
Pinside member


Nashua, NH

June 7th, 2012 (12 years ago)

March 13th, 2024

Rabscuttle last donated to Pinside (2023-03-16)

Account verification: Basic Address (What does this mean?)

Background story

Young grasshopper

“I grew up with birthday parties at Aladdin's Castle as one of my fondest memories. I appreciated pinball, but wasn't really "into" it until I saw Greg Maletic's TILT documentary. A few years later, we came across Special When Lit, and that sort of   ... continued here”


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Stats and feedback

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Rabscuttle's photos

Gameroom and profile pics

Rabscuttle's top 3

favorite games

Dialed In
1. Dialed In

Jersey Jack, 2017

AC/DC (Premium)
2. AC/DC (Premium)

Stern, 2012


Rabscuttle's collection, wishlist and history

5 games listed in Rabscuttle's collection.

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