Msch's ratings

Pinsider Msch has rated 16 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms Msch's personal top 16.

Rating comments

Msch has written 9 rating comments:

8 years ago
Probably the best modern stern to date. A front runner to knock MM out of the number 1 spot.
8 years ago
It's early but the game simply doesn't function correctly. Shots are weak and boring. I like the pop bumper placement and that hole shot. Shooter rod too weak to hit stand ups, ball flys off metal forms, balls get stuck under pop up trolls, ramp is too easy to hit. B-
9 years ago
Love it. Always a crowd favorite. Early Richie flow.
9 years ago
Owned and sold. Either love it or hate it. Pretty clunky, drain monster.
9 years ago
Top 3 game of all time, maybe higher. Game has it all, only grip is the pop up post that ruins orbit shots.
9 years ago
It's number 1 for a reason. One of the best of all time, hands down.
9 years ago
Great pin. Plays smooth, shoots are plenty. Addicting.
10 years ago
Very fast shooting game. The ramp shot is addictive and scores big points. Double jackpots and victory laps all day!
10 years ago
I own this machine, it's pretty fun. Getting the 6 ball multi is a challenge. Try setting the table high in the back and drains city..

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