out the harder tackles to get the NFL to approve it, but its still fun. Would a "real" NFL Blitz machine be better? Of freaking course! But I wouldn't be able to get it into my basement, it would only have 1 game, I wouldn't be able to play it online, and I'd lose my ass when I went to sell it. Buy a 1up on sale or off Facebook and you can sell it for a year for what you paid for it. Star Wars, Outrun, Blitz, NBA JAM, Pacman/Galaga, Goldenaxe... all are great cabs.
I do have a Robotron 1up that is a converted Mortal Kombat. Bought it off a pinsider and it was still cheaper than a NIB 1up. 1ups are great. I don't see why people are gatekeeping with them.