Pinball-Ike's ratings

Pinsider Pinball-Ike has rated 16 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms Pinball-Ike's personal top 16.

Rating comments

Pinball-Ike has written 14 rating comments:

1 year ago
Fun game. I’ve been playing in the wild for several weeks. I like the shots, flow and theme integration making the game interesting. It has many goals that make for varied approaches and scoring.

It felt pretty easy to score, and it has a pretty good ‘one more game’ appeal to me.

I find that I really like this game
2 years ago
Perhaps my favorite pin. It was hard to get the shots, but it’s a flow monster when your shots are on.

Love the music
2 years ago
Played DI regularly in the wild, then picked up a DILE for my collection. I’m a huge fan of the flowing Lawlor layouts and this is no different. With the JJP style of flippers and the flowing layout makes for a fun shooting pin.

Some don’t like the theme but I do, it’s quirky but easy to understand and play. I do love the variety of crazy modes and instant scoring shots in the quantum theater means this isn’t a chopping wood experience, and can be distracting in a good way when playing the game.

The SIM card shot is hard, and I moved my settings to allow for the SIM shot to carry over across balls. It makes the game feel better to me. Maybe I’ll feel different when I can hit it regularly.

This is a start again title for me, if ai play one game I am likely to play 6-10 games. Glad I own it, and enthusiastically encourage anyone to play the pin!
2 years ago
I’ve been playing a Pro in the wild for several weeks, probably have 50+ games played. My initial impression of FUN and great shots, flow and layout hasn’t changed one bit. I have played all 4 of Elwin’s games, I own AIQ, and this is his best layout yet. It’s an instant start again until someone else really wants to play the game.

I do like the video assets, love the manga grab magnet. The two ramps and the return loop up top are fun to hit. Not a fan of the return loop from outside the building through it and back to the flippers. It seems prone to SDTM.

Scoring seems easy to understand and the monster battles are fun.

I would own one in a second and can’t wait to play a premium.
2 years ago
Playing a pro repeatedly on location. It’s the first game I start with the last few weeks. Not a huge Metallica fan so that doesn’t speak to me, but the shots do.

The ramps are fun but not easy, orbits are great and the three interesting shots to the far left lock, grave marker, and Sparky are fun. I do like that the far right mystery and left locks are shootable.

It’s easy to understand, and progress through a few songs or MB’s. It’s an unexpectedly fun pin to play, and one I would own without loving the band.
3 years ago
My immediate impression was feeling like I do when I get a good flow of shots on my Funhouse. Hitting 3-4 shots together is achievable and fun and while fast there is time to put together more shots and get to 6-8 combo shots, which feels great. I think all the ramps are open. I’ve played both Pro and Premium, and flow is true for both. Clearly the Prem/LE CM ramp is the hardest, but if I don’t brick the edges it rarely rejects any shot with some power.

Ripping the Hulk spinner is fun and the sense of urgency in the Gamma hurry up is great. Actually same is true of Dr Stange spinner. Really fun to hit a shot that sends it spinning.

I do like the subway, because I like the break in the action to take a breath, maybe shake out my hands. No issues mechanically on my machine. I really don’t have the timing down yet for the shots, but the Gem modes are fun, fairly easy to follow, and make sense for the theme and building battles and story.

Theme is excellent, I am perhaps less picky that others but I like the callouts, Hulk the best currently. Can’t stop hitting start, and seems like there are plenty of ways to approach the game for scoring or progression.

Feels like there is room for more code enhancements too, so great now and more seemingly to come.

Great game, play if you get a chance.
3 years ago
Love this game, and I always play when I see one on location. Love the sound effects and the popping frogs, never get tired of hitting them. It has the ‘one more’ feeling, seems easy to follow the rules, but have only played in the wild, so not too sure of the depth and my score reflects my ignorance.

I think it’s the best Elvira pin overall to play, but not quite as pretty as the new EHOH.
3 years ago
Love the game. Especially the adult themed call outs. The shots like the Bada Bing ramp, the short ramp to the boat, and the ‘s’ curve to the bumpers are satisfying to hit.

The show and mobster theme are consistent, fun, and deep enough to not easily get boring.

On my wishlist and I hope to have one in my collection.
3 years ago
The remake seems to play harder and faster than the original. I still can’t match my best score on the original. I do love the adjustability of the machine, like the flipper and sling power, it helps make the machine play the way I want. I do like the flippers with a little droop, it’s needed for the side shots, and forces better play. Especially if you play across several machines, it hard to get the timing right for the game to flow.

Playfield is gorgeous, beautiful finish, no issues at all.

I’ve played 300+ games in the first week and can’t stop hitting the start button. THAT is the indication of an amazing game!
3 years ago
Never followed TMNT, but the theme seems great and fun to follow. Animations are good. I do like the start of the pizza multiball, unique. Also love the shot behind the upper left flipper. It’s clever.

The flow of combos is very satisfying. It keep coming back several times at my local barcade, because it does feel like a ‘one more’ kind of game.
4 years ago
Plays very fast. The inner loop and orbits can rocket the ball back to you. Theme is good, especially choosing a character and mission. Makes it fun for multiple people to play and the variety in missions incorporate so much thematic content and callouts. Just great. While fun and easy to play it is a deep rule set to learn as desired. I think the game appeals to casual and serious players.

Biggest downside is the ruthless outlanes and SDTM action from the orbit shots. Even when frustrating, it’s easy to keep pushing start...
4 years ago
Deepest rule set game I’ve played. Common complaints of slower play and lots of MB’s, are true... set at 6.5 pitch, the game is not as fast as a Stern SW, and depending on how you play there are a lot of MB opportunities. However, with great music and sound and yelling ‘jackpot’ every few seconds the MB play is fun and enervating. But maybe it’s not for everyone. Also, the modes can be long, so game times can be long too, and probably not the easiest machine to pick up in a barcade. I do wonder if I would have ever given this enough time outside of my home.

I did just kill Smaug and the game experience is great, so thematics, sound, playfield and rules make this a fantastic game to learn and play. The complexity, speed, visual integration and depth make a very immersive pinball experience, while still being pinball.
4 years ago
As an early 80’s era game that’s fun to play. Simple rules. Hit the drop targets to move through the solar system planet by planet. Satisfying spinner shot, and when lit, lucrative points. The upper hole kicker target plays less than it should. Plenty of side to side action and the knocker is great at 700k and 900k points. An older game with a shallow pitch also makes the game less frenetic, an excellent change of pace from modern games but still rewards good shots. All my guests love the game.
4 years ago
Love the city combos.

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