
Pinside member


August 11th, 2021 (3 years ago)

October 17th, 2024

prentice last donated to Pinside (2023-09-23)

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Background story

Joined hobby in 2021

“Bought a Wizard of Oz to start my pinball hobby in late 2021, I still think it is the most well-designed machine I've ever seen, between the playfield art, the digital assets, the sounds, music, toys, and all other details. I'm still partial to JJP machines,   ... continued here”


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prentice's photos

Gameroom and profile pics

prentice has not uploaded gameroom pics yet.

prentice's top 10

favorite games

Godzilla (Premium)
1. Godzilla (Premium)

Stern, 2021

Deadpool (Premium)
2. Deadpool (Premium)

Stern, 2018

Pirates of the Caribbean (LE)
4. Pirates of the Caribbean (LE)

Jersey Jack, 2018

Alien (Limited Version)
5. Alien (Limited Version)

Pinball Brothers, 2021

The Hobbit
6. The Hobbit

Jersey Jack, 2016

Metallica (Premium)
8. Metallica (Premium)

Stern, 2013

Dialed In
9. Dialed In

Jersey Jack, 2017

Wizard of Oz
10. Wizard of Oz

Jersey Jack, 2013


prentice's collection, wishlist and history

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