thechakapakuni2's ratings

Pinsider thechakapakuni2 has rated 3 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms thechakapakuni2's personal top 3.

Rating comments

thechakapakuni2 has written 3 rating comments:

6 months ago
John Borgs follow-up from DE Star Wars. Borg, Lyman Code, and Slash. What else could you want in a game. Riot mode is a big payoff. Magnets throw the balls hatlywire. Games had a G & R ramps. With a pin sound you can load the entire GNR catalog. Game is top notch and very underrated
7 months ago
Best Rock pin to date! Nothing comes close. Best rock themed pin, really captures the concert experience. You will never see a pin that has both Gibson & Fender assets in the same box. Most rock tracks on any pin. This LE package does not have 2 sides that look alike. Authentic concert posters from the original artist. Hand drawn line art, not some AI Kinko’s print that others modern pins have. Best light show hands down. The game now has an upgraded flipper board & new code which were the only flaws prior. This game will not be leaving my collection. At least not in this lifetime
8 months ago
One of the greatest pins ever made. Holds up 30 years later

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