Jlb57's ratings

Pinsider Jlb57 has rated 7 machines.

This page shows all all these ratings, and forms Jlb57's personal top 7.

Rating comments

Jlb57 has written 7 rating comments:

2 years ago
I like the white water theme too many games out there with rock band themes, can you really hear them anyway in a noisy arcade? The only bad thing about WW is the 7 plastic ramps, you better get the suicide and lower to upper ramp protectors before the ball destroys them from a direct hit off the flippers. The whirlpool is cool but gets a little annoyingly repetitious.
2 years ago
I bought this game after regularly playing a poorly maintained game at the local arcade, now playing a restored version it’s totally different. Good theme, great call outs and now you can upgrade to Rudy 2.0!
2 years ago
I had this game for a few years and liked it much better than Gorgar or black hole. It has three levels and eight flippers and the artwork and back glass were phenomenal. When I put LEDs on the game it brought out the details and made the game easier to play.
2 years ago
I played this game In rough shape at one of the local pinball museums and liked it so much I bought one and was pleasantly surprised how much better it was playing the game when it was in much better condition. The right hand mountain shot is tough to get the extra ball.
2 years ago
I bought this game as a project and had never played it before, when I finally finished the game I realized how pretty it was and fun to play definitely one of my favorites.
2 years ago
You go to the Drive in with your friends sneaking some of them in, make out with your girlfriend, deal with someone parked in front of you, go to the snack bar, the creature B movie starts and you save the girl. The game tells you what to do shoot the snack bar! Anyone that grew up in that time period understands and if you didn’t it’s still a game that makes sense and has a theme purpose.
2 years ago
I’ve never played a game that shows you so many lights, flashers and music when you have reached a milestone or a win and it goes on for awhile! If your playing this game in a arcade and you win every one around you will know. What’s not to like with two play fields , but be warned it’s tough to maintain because of it.

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