30 day activity pulse

Jlb57's Pinside pulse

What has Jlb57 been up to lately?

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Pinside pulse


22:27:16 Edited a collection item Creature from the Black Lagoon


11:27:57 Edited a collection item Tales of the Arabian Nights


10:35:42 Unlocked Pinside achievement Living Here (Visit Pinside for 30 days in a row)


11:37:58 Unlocked Pinside achievement Regular (Visit Pinside for 14 days in a row)


20:18:44 Unlocked Pinside achievement Ratings Commenter (Write 5 rating comments)

20:18:44 Unlocked Pinside achievement Approved Rater (Become an approved rater)


14:50:02 Unlocked Pinside achievement Initials set (Set your high score initials)

14:48:35 Unlocked Pinside achievement On the Leaderboard (Add a high score)

14:48:35 Added a high score of 4,803,360 for Banzai Run


17:14:28 Became an approved rater Jlb57


21:40:31 Removed a game from their collection Congo

21:34:17 Removed a game from their collection Haunted House

21:21:21 Edited a collection item Banzai Run

21:32:44 Edited a collection item White Water

21:31:55 Edited a collection item FunHouse

21:20:16 Edited a collection item Diner

20:56:33 Updated game rating White Water to a 7.85

20:51:40 Rated game White Water with a 7.85

20:39:14 Rated game FunHouse with a 8.18

20:29:41 Updated game rating Haunted House to a 7.04

20:27:11 Rated game Haunted House with a 7.04

20:18:58 Updated game rating Congo to a 7.63

20:16:24 Rated game Congo with a 7.63

19:57:15 Updated game rating Diner to a 7.61

19:55:35 Rated game Diner with a 7.61

19:49:26 Updated game rating Banzai Run to a 8.20

19:45:48 Updated game rating Creature from the Black Lagoon to a 8.39

19:38:16 Rated game Creature from the Black Lagoon with a 8.39


22:18:01 Updated game rating Banzai Run to a 8.20

22:16:01 Rated game Banzai Run with a 8.20


12:28:47 Added a game to the collection Spider-Man, The Amazing

12:25:49 Removed a game from their collection Congo

12:25:32 Edited a collection item White Water


14:48:22 Unlocked Pinside achievement Old Timer 2 (Be active on Pinside for over 5 years)


23:58:27 Added a game to the wishlist Whirlwind

23:56:33 Added a game to the wishlist Cirqus Voltaire

23:55:38 Added a game to the wishlist Theatre of Magic


00:04:54 Edited a collection item FunHouse


01:49:03 Added a game to the wishlist Attack from Mars

01:32:21 Removed a game from their collection Haunted House


01:36:36 Unlocked Pinside achievement Sale Pending (Mark an ad as 'sale pending')

01:36:36 Unlocked Pinside achievement Sale Completed (Successfully sell a game on the Pinside Marketplace)


01:23:00 Unlocked Pinside achievement Good Pinsider 1 (Don't get moderated for 1 month while being active)

01:22:27 Unlocked Pinside achievement On the Market (List a game on the Marketplace)

01:22:27 Unlocked Pinside achievement First Topic (Create your first forum topic)

01:22:27 Unlocked Pinside achievement First Post (Create your first forum post)

01:22:27 Started a forum topic For sale: Haunted House


22:55:56 Unlocked Pinside achievement Respectable Lineup (Own 5+ games at a time)

22:55:56 Removed a game from their collection Congo


00:47:53 Unlocked Pinside achievement Ordered (Place an order at a Pinside shop)


03:48:44 Edited a collection item Diner

03:46:11 Added a game to the collection Diner


01:07:14 Unlocked Pinside achievement Old Timer 1 (Be active on Pinside for over 3 years)


03:12:05 Added a game to the wishlist Earthshaker


03:12:59 Added a game to the wishlist Junk Yard

03:10:35 Added a game to the wishlist Twilight Zone


03:37:35 Added a game to the collection Congo

03:31:59 Added a game to the collection FunHouse

03:30:47 Added a game to the wishlist Machine: Bride of Pinbot, The

03:30:02 Added a game to the collection Tales of the Arabian Nights

03:28:52 Added a game to the collection White Water


01:07:51 Unlocked Pinside achievement Getting Somewhere (Own 3+ games at a time)

01:10:54 Edited a collection item Banzai Run

01:15:00 Edited a collection item Creature from the Black Lagoon


23:41:33 Added a game to the collection Banzai Run

23:32:29 Added a game to the collection Creature from the Black Lagoon


18:06:48 Unlocked Pinside achievement Pinside Birthday (Be active on Pinside for 1 year)


11:58:23 Unlocked Pinside achievement Missing out (Having multiple breaks from Pinside)


21:19:14 Removed a game from their collection Haunted House

21:16:56 Unlocked Pinside achievement Starting a Collection (Own a pinball machine)

21:16:56 Added a game to the collection Haunted House


13:53:04 Unlocked Pinside achievement On a break (Don't visit Pinside for at least a day)


23:32:10 Unlocked Pinside achievement Located on Map (Set your home location)

23:31:07 Unlocked Pinside achievement Verified (Become a verified user)

22:50:43 Unlocked Pinside achievement Pinside Member (Sign up for a Pinside account)

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