jmountjoy111's ratings

Pinsider jmountjoy111 has rated 84 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms jmountjoy111's personal top 84.

Rating comments

jmountjoy111 has written 7 rating comments:

6 years ago
I unfairly hated this game for the longest time due in part to never playing one that was dialed in just right. After owning the machine close to a year I have to say it is one of my all time favorites. I love the shots. I love the humor. I love the fact that just like whirlwind it kicks my butt, I get mad, and instantly hit the start button again. If nothing else fish tales has taught me to not cast judgement on a game too quickly. This one is a keeper
9 years ago
I kind of began playing expecting it to be bad because of its reputation. I have to disagree with most on this one. This is a super fun game that gets addicting. The sounds and lights grow on you as you play. I am not a fan of clown by any means but when the game calls out "corndogs!" for basically o reason I always crack up. Super fun, family game. Ramps are repetitive sure but, ramps are awesome nonetheless.
9 years ago
This game while great for kids and newer players is loaded with many different modes and mini-games for more experienced players. The overall goal of beating the castles is pretty cool but unlocking hidden shots and loading up on 20 million point bonuses is just as fun. I picked it up for my wife who is a huge Mario fan but I have grown to like it quite a lot. A much underrated pin.

However, I am not a big fan of the video mode on this one.
10 years ago
This game is sooooooooo fast!!! When everything is running properly this is a great game. The layout of the playfield makes for one fast shot after another and hitting the supercharger (especially in multi-ball) is awesome. All around this is a super fun pin.
11 years ago
Galaxy is a pretty fun solid state pin. I agree with a bunch of others that the display should have 7 digits. I have might set to the hardest settings with just 3 balls to make it more challenging. Overall its a pretty solid pin for the price.
11 years ago
I think this game is great. I love the Ripley's theme. The rules are easy to follow and the game plays well. I'd buy it if the price is right of course.
11 years ago
I probably have this game overrated but I think it is an awesome and much overlooked game. The Metropolis theme is great. The rule set is simple and easy to follow. The music sticks in your head (could be good could be bad). Bringing the robot to life will NEVER get old!!!!!

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