klyguy533's ratings

Pinsider klyguy533 has rated 25 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms klyguy533's personal top 25.

Rating comments

klyguy533 has written 22 rating comments:

2 years ago
This machine shoots really well. Always feels smooth and shots are natural. The pop up gun fighters are a pretty cool challenge. Placing this machine in the era it was originally built, this was a masterpiece of pinball. It's a shame Williams didn't finish this one and make more, or it would have been a top 10 machine years ago. Chicago Gaming tastefully finished the code and the RGB GI and other upgrades are spot on. The code is deep enough for the era and makes this fun to play for all skill levels without having to survive an epic battle to work through the game. Glad I bought this one. Its certainly a keeper.
3 years ago
Great pin. Plays smoothe. What a light show. Sound is great especially for GnR fans.

Multiballs are heavy. So many balls that it's hard to accomplish the call outs. You just have to jam while your on stage.

Not a fan of the cartoon art anywhere on the machine. Would have loved GnR band pics, albums, posters, etc. Almost bought the LE just for the cabinet art. Still the cartoons are well done, just not my preference.
3 years ago
Really loved this pin. Have the theme music stuck in my head. Lots of great shots. Easily understood. Wish I had one.
3 years ago
Im a Spooky fan and a TNA owner and I thought about buying one on the 1 day they were for sale. Horror films aren't my thing and I had never seen Ultraman before so I passed. I'm glad I passed on this one.

I played this at SFGE. So to be clear, there was a loud convention in the background which made immersion in to the game a little difficult. I hope to play this in a quieter place and re-evaluate my rating at a later date. I think anyone who plays this in an arcade is going to feel the same way. Home collectors may not.

Overall the theme and asthetics were good. Gameplay didn't feel fluid with the multiple scoops/doors along the left of the playfield. Balls from these doors and other places on the playfield pop up in the lower return lanes which are covered by plastics. This means when the ball dissapears under the playfield, you can't look up at the lcd screen or even at the rest of the playfield because the ball is going to appear from under the return lane plastic and drain at an unknown time if your not watching. The majority of shots result in this disappearance to the subway. There is a flash at the lower slingshot, but if your looking up, your likely to miss it. Not sure if this is a horror movie surprise kind of thing, or with less background noise you can hear it coming. I found it ridiculous.and kept me from immersing in the rest of the game.

The second thing that got me was that it felt cheap and flimsy. The shaker integration seemed great (and sometimes extreme) but every time it shook I felt like something was going to fall off. Just kind of ruined the horror theme surprise.

I only caught some animations while standing in line and snippets when I dared to look up.

Not a great pin for me. I played it twice and that was enough in this setting. Hopefully I find it again in a quieter place
3 years ago
Very simple rule set. Music and callous quickly become annoying. It's OK for a few games but not one to keep playing.
3 years ago
I have the Ruby Red Edition. Great theme and gameplay. Led lighting is incredible and years later is still one of the best light shows in pinball. Beautiful game all around and a theme all ages can enjoy. Two upper playfields is pretty unique as well.
3 years ago
Love the widebody. So many shots, so many challenges. Great callous and theming take me right back to the 90s. Great pin.
3 years ago
Theme is Amazing. Big AC/DC fan. Love the Luci Artwork. This one is meant to be loud. Uneven scoring for War Machine compels me to play most of the game there rather than just playing and enjoying all the music. Otherwise this pin was incredibly well done. Wish I could buy one NIB still.
3 years ago
Great pin. Recently played for the first time and loved it. Great theme integration. Great shots and immersive.
3 years ago
Fun pin. Ball lock is a cool feature. Shots were apparent on playfield.
3 years ago
Great machine. Wish I could afford one.
4 years ago
This one is a big letdown. I don't understand why its rated so high. The best part of the game is shooting the death star and maybe the tie fighter. When the game feels like its flowing your just playing catch with yourself through the loops. The side drains are oppressive which really kills the game. Many, many balls l never touched because they side drained (including the ball save) without ever making it to the flipper. Just when the ball gets in play it gets taken away.
4 years ago
The projection screen and the blacklight for the upside down are pretty cool features. Fun game but expect to get boring over time. Not a lot of challenging shots.
4 years ago
Wow. Had to rate it a perfect 10. Can't find a single thing wrong with it. Simply the most immersive pin I have played. Heart pounding action, music and sound draw me right in. Tons of challenging shots and combos. Loved it at play #1 and just keeps getting better. This one deserves a spot at #1.
4 years ago
Played this one a lot as a kid. Its pretty rare in the US so not many people have had a chance to play it.
The six flippers makes the game unique but plays well into the soccer theme. The divided playfield makes the game a challenge to score goals without the defense stopping you. Its important to learn to move the ball between the two sides in order to score.

Speech is good for an early 80s game.

Its a simple rule set by today's standards and still fun to play considering the era. For an early 80s machine it's a pretty involved ruleset and you have to think and pass to score goals.

Each goal adds extra end-of-ball bonus and adds 5 seconds of 'shootout' time after your last ball. So goals is an important part of scoring well.

I played this as a kid so I'm a little biased, but Striker still gets as much play as anything else in my collection.
4 years ago
Love to hear her talk. Fun game. Cool features.
4 years ago
Great remake. Fast and fun. Achievable objectives.
4 years ago
Well deserved rating. The music, theme and gameplay are great.
4 years ago
Probably my favorite pin ever. Sound and lighting are nothing short of incredible. Its fast and fun and immersive.
4 years ago
Love this game. Theme, sounds and gameplay keep me coming back.
4 years ago
Had this game for almost 20 years and still love it.
4 years ago
Great game. Pays tribute to the original with some awesome upgrades.

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