oldpins's ratings

Pinsider oldpins has rated 2 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms oldpins's personal top 2.

Rating comments

oldpins has written 2 rating comments:

3 years ago
I have always been into restoring & collecting EM machines, and then came along 'The Munsters' premium. I watched the show episodes as a kid, so this was a must have title for me and the family. My 1st NIB machine purchase. The 'B & W' cabinet & playfield artwork is brilliant. Playfield layout, rules & features are excellent, giving fast & smooth ball movement across the whole playfield. I am very happy with the overall machine build quality and operating system. Some good mods available as well. Code updates have made this title even better. One very happy owner here :)
9 years ago
The fist EM machine I had restored, and definitely a keeper, classic Gottlieb bowling theme and artwork. I keep coming back to this one to play.

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